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Last active September 24, 2024 22:12
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  • Save pyricau/ffeebb7ee32aa8d3bdbe67a156f0bdd7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pyricau/ffeebb7ee32aa8d3bdbe67a156f0bdd7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Kotlin script that generates the dominator tree of the view hierarchy of any activity in the heap, as a CSV file for importing into Google Spreadsheets
#!/usr/bin/env kotlin -language-version 1.9
// Make sure you run "brew install kotlin graphviz" first.
import androidx.collection.IntList
import androidx.collection.MutableIntList
import shark.ActualMatchingReferenceReaderFactory
import shark.AndroidObjectSizeCalculator
import shark.HeapObject.HeapInstance
import shark.HeapObject.HeapObjectArray
import shark.HprofHeapGraph.Companion.openHeapGraph
import java.util.Stack
val heapDumpFile = File("" + TODO("Replace with path to hprof file"))
heapDumpFile.openHeapGraph().use { graph ->
val referenceReader = ActualMatchingReferenceReaderFactory(emptyList()).createFor(graph)
val activities = graph.findClassByName("")?.instances ?: emptySequence()
val traversalRoots = { HeapNode(it.objectId) }.toSet()
val (sortedHeapNodes, immediateDominators) = with(LinkEvalDominators()) {
computeDominators(traversalRoots) { (sourceObjectId) ->
val sourceObject = graph.findObjectById(sourceObjectId) { reference ->
val targetObject = graph.findObjectById(reference.valueObjectId)
val isView = targetObject is HeapInstance &&
targetObject instanceOf "android.view.View"
val isViewArray = targetObject is HeapObjectArray &&
targetObject.arrayClassName == "android.view.View[]"
if (isView || isViewArray) {
} else {
val objectIdsInTopologicalOrder = { it?.objectId }
val objectSizeCalculator = AndroidObjectSizeCalculator(graph)
val dominatorsByObjectId = objectIdsInTopologicalOrder.mapNotNull { objectIdOrNull ->
objectIdOrNull?.let { objectId ->
val name = graph.findObjectById(objectId).toString()
val shallowSize = objectSizeCalculator.computeSize(objectId)
objectId to DominatorObject(name, shallowSize = shallowSize)
for (dominatedObjectIndex in objectIdsInTopologicalOrder.indices.reversed()) {
immediateDominators[dominatedObjectIndex]?.let { (dominatorObjectId) ->
val dominatedObjectId = objectIdsInTopologicalOrder[dominatedObjectIndex]!!
val dominator = dominatorsByObjectId.getValue(dominatorObjectId)
val dominated = dominatorsByObjectId.getValue(dominatedObjectId)
dominator.retainedSize += dominated.retainedSize
dominator.dominatedNodes += dominated
dominated.parent = dominator
val rootDominators = dominatorsByObjectId.values.filter { it.parent == null }
val csv = File(heapDumpFile.parent, "${heapDumpFile.nameWithoutExtension}.csv")
csv.printWriter().use { writer ->
with(writer) {
rootDominators.forEach { rootDominator ->
println("Done generating ${csv.absolutePath}")
data class HeapNode(val objectId: Long)
class DominatorObject(
val name: String,
val shallowSize: Int
) {
var parent: DominatorObject? = null
val dominatedNodes = mutableListOf<DominatorObject>()
var retainedSize = shallowSize
fun PrintWriter.printDominatorCsvRow(
node: DominatorObject,
) {
val parent = node.parent
if (parent == null) {
} else {
for (child in node.dominatedNodes) {
* Based on;l=36;drc=499fa43009666c0f0a686d8e21722dbea8b2ecf0
* Computes dominators based on the union-find data structure with path compression and linking by
* size. Using description found in: which is based
* on a copy of the paper available at:
class LinkEvalDominators {
* @return 2 parallel lists of each node and its immediate dominator,
* with `null` being the auxiliary root.
fun <T> computeDominators(
roots: Set<T>,
next: (T) -> Sequence<T>
): Result<T> {
// Step 1 of paper.
// Number the instances by their DFS-traversal order and record each one's parent in the DFS
// tree.
// Also gather predecessors and initialize semi-dominators in the same pass.
val (instances, parents, preds) = computeIndicesAndParents(roots, next)
val semis = IntArray(instances.size) { it }
// For each node, list of the nodes it semi-dominates.
val buckets = Array(instances.size) {
// This was using Trove4j's default capacity, 10 entries.
val doms = IntArray(instances.size)
val ancestors = IntArray(instances.size) { INVALID_ANCESTOR }
val labels = IntArray(instances.size) { it }
val immDom = MutableList<T?>(instances.size) { null }
for (currentNode in instances.size - 1 downTo 1) {
// Step 2 of paper.
