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Created March 1, 2016 04:09
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use tempdb
-- membuat stored procedure
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_mencoba1 @min_len_middle_name int , @max_len_middle_name int, @jml int out
select @jml = count(*) from AdventureWorks2012.Person.Person where len(middleName) between @min_len_middle_name and @max_len_middle_name
-- menjalankan stored procedure dan melihat hasilnya
declare @jml_person int
exec usp_mencoba1 3,100,@jml_person output
print @jml_person
exec usp_mencoba1 2,100,@jml_person output
print @jml_person
exec usp_mencoba1 5,100,@jml_person output
print @jml_person
-- menghapus
DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_mencoba1 ]
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