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Last active August 25, 2016 04:17
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boostrap for installing other modules, etc
param ($path = ".", [switch][bool]$importonly)
function get-envinfo($checkcommands) {
$result = @{}
write-verbose "Powershell version:"
$result.PSVersion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion
$result.PSVersion | format-table | out-string | write-verbose
write-verbose "Available commands:"
if ($checkcommands -eq $null) {
$commands = "Install-Module"
} else {
$commands = $checkcommands
$result.Commands = @{}
$commands | % {
$c = $_
$cmd = $null
try {
$cmd = get-command $c -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($cmd -ne $null) {
$result.Commands[$_] = $cmd
} catch {
write-error $_
$cmd = $null
if ($cmd -eq $null) {
write-warning "$($c):`t MISSING COMMAND"
else {
write-verbose "$($c):`t $(($cmd | format-table -HideTableHeaders | out-string) -replace ""`r`n"",'')"
return $result
function download-oneget() {
$url = ""
$tmpdir = "temp"
if (!(test-path $tmpdir)) {
$null = new-item -type Directory $tmpdir
$dest = "$tmpdir\PackageManagement_x64.msi"
$log = "$tmpdir\log.txt"
if (!(test-path $dest)) {
write-host "downloading $dest"
wget -Uri $url -OutFile $dest
write-host "installing $dest"
$out = & cmd /c start /wait msiexec /i $dest /qn /passive /log "$log"
write-host "install done"
write-host "## log: ##"
Get-Content $log | write-host
write-host "## log end ##"
function fix-oneget {
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 5 -or $force) {
$psgetmodules = @(get-module powershellget -ListAvailable)
write-host "psget modules:"
$psgetmodules | out-string | write-host
$modulesrc = $psgetmodules[0].path
$moduleDir = (split-path -parent $modulesrc)
$target = join-path (split-path -parent $modulesrc) "PSGet.psm1"
$src = ""
#$src = ""
if (!(test-path "variable:tmpdir")) { $tmpdir = $env:TEMP }
$tmp = "$tmpdir\PSGet.psm1"
write-host "downloading patched Psget.psm1 from $src to $tmp"
wget $src -OutFile $tmp -UseBasicParsing
write-host "overwriting $target with $tmp"
Copy-Item $tmp $target -Force -Verbose
$target = join-path (split-path -parent $modulesrc) "PowerShellGet.psd1"
$src = ""
$tmp = "$tmpdir\PowerShellGet.psd1"
write-host "downloading patched Psget.psd1 from $src to $tmp"
wget $src -OutFile $tmp -UseBasicParsing
write-host "overwriting $target with $tmp"
Copy-Item $tmp $target -Force -Verbose
write-host "files in $moduleDir :"
Get-ChildItem $moduleDir -Recurse
# check if it works
if (get-module powershellget) { remove-module powershellget }
write-host "available powershellget modules:"
get-module powershellget -ListAvailable
import-module powershellget -ErrorAction Stop -MinimumVersion
else {
write-host "using Powershell v$($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major).$($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Minor). no need to fix oneget"
function is-admin() {
$prp=new-object System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal($wid)
return $IsAdmin
if ($importonly) { return }
if (!(is-admin)) {
$r = Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs -ArgumentList @("-ExecutionPolicy", "Unrestricted", "$psscriptroot\bootstrap.ps1") -Wait
$execPolicy = get-executionpolicy
if ($execPolicy -ne "Unrestricted" -and $execPolicy -ne "Bypass") {
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force -ErrorAction Continue
$e = get-envinfo -checkcommands "Install-Module"
write-host "Env info:"
$e | out-string | write-host
write-host ""
write-host "PSVersions:"
$PSVersionTable | out-string | write-host
if ($e.commands["Install-Module"] -eq $null) {
$e = get-envinfo -checkcommands "Install-Module"
write-host "Env info after oneget install:"
$e | out-string | write-host
write-host ""
get-module packagemanagement -ListAvailable | out-string | write-host
Get-PSRepository | out-string | write-host
try {
write-host "Nuget Package provider:"
get-packageprovider -Name Nuget | out-string | write-host
write-host "installing nuget package provider"
# this isn't availalbe in the current official release of oneget (?)
install-packageprovider -Name NuGet -Force -MinimumVersion -verbose
catch {
# this is a private function
#Install-NuGetClientBinaries -force -CallerPSCmdlet $PSCmdlet
#Install-NuGetClientBinaries -confirm:$false
Set-PSRepository -name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted -verbose
get-packageprovider -name chocolatey -Force | out-string | write-host
set-PackageSource chocolatey -ProviderName Chocolatey -Trusted
#register-packagesource -Name chocolatey -Provider PSModule -Trusted -Location -Verbose
# install-Package -Source "chocolatey" -Name "visualstudiocode"
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