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Created August 14, 2017 19:26
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import Data.Function.Memoize (memoize)
import Data.List (maximumBy, group)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map.Lazy (empty, insertWith, size, Map)
import Data.Ord (comparing, compare, Down)
import Data.Monoid
import System.Environment (getArgs)
type Solution = (Map Integer Integer, Integer)
compareSol (r1, w1) (r2, w2) = compare w1 w2 `mappend` comparing (Map.foldl' (+) 0) r2 r1
bestUnbounded :: [Integer] -> Integer -> Integer -> [Solution]
bestUnbounded items from till = [msolve x | x <- [from, from - 1..till]] where
msolve = memoize solve where
solve capacity
| capacity == 0 = (empty, 0)
| all (> capacity) items = (empty, 0)
| otherwise = solve' capacity
where solve' capacity = maximumBy compareSol $ solutions
solutions = filter (\ s -> snd s <= capacity) $ map solution items
solution i = let (solution', weight) = msolve $ capacity - i
in (insertWith (+) i 1 solution', weight + i)
main = do
args <- getArgs
let (till:from:items) = map read args
mapM print $ bestUnbounded items from till
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