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Created December 11, 2017 19:06
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Scripts used to create the ethereum testnet used in CSAW CTF 2017.
pragma solidity ^0.4.16;
contract Storage{
uint storedData;
uint flag;
function set(uint data, uint data2, uint data3) {
storedData = 4*((data**data2) - data3);
function get_flag() constant returns (string){
if (flag == 0x1337){
return "[CONGRATZ] You beat chal1, show this to a judge.";
return "get me a 0x1337 for a flag!";
function get() constant returns (uint) {
uint res = storedData + 0x587d;
flag = 0x101;
if(res == 0xba1){
flag = 0x1337;
return res;
pragma solidity ^0.4.16;
contract ethersplay {
struct Play {
uint weight;
bool played;
uint8 score;
address addr;
struct players {
uint playCount;
address mc;
mapping(address => Play) transaction;
players[] p;
function ethersplay(uint8 _numPlayers) {
mc = msg.sender;
transaction[mc].weight = 1;
p.length = _numPlayers;
function giveTurnToPlay(address current) {
if (msg.sender != mc || transaction[current].played) return;
transaction[current].weight = 1;
function go(uint8 card) {
Play current = transaction[msg.sender];
if (current.played || card >= p.length) return;
current.played = true;
current.score = card;
p[card].playCount += current.weight;
function winningCard() constant returns (uint8 wCard) {
uint256 winningScore = 0;
for (uint8 card = 0; card < p.length; card++)
if (p[card].playCount > winningScore) {
winningScore = p[card].playCount;
wCard = card;
function stringToBytes(string memory source) returns (bytes result) {
assembly {
result := mload(add(source, 32))
function bytes20ToString(bytes20 x) constant returns (string) {
bytes memory bytesString = new bytes(20);
uint charCount = 0;
for (uint j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
byte char = byte(bytes32(uint(x) * 2 ** (8 * j)));
if (char != 0) {
bytesString[charCount] = char;
bytes memory bytesStringTrimmed = new bytes(charCount);
for (j = 0; j < charCount; j++) {
bytesStringTrimmed[j] = bytesString[j];
return string(bytesStringTrimmed);
function supercustomhash(bytes message) public constant returns(bytes20 ret){
assembly {
switch div(calldataload(0), exp(2, 224))
case 0x1605782b { }
default { revert(0, 0) }
let data := add(calldataload(4), 4)
// Get the data length, and point data at the first byte
let len := calldataload(data)
data := add(data, 32)
// Find the length after padding
let totallen := add(and(add(len, 1), 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC0), 64)
switch lt(sub(totallen, len), 9)
case 1 { totallen := add(totallen, 64) }
let h := 0x6745230100EFCDAB890098BADCFE001032547600C3D2E1F0
for { let i := 0 } lt(i, totallen) { i := add(i, 64) } {
// Load 64 bytes of data
calldatacopy(0, add(data, i), 64)
// If we loaded the last byte, store the terminator byte
switch lt(sub(len, i), 64)
case 1 { mstore8(sub(len, i), 0x80) }
// If this is the last block, store the length
switch eq(i, sub(totallen, 64))
case 1 { mstore(32, or(mload(32), mul(len, 8))) }
// Expand the 16 32-bit words into 80
for { let j := 64 } lt(j, 128) { j := add(j, 12) } {
let temp := xor(xor(mload(sub(j, 12)), mload(sub(j, 32))), xor(mload(sub(j, 56)), mload(sub(j, 64))))
temp := or(and(mul(temp, 2), 0xFFFFFFFEFFFFFFFEFFFFFFFEFFFFFFFEFFFFFFFEFFFFFFFEFFFFFFFEFFFFFFFE), and(div(temp, exp(2, 31)), 0x0000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001))
mstore(j, temp)
for { let j := 128 } lt(j, 320) { j := add(j, 24) } {
let temp := xor(xor(mload(sub(j, 24)), mload(sub(j, 64))), xor(mload(sub(j, 112)), mload(sub(j, 128))))
temp := or(and(mul(temp, 4), 0xFFFFFFFCFFFFFFFCFFFFFFFCFFFFFFFCFFFFFFFCFFFFFFFCFFFFFFFCFFFFFFFC), and(div(temp, exp(2, 30)), 0x0000000300000003000000030000000300000003000000030000000300000003))
mstore(j, temp)
let x := h
let f := 0
let k := 0
for { let j := 0 } lt(j, 80) { j := add(j, 1) } {
switch div(j, 20)
case 0 {
// f = d xor (b and (c xor d))
f := xor(div(x, exp(2, 80)), div(x, exp(2, 40)))
f := and(div(x, exp(2, 120)), f)
f := xor(div(x, exp(2, 40)), f)
k := 0x5A827999
case 1{
// f = b xor c xor d
f := xor(div(x, exp(2, 120)), div(x, exp(2, 80)))
f := xor(div(x, exp(2, 40)), f)
k := 0x6ED9EBA1
case 2 {
// f = (b and c) or (d and (b or c))
f := or(div(x, exp(2, 120)), div(x, exp(2, 80)))
f := and(div(x, exp(2, 40)), f)
f := or(and(div(x, exp(2, 120)), div(x, exp(2, 80))), f)
k := 0x8F1BBCDC
case 3 {
// f = b xor c xor d
f := xor(div(x, exp(2, 120)), div(x, exp(2, 80)))
f := xor(div(x, exp(2, 40)), f)
k := 0xCA62C1D6
// temp = (a leftrotate 5) + f + e + k + w[i]
let temp := and(div(x, exp(2, 187)), 0x1F)
temp := or(and(div(x, exp(2, 155)), 0xFFFFFFE0), temp)
