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Last active December 30, 2023 21:32
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local config_path = vim.fn.stdpath('config')
local status_ok, alpha = pcall(require, 'alpha')
if not status_ok then return end
local path_ok, path = pcall(require, 'plenary.path')
if not path_ok then return end
local nwd = require('nvim-web-devicons')
local dashboard = require('alpha.themes.dashboard')
local cdir = vim.fn.getcwd()
local function get_extension(fn)
local match = fn:match('^.+(%..+)$')
local ext = ''
if match ~= nil then ext = match:sub(2) end
return ext
local function icon(fn)
local ext = get_extension(fn)
return nwd.get_icon_color(fn, ext, { default = true })
local function file_button(fn, sc, short_fn)
short_fn = short_fn or fn
local ico_txt
local fb_hl = {}
local ico, hl = icon(fn)
local hl_option_type = type(nwd.highlight)
if hl_option_type == 'boolean' then
if hl and nwd.highlight then table.insert(fb_hl, { hl, 0, 1 }) end
if hl_option_type == 'string' then
table.insert(fb_hl, { nwd.highlight, 0, 1 })
ico_txt = ico .. ' '
local file_button_el = dashboard.button(sc, ico_txt .. short_fn, '<cmd>e ' .. fn .. ' <CR>', {})
local fn_start = short_fn:match('.*/')
if fn_start ~= nil then
table.insert(fb_hl, { 'Comment', #ico_txt - 2, #fn_start + #ico_txt - 2 })
file_button_el.opts.hl = fb_hl
return file_button_el
local default_mru_ignore = { 'gitcommit' }
local mru_opts = {
ignore = function(_path, ext)
return (string.find(_path, 'COMMIT_EDITMSG')) or
(vim.tbl_contains(default_mru_ignore, ext))
--- @param start number
--- @param cwd string optional
--- @param items_number number optional number of items to generate, default = 10
local function mru(start, cwd, items_number, opts)
opts = opts or mru_opts
items_number = items_number or 9
local oldfiles = {}
for _, v in pairs(vim.v.oldfiles) do
if #oldfiles == items_number then break end
local cwd_cond
if not cwd then
cwd_cond = true
cwd_cond = vim.startswith(v, cwd)
local ignore = (opts.ignore and opts.ignore(v, get_extension(v))) or false
if (vim.fn.filereadable(v) == 1) and cwd_cond and not ignore then
oldfiles[#oldfiles + 1] = v
local special_shortcuts = { 'a', 's', 'd' }
local target_width = 42
local tbl = {}
for i, fn in ipairs(oldfiles) do
local short_fn
if cwd then
short_fn = vim.fn.fnamemodify(fn, ':.')
short_fn = vim.fn.fnamemodify(fn, ':~')
if (#short_fn > target_width) then
short_fn =, { -2, -1 })
if (#short_fn > target_width) then
short_fn =, { -1 })
local shortcut = ''
if i <= #special_shortcuts then
shortcut = special_shortcuts[i]
shortcut = tostring(i + start - 1 - #special_shortcuts)
local file_button_el = file_button(fn, ' ' .. shortcut, short_fn)
tbl[i * 2] = { type = 'padding', val = 1 }
tbl[i * 2 + 1] = file_button_el
return { type = 'group', val = tbl, opts = {} }
local cool = {
[[ / \ ]],
[[ \ \ ,, / / ]],
[[ '-.`\()/`.-' ]],
[[ .--_'( )'_--. ]],
[[ / /` /`""`\ `\ \ ]],
[[ | | 王 | | ]],
[[ \ \ / / ]],
[[ '.__.' ]],
local headers = { cool }
local function header_chars() return headers[math.random(#headers)] end
local function header_color()
local lines = {}
for i, line_chars in pairs(header_chars()) do
local hi = 'StartLogo' .. i
local line = {
type = 'text',
val = line_chars,
opts = { hl = hi, shrink_margin = false, position = 'center' },
table.insert(lines, line)
local output = { type = 'group', val = lines, opts = { position = 'center' } }
return output
local section_mru = {
type = 'group',
val = {
type = 'text',
val = 'Recent files',
opts = { hl = 'SpecialComment', shrink_margin = false,
position = 'center' },
}, { type = 'padding', val = 1 }, {
type = 'group',
val = function() return { mru(1, cdir, 9) } end,
opts = { shrink_margin = false },
local buttons = {
type = 'group',
val = {
type = 'text',
val = 'Quick links',
opts = { hl = 'SpecialComment', position = 'center' },
{ type = 'padding', val = 1 }, dashboard.button('f', '󰀶 Find file', ':Telescope find_files <CR>', {}),
{ type = 'padding', val = 1 }, dashboard.button('F', '󰊄 Find text', ':Telescope live_grep <CR>', {}),
{ type = 'padding', val = 1 }, dashboard.button('n', ' New file', ':ene <BAR> startinsert <CR>', {}),
{ type = 'padding', val = 1 }, dashboard.button('c', ' Config', ':args '.. config_path .. '/{init.lua,init-prev.vim,lua/*}<CR>', {}),
{ type = 'padding', val = 1 }, dashboard.button('u', ' Update', ':PlugUpdate<CR>', {}),
{ type = 'padding', val = 1 }, dashboard.button('h', ' Check Health', ':checkhealth<CR>', {}),
{ type = 'padding', val = 1 }, dashboard.button('q', ' Quit', ':qa<CR>', {}),
position = 'center',
local opts = {
layout = {
{ type = 'padding', val = 2 }, header_color(),
{ type = 'padding', val = 2 }, section_mru, { type = 'padding', val = 2 },
opts = { margin = 5 },
--GistID: 5660dd151ecc9ae091e418d1e4239e2b
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