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Last active August 24, 2024 21:34
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Payload CMS revalidatePost
// src/payload/utilities/revalidate.ts
import type { Payload } from 'payload';
export const revalidate = async (args: {
slug: string;
payload: Payload;
}): Promise<void> => {
const { payload, slug } = args;
try {
const res = await fetch(
{ cache: 'no-cache' },
if (res.ok) {`Revalidated page '${slug}'`);
} else {
`Error revalidating page '${slug}': ${JSON.stringify(
} catch (err: unknown) {
`Error hitting revalidate route for page '${slug}': ${err}`,
// src/payload/collections/BlogPosts/hooks/revalidatePost.ts
import type { AfterChangeHook } from 'payload/dist/collections/config/types';
import { revalidate } from '@/payload/utilities/revalidate';
// Revalidate the post in the background, so the user doesn't have to wait
// Notice that the hook itself is not async and we are not awaiting `revalidate`
export const revalidatePost: AfterChangeHook = ({ doc, req: { payload } }) => {
revalidate({ payload, slug: `blog/${}` });
// Revalidate the blog overview page
revalidate({ payload, slug: '[locale]/(default)/blog' });
return doc;
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