temp := add(f, temp)
temp := add(and(x, 0xFFFFFFFF), temp)
temp := add(k, temp)
temp := add(div(mload(mul(j, 4)), exp(2, 224)), temp)
x := or(div(x, exp(2, 40)), mul(temp, exp(2, 160)))
x := or(and(x, 0xFFFFFFFF00FFFFFFFF000000000000FFFFFFFF00FFFFFFFF), mul(or(and(div(x, exp(2, 50)), 0xC0000000), and(div(x, exp(2, 82)), 0x3FFFFFFF)), exp(2, 80)))
h := or(or(or(or(and(div(h, exp(2, 32)), 0xFFFFFFFF00000000000000000000000000000000), and(div(h, exp(2, 24)), 0xFFFFFFFF000000000000000000000000)), and(div(h, exp(2, 16)), 0xFFFFFFFF0000000000000000)), and(div(h, exp(2, 8)), 0xFFFFFFFF00000000)), and(h, 0xFFFFFFFF))
//log1(0, 0, h)
mstore(0, h)
return(12, 20)
function strConcat(bytes _a, string _b, bytes _c) internal returns (string){
bytes memory _ba = _a;
bytes memory _bb = bytes(_b);
bytes memory _bc = _c;
string memory abcde = new string(_ba.length + _bb.length + _bc.length );
bytes memory babcde = bytes(abcde);
uint k = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < _ba.length; i++) babcde[k++] = _ba[i];
for (i = 0; i < _bb.length; i++) babcde[k++] = _bb[i];
for (i = 0; i < _bc.length; i++) babcde[k++] = _bc[i];
return string(babcde);
function addPlayerName(string name) constant returns (string result) {
result = "Successfully added name to database";
if( bytes(name).length != 6){
result = "Incorrect name length";
bytes memory salt = "_tothemoon}";
bytes memory salt2 = "flag{";
// flag{ETHBTC_tothemoon}
string memory temp = strConcat(salt2, name, salt);
bytes memory a = stringToBytes(temp);
bytes20 b = supercustomhash(a);
string memory hash = bytes20ToString(b);
if (sha3(hash) == sha3('678af730101e444b5ea458b6652f6b2d0ed8b7e6')){
result = "Welcome cryptofuturist";
Address: {3074ef28e497ed77984a69d91218cc351520205e}
> storageAddress01
> storageContractAbi01
this generates the commands needed to load the js challenge files (compilled solidity) into the blockchain.
python | pbcopy
paste into geth terminal
print "loadScript('ethersentry.js');"
for i in range(60):
print "var storageContractAbi" + str(i) + " = ethOutput.contracts['ethersentry.sol:ethersentry'].abi;"
for i in range(60):
print "var storageContract" + str(i) + " = eth.contract(JSON.parse(storageContractAbi" + str(i) + "));"
for i in range(60):
print "var storageBinCode" + str(i) + " = \"0x\" + ethOutput.contracts['ethersentry.sol:ethersentry'].bin;"
for i in range(60):
print "var deployTransationObject" + str(i) + " = { from: eth.accounts[60], data: storageBinCode"+str(i) +", gas: 1000000 };"
for i in range(60):
print "var storageInstance"+str(i) +" = storageContract"+str(i)+".new(deployTransationObject"+str(i)+")"
for i in range(60):
print "var storageAddress"+str(i)+" = eth.getTransactionReceipt(storageInstance"+str(i)+".transactionHash).contractAddress"
this script creates the genesis script based on how many account text files are created
the outputed genesis file is used to instantiate the geth testnet
import glob
accts = ""
for filename in glob.iglob('account*.txt'):
temp = open(filename).read()
addr = temp[10:-2]
print addr
if accts != "":
accts += ','
accts += '''
accts += addr
accts += '''":
{ "balance": "0x1337000000000000000000" }
start = '''{
"config": {
"chainId": 15,
"homesteadBlock": 0,
"eip155Block": 0,
"eip158Block": 0
"difficulty": "0x400",
"gasLimit": "0x2100000",
"alloc": {
start += accts
start +='''
open('genesis.json', 'w').write(start)
print "written to file"
# this compiles the unique challenges (sol files) and outputs cooresponding js files that will be loaded into the test blockchain.
echo "var ethOutput1=`../solc --optimize --combined-json abi,bin,interface ethersnoob1.sol`" > etheresnoob1.js
echo "var ethOutput2=`../solc --optimize --combined-json abi,bin,interface ethersnoob2.sol`" > etheresnoob2.js
echo "var ethOutput3=`../solc --optimize --combined-json abi,bin,interface ethersnoob3.sol`" > etheresnoob3.js
echo "var ethOutput4=`../solc --optimize --combined-json abi,bin,interface ethersnoob4.sol`" > etheresnoob4.js
echo "var ethOutput5=`../solc --optimize --combined-json abi,bin,interface ethersnoob5.sol`" > etheresnoob5.js
echo "var ethOutput6=`../solc --optimize --combined-json abi,bin,interface ethersnoob6.sol`" > etheresnoob6.js
echo "var ethOutput7=`../solc --optimize --combined-json abi,bin,interface ethersnoob7.sol`" > etheresnoob7.js
echo "var ethOutput8=`../solc --optimize --combined-json abi,bin,interface ethersnoob8.sol`" > etheresnoob8.js
echo "var ethOutput9=`../solc --optimize --combined-json abi,bin,interface ethersnoob9.sol`" > etheresnoob9.js
echo "var ethOutput10=`../solc --optimize --combined-json abi,bin,interface ethersnoob10.sol`" > etheresnoob10.js
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