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Last active August 29, 2020 17:32
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Sample code to support a few Qxf2 blog posts about analyzing JIRA data using Python. In this gist, we show you the module which saves individual ticket information as a pickled file.
A class that stores JIRA ticket data as pickled files
DISCLAIMER: This is sample code written by Qxf2 Services to support a blog post about analyzing JIRA data using Python
This code does not represent Qxf2 Services's coding standards.
from jira import JIRA
from ConnectJira import ConnectJira
import credentials as secret
import json
import pickle
import os, sys
import arrow
import datetime
class JiraDatastore:
def __init__(self,server,username,password,project_name):
self.connect_jira_obj = ConnectJira(server,username,password,project_name)
self.project = project_name
self.server = server
def get_file_dir(self):
"make file dir path with client and project params"
client = (self.server).split('.')
client = client[0].split('//')[-1]
client = client.split(':')[0]
file_dir = os.path.join('.','data',client.replace(' ','_'),self.project.replace(' ','_'))
return file_dir
def get_ticket_list(self,jql):
"Return jira ticket list based on jql"
jql_result = self.connect_jira_obj.execute_query(jql)
return jql_result
def get_last_updated_date(self):
"get datastore last updated date"
last_updated_date = None
file_path = os.path.join(self.get_file_dir(),'datastore_updated_date.pickle')
last_updated_date = self.pickle_in(file_path)
last_updated_date = last_updated_date.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
except IOError:
print "could not write to file: %s" %(file)
return last_updated_date
def pickle_out(self,data,file):
"store data using pickle"
result = False
pickle_out = open(file,"wb")
pickle.dump(data, pickle_out)
result = True
except IOError:
print "could not write to file: %s" %(file)
return result
def pickle_in(self,file):
"read data from pickle file"
data = None
pickle_in = open(file,"rb")
data = pickle.load(pickle_in)
except IOError:
print "could not read file: %s" %(file)
return data
def get_pickle_ticket_in_json(self,ticket):
ticket_in_json, error = None, None
#Do datastore update before fetching ticket from pickle db
fpath = os.path.join(self.get_file_dir(), ticket + '.pickle')
pickle_ticket = self.pickle_in(fpath)
if pickle_ticket is not None:
ticket_in_json = pickle_ticket
result = self.connect_jira_obj.get_ticket_in_json(
jira_ticket_in_json = result['ticket']
error = result['error']
# print ticket, ticket_in_json
'store new ticket into our pickle data'
if jira_ticket_in_json is not None:
ticket_in_json = jira_ticket_in_json
result = datastore_obj_test.save_ticket(ticket, ticket_in_json)
if result is True:
print "save ticket successful"
print "save ticket unsuccessful"
except Exception as e:
error = e
return {'ticket_in_json':ticket_in_json, 'error':error}
def get_item_in_json_ticket(self,ticket_in_json,item):
item_in_json_ticket = None
if type(ticket_in_json) is dict:
issues = ticket_in_json.get('issues',None)
if issues is not None:
for issue in issues:
item_in_json_ticket = issue.get(item, None)
print 'key:%s not found in the given json data'%(item)
print 'Given ticket is not a dict/json'
return item_in_json_ticket
def save_ticket(self,ticket_key,ticket_expanded):
"save ticket into pickle file"
save_ticket = False
file_name = '%s.pickle'%((ticket_key).strip())
file_dir = self.get_file_dir()
file_path = os.path.join(file_dir,file_name)
print file_path
if not os.path.exists(file_dir):
save_ticket = self.pickle_out(ticket_expanded,file_path)
return save_ticket
def save_last_updated_date(self):
"save datastore last updated date"
save_last_updated_date = False
datastore_updated_date =
file_name = 'datastore_updated_date.pickle'
file_dir = self.get_file_dir()
file_path = os.path.join(file_dir,file_name)
print 'datastore updated date: %s' %(datastore_updated_date)
save_last_updated_date = self.pickle_out(datastore_updated_date,file_path)
return save_last_updated_date
def store_ticket_list(self,ticket_list):
"run datastore using pickle for given jira ticket list"
datastore_update_complete, save, error = False, False, None
for index,ticket in enumerate(ticket_list):
"need one more jira call to expand changelog and fields in json format"
# If json is set to true , jira call can get only one result
# Above error shown when we try to execute search issues call for multiple tickets
# expand = changelog fetches fields also
result = self.connect_jira_obj.get_ticket_in_json(ticket.key)
ticket_in_json = result['ticket']
error = result['error']
if ticket_in_json is not None:
