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Last active December 15, 2015 10:09
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./124 -o out.html -g картинка тут:
-- картинка
import Data.List
import Data.DList (singleton, fromList, snoc, empty, toList)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Lazy
import Criterion.Main
import Data.Maybe
zipMore :: [a] -> [b] -> ([(a,b)],[a],[b])
zipMore [] xs = ([],[],xs)
zipMore xs [] = ([],xs,[])
zipMore (a:as) (b:bs) =
let (ls,as',bs') = zipMore as bs
in ((a,b):ls,as',bs')
zipMore_1 :: [a] -> [b] -> ([(a,b)],[a],[b])
zipMore_1 [] xs = ([],[],xs)
zipMore_1 xs [] = ([],xs,[])
zipMore_1 (a:as) (b:bs) =
let (ls,as',bs') = zipMore as bs
in ((a,b):ls,as',bs')
zipMore2 :: [a] -> [b] -> ([(a,b)],[a],[b])
zipMore2 as bs = go [] as bs
where go acc [] b = (acc,[],b)
go acc a [] = (acc,a,[])
go acc (x:xs) (y:ys) = go (acc++[(x,y)]) xs ys
zipMore2_1 :: [a] -> [b] -> ([(a,b)],[a],[b])
zipMore2_1 as bs = go empty as bs
where go acc [] b = (toList acc,[],b)
go acc a [] = (toList acc,a,[])
go acc (x:xs) (y:ys) = go (acc `snoc` (x,y)) xs ys
{-# INLINABLE go #-}
zipMore3 :: [a] -> [b] -> ([(a, b)], [a], [b])
zipMore3 a b = let (~(aa, bb), res) = runWriter $ writer a b
in (toList res, aa, bb)
writer [] y = return ([], y)
writer x [] = return (x, [])
writer (x:xs) (y:ys) = do
tell $ singleton (x, y)
writer xs ys
zipMore4 :: [a] -> [b] -> ([(a, b)], [a], [b])
zipMore4 a b = (map (\(l, r) -> (fromJust l, fromJust r)) finitList, tailReduce leftTail, tailReduce rightTail)
(finitList, infinitTail) = splitWhile (\(l, r) -> isJust l && isJust r) (zip (map Just a ++ repeat Nothing) (map Just b ++ repeat Nothing))
(leftTail, rightTail) = unzip $ takeWhile (\(l, r) -> isJust l || isJust r) infinitTail
tailReduce :: [Maybe a] -> [a]
tailReduce xs = case xs of
[] -> []
(Just a:xs') -> (a:map fromJust xs')
(Nothing:_) -> []
splitWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
splitWhile p xs = case xs of
[] -> ([], [])
(x:xs') -> if p x
then ((x:fst next), (snd next))
else ([], xs) where next = splitWhile p xs'
zipMore5 :: [a] -> [b] -> ([(a,b)],[a],[b])
zipMore5 a b = (xs, drop (length xs) a, drop (length xs) b)
where xs = zip a b
t :: Int -> ([Int], [Int])
t n = ([1..10^n],[2..20*10^n])
main =
let t1 = ([1..10], [2..30] ) :: ([Int],[Int])
t2 = ([1..100], [2..300] ) :: ([Int],[Int])
t3 = ([1..1000], [2..3000] ) :: ([Int],[Int])
t4 = ([1..10000],[2..30000]) :: ([Int],[Int])
t5 = ([1..100000],[2..300000]) :: ([Int],[Int])
in defaultMain
[ bgroup "Qnikst-1 (recursion)" [ bench "10" $ nf (uncurry zipMore) t1
, bench "100" $ nf (uncurry zipMore) t2
-- , bench "1000" $ nf (uncurry zipMore) t3
-- , bench "10000" $ nf (uncurry zipMore) t4
-- , bench "100000" $ nf (uncurry zipMore) t5
, bgroup "Qnikst (accum + dlist)" [ bench "10" $ nf (uncurry zipMore2_1) t1
, bench "100" $ nf (uncurry zipMore2_1) t2
-- , bench "1000" $ nf (uncurry zipMore2_1) t3
-- , bench "10000" $ nf (uncurry zipMore2_1) t4
-- , bench "100000" $ nf (uncurry zipMore2_1) t5
, bgroup "Segfault (writer)" [ bench "10" $ nf (uncurry zipMore3) t1
, bench "100" $ nf (uncurry zipMore3) t2
-- , bench "1000" $ nf (uncurry zipMore3) t3
-- , bench "10000" $ nf (uncurry zipMore3) t4
-- , bgroup "Timofeev (brackets)" [ bench "10" $ nf (uncurry zipMore4) t1
-- , bench "100" $ nf (uncurry zipMore4) t2
-- , bench "100" $ nf (uncurry zipMore4) t2
-- , bench "1000" $ nf (uncurry zipMore4) t3
-- , bench "10000" $ nf (uncurry zipMore4) t4
-- ]
, bgroup "Timofeev (naive)" [ bench "10" $ nf (uncurry zipMore5) t1
, bench "100" $ nf (uncurry zipMore5) t2
-- , bench "1000" $ nf (uncurry zipMore5) t2
-- , bench "10000" $ nf (uncurry zipMore5) t3
-- , bench "100000" $ nf (uncurry zipMore4) t4
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qnikst commented Mar 26, 2013

./criterion -o out.html

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