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Conventional Commit Messages

Conventional Commit Messages

See how a minor change to your commit message style can make a difference.


Have a look at git-conventional-commits , a CLI util to ensure these conventions and generate verion and changelogs

Commit Message Formats


<type>(<optional scope>): <description>
empty separator line
<optional body>
empty separator line
<optional footer>

Merge Commit

Merge branch '<branch name>'

Follows default git merge message

Revert Commit

Revert "<reverted commit subject line>"

Follows default git revert message

Inital Commit



  • API relevant changes
    • feat Commits, that adds or remove a new feature
    • fix Commits, that fixes a bug
  • refactor Commits, that rewrite/restructure your code, however does not change any API behaviour
    • perf Commits are special refactor commits, that improve performance
  • style Commits, that do not affect the meaning (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
  • test Commits, that add missing tests or correcting existing tests
  • docs Commits, that affect documentation only
  • build Commits, that affect build components like build tool, ci pipeline, dependencies, project version, ...
  • ops Commits, that affect operational components like infrastructure, deployment, backup, recovery, ...
  • chore Miscellaneous commits e.g. modifying .gitignore


The scope provides additional contextual information.

  • Is an optional part of the format
  • Allowed Scopes depends on the specific project
  • Don't use issue identifiers as scopes

Breaking Changes Indicator

Breaking changes should be indicated by an ! before the : in the subject line e.g. feat(api)!: remove status endpoint

  • Is an optional part of the format


The description contains a concise description of the change.

  • Is a mandatory part of the format
  • Use the imperative, present tense: "change" not "changed" nor "changes"
    • Think of This commit will... or This commit should...
  • Don't capitalize the first letter
  • No dot (.) at the end


The body should include the motivation for the change and contrast this with previous behavior.

  • Is an optional part of the format
  • Use the imperative, present tense: "change" not "changed" nor "changes"
  • This is the place to mention issue identifiers and their relations


The footer should contain any information about Breaking Changes and is also the place to reference Issues that this commit refers to.

  • Is an optional part of the format
  • optionally reference an issue by its id.
  • Breaking Changes should start with the word BREAKING CHANGES: followed by space or two newlines. The rest of the commit message is then used for this.


  • feat: add email notifications on new direct messages
  • feat(shopping cart): add the amazing button
  • feat!: remove ticket list endpoint
    refers to JIRA-1337
    BREAKING CHANGES: ticket enpoints no longer supports list all entites.
  • fix(api): handle empty message in request body
  • fix(api): fix wrong calculation of request body checksum
  • fix: add missing parameter to service call
    The error occurred because of <reasons>.
  • perf: decrease memory footprint for determine uniqe visitors by using HyperLogLog
  • build: update dependencies
  • build(release): `bump version to 1.0.0
  • refactor: implement fibonacci number calculation as recursion
  • style: remove empty line

Git Hook Scripts to ensure commit message header format

commit-msg Hook (local)

  • ensure node and npx command is installed on your local machine
  • create following file in your local repository folder.git-hooks/commit-msg
    #!/usr/bin/env sh
    # exit with a non zero exit code incase of an invalid commit message
    # use git-conventional-commits, see
    npx git-conventional-commits commit-msg-hook "$commit_message"
    # or verify $commit_message with your own tooling
    # ...
  • ⚠ make .git-hooks/commit-msg executable (unix: chmod +x '.git-hooks/commit-msg')
  • set git hook directory to .githooks git config core.hooksPath '.git-hooks'
  • commit .git-hooks directory if you want to share them with your team, they only need to call the git config command once after cloning the repository

pre-receive Hook (server side)

  • create following file in your repository folder .git/hooks/pre-receive
    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    # Pre-receive hook that will block commits with messges that do not follow regex rule
    commit_msg_regex="^(${commit_msg_type_regex})(\(${commit_msg_scope_regex}\))?: (${commit_msg_description_regex})\$"
    merge_msg_regex="^Merge branch '.+'\$"
    # Do not traverse over commits that are already in the repository
    excludeExisting="--not --all"
    while read oldrev newrev refname; do
      # branch or tag get deleted
      if [ "$newrev" = "$zero_commit" ]; then
      # Check for new branch or tag
      if [ "$oldrev" = "$zero_commit" ]; then
        rev_span=`git rev-list $newrev $excludeExisting`
        rev_span=`git rev-list $oldrev..$newrev $excludeExisting`
      for commit in $rev_span; do
        commit_msg_header=$(git show -s --format=%s $commit)
        if ! [[ "$commit_msg_header" =~ (${commit_msg_regex})|(${merge_msg_regex}) ]]; then
          echo "$commit" >&2
          echo "ERROR: Invalid commit message format" >&2
          echo "$commit_msg_header" >&2
    if [ -n "$error" ]; then
      exit 1
  • ⚠ make .git/hooks/pre-receive executable (unix: chmod +x '.git/hooks/pre-receive')


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Thanks a lot, that is really helpful 👍
One question though: is there a reason we prefer the imperative, present tense in subject and body?

