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Created November 9, 2021 13:33
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Fixing data denormalization with differential events
// Sketch in response to
// Schema
struct room {
name: String,
struct msg {
room: room::Id,
user: user::Id,
body: String,
when: Instant,
struct member {
user: user::Id,
room: room::Id,
last: Instant,
unread: usize,
struct user {
name: String,
// Materialize
fn materialize_member_unread<
D: Differentiable,
// This requires generic associated types. It may be possible to do without,
// particularly if this function gets wrapped in a de-sugaring macro.
d: D,
user: D::At<user::Id>,
user2member: D::Input<IndexOf<member::own::user>>,
member_last: D::Input<member::own::last>,
msg_ids: D::Input<msg::Ids>,
msg_when: D::Input<msg::own::when>,
) -> impl D::Output<user::read::notifications>
// We might write normal-looking rust code and use a #[macro] to transform it to the below.
let mut notifications = 0;
let membership = user2member.get(user);
// fn user2map::get(user::Id) -> &[room::Id]
for member in membership {
for msg in msg_ids.iter().rev() {
if msg_when[msg] < member_last[member] {
// btw, this is an optimization that assumes msg_when is always increasing.
} else {
notifications += 1;
return notifications;
// Here's what it really looks like.
// We use << like a Haskell monad, or a C++ output stream,
// to apply modifications made to the output variable.
// All flow control must pass through `d`.
// I don't know how you'd soundly do that with a simple macro, so right now I prefer this more
// explicit version:
let membership = user2member.get(user);
d.output(0) << d._for(membership, |d, member| {
// `prior` reaches back to the tail of the monoid.
d.prior() << d._for(msg_ids.iter().rev(), |d, msg| {
d.prior() << d._if(msg_when[msg] < member_last[member], |d| {
}, |d| {
d.prior() + d.output(1)
fn init(sys: &mut v9::Universe) {
// So we construct a derivative "With Respect To" each table that can change...
// ... and also WRT each primal v9 event:
// - push row
// - remove row
// - edit elements
// Each event consists of a list of row IDs. (And edit events include the prior value.)
// Eg in a single gametick, there would be one event removing enemies with < 0 health,
// and another event that regens all enemies in a healing zone.
// Let's look at a few instatiations of these.
fn materialize_member_unread__push_user(
d: delta::DeltaPush<user::Marker>,
// All arguments become constant...
user: user::Id,
user2member: delta::Pushed<IndexOf<member::own::user>>,
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ... except for this one.
member_last: member::own::last,
msg_ids: msg::Ids,
msg_when: msg::own::when,
) -> impl delta::Output<user::read::notifications>
// Copying down the same code:
let membership = user2member.get(user);
// What happens ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ here?
d.output(0) << d._for(membership, |d, member| {
d.prior() << d._for(msg_ids.iter().rev(), |d, msg| {
d.prior() << d._if(msg_when[msg] < member_last[member], |d| {
}, |d| {
d.prior() + d.output(1)
// IndexOf works like HashMap<UserId, &[RoomId]>.
// However, delta::Pushed<_> is measuring a CHANGE in this HashMap;
// in fact just the insertions.
// So unless our user is has just been inserted, the HashMap isn't going to return anything?
// Not quite. In the undifferentiated case, it returns whatever was in the HashMap (it's
// guaranteed to be non-panicking by v9's events ensuring consistency.)
// So what it returns in that case is `NoChange`.
// (This suggests that materialize_member_unread__push_user is called for all users when
// something is pushed? So some smarts are needed around that.)
// Since we're measuring changes, AND there is no further reference to user2member [uh oh, how
// can we know this?], we don't need to check the body of the for loop.
// But if there IS an entry, we were just pushed. This means we must be a new user who has
// never been in a chat, but if we are somehow, our notifications get counted.
fn materialize_member_unread__remove_msg(
d: delta::DeltaRemove<msg::Marker>,
user: user::Id,
user2member: IndexOf<member::own::user>,
member_last: member::own::last,
msg_ids: delta::Removed<msg::Ids>,
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
msg_when: msg::own::when,
// Note: msg_when[removed_id] is valid because the ID is still live, like in Drop.
) -> impl delta::Output<user::read::notifications>
let membership = user2member.get(user);
d.output(0) << d._for(membership, |d, member| {
d.prior() << d._for(msg_ids.iter().rev(), |d, msg| {
// ^^^^^^^ We iterate over all removed IDs, and reverse their effects.
d.prior() << d._if(msg_when[msg] < member_last[member], |d| {
// FIXME: uh
}, |d| {
// FIXME: uh
d.prior() + d.output(1)
// Maybe the constant & differential for get executed in parallel?
// But that's against the benefit of not needing to recalc...
fn materialize_member_unread__edit_msg_when(
d: delta::DeltaEdit<msg::own::when>,
user: user::Id,
user2member: IndexOf<member::own::user>,
member_last: member::own::last,
msg_ids: msg::Ids,
msg_when: delta::Edited<msg::own::when>,
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
) -> impl delta::Output<user::read::notifications>
let membership = user2member.get(user);
d.output(0) << d._for(membership, |d, member| {
d.prior() << d._for(msg_ids.iter().rev(), |d, msg| {
d.prior() << d._if(msg_when[msg] < member_last[member], |d| {
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// Returns the pair (old, new).
// (FIXME: Rust *STILL* doesn't have IndexGet)
// FIXME: Editing the timestamp breaks this optimization. To ignore this, let's say
// you can only edit the last sent message.
}, |d| {
d.prior() + d.output(1)
// The chain rule:
// d/dx (f(g(x)) = f'(g(x)) g'(x)
// I'm not sure it applies to any of this because g' is always 1, in some sense?
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