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Pylearn2 setup script for Amazon Linux AMI with NVIDIA GRID GPU Driver
# Pylearn2 setup script for Amazon Linux AMI with NVIDIA GRID GPU Driver.
# not tested
sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install -y emacs tmux python-pip
sudo yum install -y python-devel git blas-devel lapack-devel
# numpy, scipy, matplotlib, etc.
sudo pip install numpy
sudo pip install scipy
sudo pip install cython
sudo pip install ipython nose
# matplotlib
sudo yum install -y libpng-devel freetype-devel
sudo pip install matplotlib
# Scikit-learn
sudo pip install scikit-learn
# Theano
sudo pip install --upgrade git+git://
# Enable GPU for theano
echo '[global]
floatX = float32
device = gpu0
fastmath = True' > .theanorc
# pylearn2
git clone git://
cd pylearn2
sudo python develop
cd ..
echo "export PYLEARN2_DATA_PATH=/home/ec2-user/data" >> .bashrc
# MNIST dataset
mkdir -p data/mnist/
cd data/mnist/
gunzip train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz
gunzip train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz
gunzip t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz
gunzip t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz
cd ../..
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