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qoomon commented Oct 26, 2022

@BoboTheBarbar this is caused by the idea that a commit message should always complete the sentence This commit will... or This commit will <subject>.

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@qoomon this, sir, just made writing my commit messages much more meaningful and rewarding for me. Thanks for that :)

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How to commit new comments? Is this "style:"?

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qoomon commented Nov 22, 2022

I would say docs

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How about commuting translations and updating strings? Which type would be most suitable for this kind of commit? feat(il8n): added/updated fr, de languages perhaps?

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qoomon commented Feb 20, 2023

@marchingon12 I probably would go for chore(i18n): yada yada yada if it is just an extension of i18n. I would not choose feat because it does not add or change behaviour.

If you introduce i18n the first time or if you add totally new languages I would go for feat(i18n): yada yada yada

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@qoomon thnx a bunch! This helped a lot because I was struggling with which type to use, especially when I have an action that auto generated changelogs based on conventional commits. Thank you again! :D

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qoomon commented Feb 20, 2023

You're welcome 🤗

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wbuck commented Mar 2, 2023

One thing I'm unsure about with conventional commits is how many commits should a PR have? Should I be squashing all of my commits in to a single commit before submitting a PR? Or can a PR have multiple commits with all commit messages following conventional commits?

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qoomon commented Mar 2, 2023

IMHO it depends :-) Just think about whether it helps you to understand the history or not.

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dd84ai commented Mar 14, 2023

Heyaaa! I liked that tool very much, but discovered it had some bugs that were not solvable due to tool using too many dependencies on other tools.
I remade this tool in golang, making it CI friendly one binary file, which is having zero dependencies from Operational System. Even Git is not needed to its functionality (because it uses inbuilt git-go!). Can be just more comfortable to use because it is not requiring Node.js or anything else installed at system :)
Fixed some stuff, augmented with new one.
Tool uses also minimal amount of dependencies on other libraries, so hopefully should be more fixable and maintanable.

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qoomon commented Mar 14, 2023

@dd84ai could you open some issues for the bugs you found at that would be very helpful. And what do you mean with to many dependencies?

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dd84ai commented Mar 16, 2023


@dd84ai could you open some issues for the bugs you found at that would be very helpful. And what do you mean with to many dependencies?

And what do you mean with to many dependencies?

Node.js is one fragile and big dependency, programs often need certain Node.js version to run a program
Git is another dependency, user needs to have it available in path? for its working. Some people install it to work only git bash

As for other dependencies... strange, not seeing them at the moment. I thought i saw dependency on some semantic versioning library, which caused unresolvable bug. Ergh, probably i got mistaken with another library, which implements a similar functionality. Not really remembering where to seek now since it happened to me 4 moths ago back, when was traversing through different similar tools.
Checking dependencies now, there is only dependency on yargs which is pretty much good :) Great job ;) I am sorry for saying disinformation. Your tool and work are certainly great in discovering all interface and rules to make it happen, interacting with users for many years and maintaining the product, my work is merely refactoring your accumulated years of results into a new language view

Well node.js and git are still very big dependencies though. So my remake of the tool still helps to eliminate them and making tool more usable in CI and in a long run when people having different node.js versions already installed. (at least if people don't know how to work with nvm)
Plus golang static typing and error resolving strategy should help to add easier more features and increasing its maintainability in a long run.
Due to golang having features even embedding any template / additional files into same binary, it makes quite smooth end result which will remain being one file always.
+added some new small features, like having ability to request next alpha, beta, prerelease semantic version of a product with setting build tag of semver, and other small things like that

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qoomon commented Mar 16, 2023

@dd84ai thanks for the details answer

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Wonderfull 🔥

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WieeRd commented Aug 27, 2023

This is by far the most clean and readable description of conventional commits. Amazing job 👍
But I'd like to point out that the breaking change indicator ! is missing in this specification.
Is there any reason this is omitted? I think feat!: fix!: is used more often than BREAKING CHANGE footer.

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qoomon commented Aug 27, 2023

@WieeRd glad to hear that and thx for your hint regarding the breaking change exclamation mark !, I wasn't aware of that. I'll add this.

