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Created February 5, 2016 10:15
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python version manager - a simple version manager with hardcoded paths that can server as a template for future use, Can be used from PS or CMD.
@echo off
(echo REM pyvm.cmd) > "%TEMP%\_env.cmd"
powershell %~dp0\pyvm.ps1 %*
call "%TEMP%\_env.cmd"
param ($command, [Alias("p")][switch][bool]$persistent, [switch][bool]$verbose)
write-host "pyvm - python version manager"
write-host "command=$command args=$args"
function where-is($wally) {
cmd /c "where $wally"
#Get-Command $wally
function add-topath($path, [switch][bool] $persistent) {
$p = $env:Path.Split(';')
$p = $p | % { $_.trimend("\") }
$paths = @($path)
$paths | % {
$path = $_
write-verbose "adding $path to PATH"
$p += $path.trimend("\")
$env:path = [string]::Join(";",$p)
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $env:Path, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Process);
if ($persistent) {
write-warning "saving global PATH"
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $env:Path, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine);
function remove-frompath($path, [switch][bool] $persistent) {
$paths = @($path)
$p = $env:Path.Split(';')
$p = $p | % { $_.trimend("\") }
$paths | % {
$path = $_
$found = $p | ? { $_ -ieq $path }
if ($found -ne $null) {
write-verbose "found $($found.count) matches"
$p = $p | ? { !($_ -ieq $path) }
$env:path = [string]::Join(";",$p)
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $env:Path, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Process);
if ($persistent) {
write-warning "saving global PATH"
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $env:Path, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine);
function contains-path($path) {
$paths = @($path)
$p = $env:Path.Split(';')
$p = $p | % { $_.trimend("\") }
$r = $true
$paths | % {
$path = $_
$found = $p | ? { $_ -ieq $path }
if (@($found).Count -le 0) {
write-verbose "$path not found in PATH"
$r = $false
else {
write-verbose "$path found in PATH"
return $r
$vp = $VerbosePreference
try {
if ($verbose) { $VerbosePreference = "Continue" }
$paths = @{
python3 = "c:\tools\python3","C:\tools\python3\scripts"
python2 = "c:\tools\python2","C:\tools\python2\scripts"
switch($command) {
"list" {
write-host "Available python versions"
$paths.GetEnumerator() | % {
$active = contains-path $_.Value
$msg = ""
if ($active) { $msg += " * " }
else { $msg += " " }
$msg += $_.Key
$msg += " " + $_.Value
write-host $msg
"use" {
if ($args.Length -eq 0) {
throw "must specify a version"`
$ver = $args[0]
switch($ver) {
{ @("3", "python3") -contains $_ } {
write-host "using $($paths.python3)"
$paths.values | % {
write-verbose "removing $_ from path"
remove-frompath $_
add-topath $paths.python3 -persistent:$persistent
{ @("2", "python2") -contains $_ } {
write-host "using $($paths.python2)"
$paths.values | % {
write-verbose "removing $_ from path"
remove-frompath $_
add-topath $paths.python2 -persistent:$persistent
{ @("none", "no") -contains $_ } {
write-host "disabling python"
$paths.values | % {
write-verbose "removing $_ from path"
remove-frompath $_ -persistent:$persistent
default {
throw "unrecognized version"
default {
write-verbose "usage: "
write-verbose " pyvm list"
write-verbose " pyvm use"
write-verbose "PATH="
write-verbose "`r`n$env:path"
} finally {
$VerbosePreference = $vp
"set PATH=$env:PATH" | out-file "$env:TEMP\_env.cmd" -Encoding ascii
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