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Created August 23, 2024 20:09
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Catalyst Blog Fetching functions
export async function fetchPayloadData({ endpoint }: { endpoint: string }) {
const baseUrl = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_PAYLOAD_URL || '';
try {
const response = await fetch(baseUrl + endpoint);
const data = await response.json();
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`API fetch error: ${response.status}`);
return data;
} catch (error) {
export async function getBlogPosts(searchParams: {
tagId?: string;
limit?: string;
page?: string;
locale?: string;
}) {
const { limit = 9, locale = 'en', page = 1, tagId } = searchParams;
const apiResponse = await fetchPayloadData({
endpoint: `/api/blog-posts?depth=1&limit=${limit}&page=${page}&sort=-publishedAt&locale=${locale}`,
if (!apiResponse) {
return null;
return transformDataToBlogPosts(apiResponse, tagId);
export async function getBlogPost(searchParams: {
blogId: string;
locale?: string;
}) {
const { blogId, locale = 'en' } = searchParams;
const apiResponse = await fetchPayloadData({
endpoint: `/api/blog-posts/${blogId}?depth=1&locale=${locale}`,
if (!apiResponse) {
return null;
return transformDataToBlogPost(apiResponse);
// These functions are here primarily here to emulate the BigCommerce responses powering the BlogPost pages by default,
// so this can drop directly into an existing Catalyst page.
// e.g. isVisibleInNavigation value is used in those pages and will render a 404 if it's set to false.
// That said, the functions do simplify the response used within the page and provide a central place to alter logic.
function transformDataToBlogPosts(apiResponse, tagId: string | undefined) {
return {
name: 'Blog',
description: '',
posts: {
pageInfo: {
hasNextPage: apiResponse.hasNextPage,
hasPreviousPage: apiResponse.hasPrevPage,
items: => {
return {
author: 'Test Author',
name: post.title,
plainTextSummary: post.shortDescription,
publishedDate: { utc: post.createdAt },
thumbnailImage: {
url: post.thumbnailImage.url || '',
altText: post.thumbnailImage.alt || '',
isVisibleInNavigation: true,
function transformDataToBlogPost(apiResponse) {
return {
author: 'Test Author',
htmlBody: apiResponse.content,
content: apiResponse.content,
name: apiResponse.title,
publishedDate: { utc: apiResponse.createdAt },
tags: [],
thumbnailImage: apiResponse.thumbnailImage.url
? {
altText: apiResponse.thumbnailImage.alt || '',
url: apiResponse.thumbnailImage.url,
: null,
seo: {
metaKeywords: apiResponse.shortDescription,
metaDescription: apiResponse.shortDescription,
pageTitle: apiResponse.title,
isVisibleInNavigation: true,
vanityUrl: undefined,
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