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hi @qoomon i made an update here to add revert
kindly give your thoughts on this

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qoomon commented Oct 6, 2023

@superco01 thx, I've added it as well

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ttytm commented Oct 9, 2023

If using conventional commit prefixes or not, for those who get stuck with Added, Adding, Adds / fixed fixing fixes and equivalents instead of add / fix in the commit body, think of it this way:

  • Either taking an imperative tone, commanding it to do something: Add ...

  • Or, "this commit should fix ..." / "this PR [aims/wants] to fix ..."

Both ways are semantically more correct versions that come closer to what is actually happening - as commits often should do something, but sometimes don't do what they state or want to do.

So thinking about it as This commit should... would also be more correct than This commit will.... Greetings from the nitpicky asshole in my cortex.

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qoomon commented Oct 9, 2023


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It is very great!
If you are a senior software engineer, you will use that commits like that.

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ttytm commented Oct 23, 2023

It is very great! If you are a senior software engineer, you will use that commits like that.

If you are a senior, you hopefully can distinguish that there is very little correlation between the text in a commit message and one's abilities as engineer.

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Here are some confusions 🤔

  1. What should be the conventional commit type when I install or update a new package?
  2. I am developing a mobile app. For example, which type should I use when I upgrade versionCode or versionName to release new version?
  3. Which type should I use when I remove a feature I added?


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qoomon commented Nov 10, 2023

Hi @bloggerklik, I would use following conversation

1# use build: update dependencies or build: update dependency xxxxx, unless this will change the API of your artifact then it would be a feat: ... commit

#2 use build(release): bump version to x.x.x

#3 use feat!: remove ...., if you change the API it is always a feat: no matter if you add or remove one

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ttytm commented Nov 10, 2023

What should be the conventional commit type when I install or update a new package?

build or chore: is fitting

I am developing a mobile app. For example, which type should I use when I upgrade versionCode or versionName to release new version?

chore: fits here as well. E.g.

Which type should I use when I remove a feature I added?

depends on the reason why it is removed. Could be any of the prefixes.

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bloggerklik commented Nov 10, 2023

@qoomon @ttytm Thank you for your answers. The distinction between build and chore seems unclear and confusing. I'm searching for sources, but they are unclear and inconsistent. That's why I'm not considering using chore at all, as the Angular documentation says. What is your opinion?

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ttytm commented Nov 10, 2023

Since you already mentioned adapting the commit messages to your needs: I think it really depends on the project. The angular style prefixes fit well for the angular project and are fairly universal.

But e.g., at we use module scoped prefixes. Which work better here than the Angular style prefixes to organize things.

So there is no need to take a narrow-minded view. Sometimes using no pre-fixes is also what is fitting and good enough

Just keep things uniform.

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qoomon commented Nov 11, 2023

@bloggerklik I use chore for everything that does not fit in any of the other conventional types

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@qoomon Last question😅 We need to use docs for comment lines, right? Thanks.

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qoomon commented Nov 11, 2023

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Thank you so much this is awesome

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Helpful 😄

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123atif commented Feb 5, 2024


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Should the first commit of the project be considered as 'build'?

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qoomon commented Feb 12, 2024

The first commit is tricky, I think build is probably the best choice, however I'd tend to always use just init as the very first commit. Ill add this recommendation to this gist.

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can you help me with server side script?
on my home Gitlab @ ubuntu 20.04 LTS create pre-commit hook in repository but got error on push from client:
pre-receive: 32: Syntax error: "(" unexpected (expecting "then")

Next, when comment lines 32 and 37 (if condition)
if ! [[ "$commit_msg_header" =~.....
got 3 echo of my commit hash, "ERROR: Invalid commit message format", commit msg body

how rewrite if condition in line 32?

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qoomon commented Feb 16, 2024

@Borodkov my bad. You need to change the first line of the script from #!/usr/bin/env sh to #!/usr/bin/env bash

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how simple!
thanks @qoomon for fast answer

helpful gist

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Borodkov commented Feb 16, 2024

can you help with some modifications of regexp for gitlab isuues links patterns (#1, #2, .... #999)?

  • #1 feat: add cool feature

what wrong with this one?:
^(#\d{1,3} )(feat|fix|refactor|style|test|docs|build): .+$

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qoomon commented Feb 17, 2024

@Borodkov you can not use \d in bash regex use [[:digit:]] instead
e.g. (^(#[[:digit:]]{1,3} )(feat|fix|refactor|style|test|docs|build): .+$)

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