// Compute each instance's semi-dominator
preds[currentNode]?.forEach { predecessor ->
val evaledPredecessor = eval(ancestors, labels, semis, predecessor)
if (semis[evaledPredecessor] < semis[currentNode]) {
semis[currentNode] = semis[evaledPredecessor]
ancestors[currentNode] = parents[currentNode]
// Step 3 of paper.
// Implicitly define each node's immediate dominator by Corollary 1
for (i in 0 until buckets[parents[currentNode]].size) {
val node = buckets[parents[currentNode]][i]
val nodeEvaled = eval(ancestors, labels, semis, node)
doms[node] =
if (semis[nodeEvaled] < semis[node]) nodeEvaled else parents[currentNode]
immDom[node] = instances[doms[node]]
buckets[parents[currentNode]].clear() // Bulk remove (slightly different from paper).
// Step 4 of paper.
// Explicitly define each node's immediate dominator
for (currentNode in 1 until instances.size) {
if (doms[currentNode] != semis[currentNode]) {
doms[currentNode] = doms[doms[currentNode]]
immDom[currentNode] = instances[doms[currentNode]]
return Result(instances, immDom)
/** Traverse the instances depth-first, marking their order and parents in the DFS-tree */
private fun <T> computeIndicesAndParents(
roots: Set<T>,
next: (T) -> Sequence<T>
): DFSResult<T> {
val instances = ArrayList<Node<T>?>()
val nodeStack = Stack<Node<T>>()
instances.add(null) // auxiliary root at 0
val newNode = Node.newFactory(next)
roots.forEach {
val root = newNode(it).apply { parent = 0; predecessors.add(0) }
while (!nodeStack.empty()) {
val node = nodeStack.pop()
if (node.topoOrder < 0) {
node.topoOrder = instances.size
for (succ in node.successors) {
if (succ.topoOrder < 0) {
succ.parent = node.topoOrder
val parentIndices = IntArray(instances.size)
// Note: this was changed from an array of int arrays which would use only the exactly memory
// needed but would have required array copies.
val predIndices = arrayOfNulls<IntList?>(instances.size)
for (i in 1 until instances.size) { // omit auxiliary root at [0]
val instance = instances[i]!!
parentIndices[i] = instance.parent
predIndices[i] = instance.predecessors
return DFSResult( { it?.content }, parentIndices, predIndices)
data class Result<T>(
val topoOrder: List<T?>,
val immediateDominator: List<T?>
private data class DFSResult<T>(
val instances: List<T?>,
val parents: IntArray, // Predecessors not involved in DFS, but lumped in here for 1 pass. Paper did same.
val predecessors: Array<IntList?>
private fun eval(
ancestors: IntArray,
labels: IntArray,
semis: IntArray,
node: Int
) =
when (ancestors[node]) {
else -> compress(ancestors, labels, semis, node)
* @return a node's evaluation after compression
private fun compress(
ancestors: IntArray,
labels: IntArray,
semis: IntArray,
node: Int
): Int {
// This was using Trove4j's default capacity, 10 entries.
val compressArray = MutableIntList(10)
assert(ancestors[node] != INVALID_ANCESTOR)
var n = node
while (ancestors[ancestors[n]] != INVALID_ANCESTOR) {
n = ancestors[n]
for (i in compressArray.size - 1 downTo 0) {
val toCompress = compressArray[i]
val ancestor = ancestors[toCompress]
assert(ancestor != INVALID_ANCESTOR)
if (semis[labels[ancestor]] < semis[labels[toCompress]]) {
labels[toCompress] = labels[ancestor]
ancestors[toCompress] = ancestors[ancestor]
return labels[node]
// 0 would coincide with valid parent. Paper uses 0 because they count from 1.
private val INVALID_ANCESTOR = -1
// Augment the original graph with additional information (e.g. topological order, predecessors'
// orders, etc.)
private class Node<T> private constructor(
val content: T,
next: (T) -> Sequence<T>,
wrap: (T) -> Node<T>
) {
val successors: List<Node<T>> by lazy { next(content).map(wrap).toList() }
var topoOrder = -1 // topological order from our particular traversal, also used as id
var parent = -1
// This was using Trove4j's default capacity, 10 entries.
var predecessors = MutableIntList(10)
companion object {
fun <T> newFactory(next: (T) -> Sequence<T>): (T) -> Node<T> =
HashMap<T, Node<T>>().let { cache ->
fun wrap(content: T): Node<T> =
cache.getOrPut(content) { Node(content, next, ::wrap) }
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