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Last active September 1, 2020 13:50
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Example of unit testing Fusion-C's printf() with OpenMSX
rem put this file in dsk directory along with
#!/bin/env python3
OPENMSX_PATH = "/usr/bin/openmsx"
#!/bin/env python3
import io
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import select
from subprocess import PIPE, TimeoutExpired
from env import OPENMSX_PATH
class OutputError(IOError): pass
def has_data(stream, timeout=0.1):
'Check if there are data available.'
result =[stream], [], [], timeout)[0]
return bool(result)
def expect(expected_data, from_=sys.stdin, timeout=0.1, debug=False):
'Expect message from OpenMSX.'
s = io.StringIO()
if debug:
print('* expecting "%s"...' % expected_data.rstrip(), end='')
while has_data(from_, timeout=timeout):
tmp = from_.readline()
print(tmp, file=s, end='')
if s.tell() >= len(expected_data):
if s.getvalue().startswith(expected_data):
if debug: print(' success!')
if debug: print(' fail!')
raise OutputError()
def comm(ostream, istream, *args, debug=False):
'Send message to openmsx and return answer.'
s = io.StringIO()
print(*args, file=s, end='')
# OpenMSX XML parser doesn't need closing tags for openmsx-control.
input = '<openmsx-control><command>%s</command>\n' % s.getvalue()
if debug: print('* writing:', input.replace('\n', ';'))
size = ostream.write(input)
if size > 0:
while has_data(istream):
#tmp =
tmp = istream.readline()
if not len(tmp): break
print(tmp, file=s, end='')
if debug: print('* reading:', s.getvalue())
return s.getvalue()
raise OutputError()
def show(proc, renderer='sdl', debug=False):
data = comm(proc.stdin, proc.stdout, 'set renderer %s' % renderer, debug=debug)
/* Test if Fusion-C print is working. */
#include <stdio.h>
/* send byte to debug device, single byte, decimal mode. */
#define HASH #
#define h(x) HASH x
#define sendb(x) __asm \
push af; \
ld a, h(0x12); \
out (h(0x2e)), a; \
ld a, h(x); \
out (h(0x2f)), a; \
pop af; \
int main() {
printf("Hello world!\r\n");
sendb(0); /* trigger OpenMSX watchpoint */
return 0;
#!/bin/env python3
import sys
from lib import *
debug = False
with subprocess.Popen([OPENMSX_PATH, '-machine', 'msx2', '-ext', 'msxdos2', '-ext', 'debugdevice', '-control', 'stdio'], text=True, bufsize=1, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) as proc:
expect('<openmsx-output>', from_=proc.stdout, timeout=10, debug=debug)
#show(proc, debug=False)
data = comm(proc.stdin, proc.stdout, 'diska dsk', debug=debug)
data = comm(proc.stdin, proc.stdout, 'set speed 1000', debug=debug) # 10 times faster
# Set breakpoint when program runs
data = comm(proc.stdin, proc.stdout, 'debug set_watchpoint write_io 0x2f [expr true] {puts stderr [get_screen]}', debug=debug)
data = comm(proc.stdin, proc.stdout, 'set power on', debug=debug)
# Compare program output with expected result.
expect('Hello world!', from_=proc.stderr, timeout=10, debug=debug)
data = comm(proc.stdin, proc.stdout, 'quit', debug=debug)
except OutputError:
data = comm(proc.stdin, proc.stdout, 'quit', debug=debug)
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