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Created October 3, 2018 17:43
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A simple CLI password generator built on /dev/urandom and Unix tools
# A simple password generator that uses a combination of /dev/urandom,
# tr, head, and xclip to quickly generate a reasonably random password
## strict bash mode
set -euo pipefail
## pwgen [count] [allowed-symbols]
### password length is 16 by default
readonly COUNT=${1:-16}
### use all symbols by default
readonly SYMBOLS=${2:-'/\-[]{};:",.<>?!@#$%^&*()=+\\'"'"}
### if you provide a non-empty value for the allowed symbols,
### guarantee that as least alphanumeric character will be in the
### password
readonly BASE_SYMBOLS='A-Za-z0-9'
## store generated password in clipboard
readonly PASS=$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc "$FULL_SYMBOLS" | head -c"$COUNT")
echo -n "$PASS" | xclip -sel clip
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