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Last active October 4, 2024 18:15
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  • Save pyricau/ecd450b73bfffe80a7e7b0f005351dfa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pyricau/ecd450b73bfffe80a7e7b0f005351dfa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Kotlin script that will explore & render the view hierarchy of any activity in the heap
#!/usr/bin/env kotlin -language-version 1.9
// Make sure you run "brew install kotlin graphviz" first.
import shark.ActualMatchingReferenceReaderFactory
import shark.HeapObject
import shark.HeapObject.HeapInstance
import shark.HeapObject.HeapObjectArray
import shark.HprofHeapGraph.Companion.openHeapGraph
val heapDumpFile = File("" + TODO("Replace with path to hprof file"))
heapDumpFile.openHeapGraph().use { graph ->
val referenceReader = ActualMatchingReferenceReaderFactory(emptyList()).createFor(graph)
val visitedReferences = mutableListOf<ObjectReference>()
val traversalRoots = graph.findClassByName("")?.instances ?: emptySequence()
val visitedObjectIds = traverseReferenceGraph(traversalRoots) { sourceObject -> { reference ->
val targetObject = graph.findObjectById(reference.valueObjectId)
val isView = targetObject is HeapInstance &&
targetObject instanceOf "android.view.View"
val isViewArray = targetObject is HeapObjectArray &&
targetObject.arrayClassName == "android.view.View[]"
if (isView || isViewArray) {
visitedReferences += ObjectReference(
sourceObjectId = sourceObject.objectId,
targetObjectId = reference.valueObjectId,
referenceName = reference.lazyDetailsResolver.resolve().name
} else {
val objectNamesByObjectId =
visitedObjectIds.associateWith { graph.findObjectById(it).toString() }
val dotFile = File(heapDumpFile.parent, "${heapDumpFile.nameWithoutExtension}")
dotFile.createGraphVizDotFile(objectNamesByObjectId, visitedReferences)
val generatedFile = File(dotFile.parent, "${dotFile.nameWithoutExtension}.png")
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("dot -Tpng ${dotFile.absolutePath} -o ${generatedFile.absolutePath}")
println("Image generated at ${generatedFile.absolutePath}")
data class ObjectReference(
val sourceObjectId: Long,
val targetObjectId: Long,
val referenceName: String
fun File.createGraphVizDotFile(
objectNamesByObjectId: Map<Long, String>,
visitedReferences: MutableList<ObjectReference>
) {
printWriter().use { writer ->
with(writer) {
println("digraph Heap {")
objectNamesByObjectId.forEach { (objectId, objectName) ->
println(" object${objectId} [label=\"${objectName}\"]")
visitedReferences.forEach { (sourceObjectId, targetObjectId, referenceName) ->
println(" object$sourceObjectId -> object$targetObjectId [label=\"${referenceName}\"]")
fun traverseReferenceGraph(
roots: Sequence<HeapObject>,
readObjectReferences: (HeapObject) -> Sequence<HeapObject>
): Set<Long> {
val visitedObjectIds = mutableSetOf<Long>()
val queue = ArrayDeque<HeapObject>()
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val dequeuedObject = queue.removeFirst()
if (dequeuedObject.objectId !in visitedObjectIds) {
visitedObjectIds += dequeuedObject.objectId
return visitedObjectIds
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