# Separate pickle file for each ticket
save = self.save_ticket(ticket.key,ticket_in_json)
print 'Jira returned no json input for the ticket: %s, error: %s'%(ticket.key,error)
if save is True:
if index == len(ticket_list)-1:
print "stored pickled files for the given ticket list: %d"%(len(ticket_list))
datastore_update_complete = self.save_last_updated_date()
return datastore_update_complete
def datastore(self):
#set to single ticket id for test run
no_of_updated_tickets = 0
#ticket_id = 'PORTAL-1923'
"This jql fetches only list of tickets"
jql = "project='%s' ORDER BY updated DESC" % (self.project)
jql_result = self.get_ticket_list(jql)
ticket_list = jql_result['ticket_list']
error = jql_result['error']
if ticket_list is not None:
datastore_update_complete = self.store_ticket_list(ticket_list)
if datastore_update_complete == True:
no_of_updated_tickets =
return {'no_of_updated_tickets':no_of_updated_tickets,'error':error}
def update_datastore(self):
"update jira datastore based on last updated date"
no_of_updated_tickets = 0
last_updated_date = self.get_last_updated_date()
if last_updated_date is not None:
print 'last_updated_date: %s'%(last_updated_date)
"This jql fetches only list of tickets"
jql = "project = '%s' AND updatedDate >= '%s' ORDER BY updated DESC" % (self.project, last_updated_date)
jql_result = self.get_ticket_list(jql)
ticket_list = jql_result['ticket_list']
error = jql_result['error']
if ticket_list is not None:
datastore_update_complete = self.store_ticket_list(ticket_list)
if datastore_update_complete == True:
no_of_updated_tickets =
return {'no_of_updated_tickets':no_of_updated_tickets,'error':error}
else: #if we have never updated the datastore before
return self.datastore() #update from scratch
def update_datastore_status(self):
"Return datastore status"
last_updated_date = self.get_last_updated_date()
if last_updated_date is not None:
jql = "project = '%s' AND updatedDate >= '%s' ORDER BY updated DESC" % (self.project, last_updated_date)
update_status = "Datastore last updated date: %s, "%last_updated_date
jql = "project='%s' ORDER BY updated DESC" % (self.project)
update_status = "Datastore does not exist before, "
jql_result = self.get_ticket_list(jql)
ticket_list = jql_result['ticket_list']
error = jql_result['error']
if ticket_list is not None:
ticket_count = len(ticket_list)
error = jql_result['error']
if 0 < ticket_count < 50:
update_status = update_status + "received %s tickets to be updated, datastore update may take hardly a minute. Please wait patiently."%ticket_count
if 50 < ticket_count < 100:
update_status = update_status + "received %s tickets to be updated, datastore update may take 1-2 minutes. Please wait patiently."%ticket_count
if 100 < ticket_count < 200:
update_status = update_status + "received %s tickets to be updated, datastore update may take few minutes. Please wait patiently."%ticket_count
if 200 < ticket_count < 300:
update_status = update_status + "received %s tickets to be updated, datastore update will take few minutes. Please wait patiently."%ticket_count
if 500 < ticket_count < 1000:
update_status = update_status + "received %s tickets to be updated, datastore update may take around 10 - 15 minutes. Please wait patiently."%ticket_count
if 1000 < ticket_count < 3000:
update_status = update_status + "received %s tickets to be updated, datastore update may take around 20 - 30 minutes. Please wait patiently."%ticket_count
if ticket_count > 3000:
update_status = update_status + "received %s tickets to be updated, datastore will take more than 30 minutes. Please wait patiently."%ticket_count
if ticket_count == 0:
update_status = update_status + "received 0 tickets from Jira, hence no updates to datastore."
update_status = update_status + "Received None ticket list from Jira, error: %s"%error
return update_status
if __name__ == '__main__':
import credentials as secret
datastore_obj_test = JiraDatastore(secret.JIRA_URL, secret.USERNAME,
secret.PASSWORD, secret.PROJECT)
print datastore_obj_test.get_pickle_ticket_in_json('PORTAL-000')
result = datastore_obj_test.update_datastore()
no_of_tickets = result['no_of_updated_tickets']
error = result['error']
result = datastore_obj_test.update_datastore()
error = result['error']
no_of_updated_tickets = result['no_of_updated_tickets']
if no_of_tickets>0:
print "datastore copy successful for no of tickets: %d"%(no_of_tickets)
print "datastore copy unsuccessful: %s"%(error)
if no_of_updated_tickets>0:
print "datastore update successful for no of updated tickets: %d"%(no_of_updated_tickets)
print "datastore update unsuccessful: %s"%(error)
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