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Radan Skorić radanskoric

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radanskoric / app.rb
Created November 28, 2023 10:25
Turbo Frames and Streams on Sinatra
# This is a little experiment in using Turbo Frames and Streams without Rails.
# Built using just plain Sinatra as the web server.
# Make sure that you have sinatra and puma (or some other server) installed:
# gem install sinatra
# gem install puma
# You can then run the app with:
# ruby app.rb
require 'sinatra'
radanskoric / async_activerecord.rb
Last active October 17, 2023 09:33
Rails 7.1 async database query execution key functionality recreated as plain Ruby, for better understanding
# == NOTE ==
# This gist is accompnaying a blog post on the topic:
require 'bundler/inline'
require "benchmark"
require "debug"
require "uri"
gemfile do
source ''

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