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Created December 2, 2010 06:50
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At YOW!2010, Guy Steele gave a great talk entitled "How to Think about Parallel Programming---Not!"
# At YOW!2010, Guy Steele gave a great talk entitled "How to Think about
# Parallel Programming---Not!"
# In it, he presented an implementation of a divide and conquer strategy for
# splitting a string.
# His solution was written in Fortress.
# People nearby me were confused.
# So, I sat down and wrote another implementation in a more common language:
# Python.
# Hopefully, this pack of ugly drives home the point of how our current
# languages don't pack the idiomatic punch for parallelism.
# -- Scott Robinson <>
import string
from Queue import Queue
from collections import namedtuple
from contextlib import contextmanager
from threading import Thread
def spawn(func):
q = Queue()
t = Thread(target = func, args=(q, ))
yield q
class Chunk(str):
def __add__(left, right):
if isinstance(right, Chunk):
return Chunk(str.__add__(left, right))
elif isinstance(right, Segment):
return Segment(str.__add__(left, right.head), right.words, right.tail)
def flatten(self):
return filter(None, [str(self)])
class Segment(namedtuple('Segment', 'head words tail')):
def __add__(left, right):
if isinstance(right, Chunk):
return Segment(left.head, left.words, left.tail + right)
elif isinstance(right, Segment):
return Segment(left.head, left.words + filter(None, [left.tail + right.head]) + right.words, right.tail)
def flatten(self):
return filter(None, [self.head]) + self.words + filter(None, [self.tail])
def psplit(s):
def _(l, r):
length = r - l
if length == 0:
return Chunk('')
elif length == 1:
if s[l] in string.whitespace:
return Segment('', [], '')
return Chunk(s[l])
pivot = l + (length / 2)
with spawn(lambda q: q.put(_(l, pivot))) as q_a:
with spawn(lambda q: q.put(_(pivot, r))) as q_b:
a, b = q_a.get(), q_b.get()
return a + b
return _(0, len(s)).flatten()
def main():
assert psplit('this is a xfklsjdflkdjsflkdsjf string') == ['this', 'is', 'a', 'xfklsjdflkdjsflkdsjf', 'string']
assert psplit(' two words ') == ['two', 'words']
assert psplit(' ') == []
assert psplit('') == []
if __name__ == '__main__':
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