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Last active December 15, 2023 16:43
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A somewhat WIP image to Mindustry logic converter.
import pyperclip
import math
from PIL import Image, ImageOps
c_MaxColorDifference = 4 # 4, 8, 16
c_TargetResolution = 176
c_SliceOperations = 998 # 998
c_DrawsPerFlush = 70
c_MaxCubeSize = 60
c_TargetImage = "image.png"
c_Output = "display1"
def CompareColor(A, B):
return math.sqrt((A[0] - B[0]) ** 2 + (A[1] - B[1]) ** 2 + (A[2] - B[2]) ** 2)
def FLAG(X, Y):
return ((Y & 0xFFFF) << 16) | ((X & 0xFFFF) << 0)
def CheckBlock(Pixels, SizeX, SizeY, StartX, StartY):
MainColor = Pixels[StartX, StartY]
for S in range(c_MaxCubeSize):
if StartX + S >= SizeX or StartY + S >= SizeY:
return S
V = 0
for X in range(S):
for Y in range(S):
V += CompareColor(MainColor, Pixels[StartX + X, StartY + Y])
if V > (c_MaxColorDifference * S):
return S
return c_MaxCubeSize
from PIL import ImageDraw
def main():
OriginalTargetImage ="RGB")
TargetImage = ImageOps.mirror(OriginalTargetImage.resize((c_TargetResolution, c_TargetResolution)).rotate(180, expand=True))
DoneList = set()
PXS = TargetImage.load()
DrawOperations = []
for Y in range(c_TargetResolution):
for X in range(c_TargetResolution):
if FLAG(X, Y) in DoneList:
Size = CheckBlock(PXS, c_TargetResolution, c_TargetResolution, X, Y)
for BX in range(Size):
for BY in range(Size):
DoneList.add(FLAG(X + BX, Y + BY))
DrawOperations.append([PXS[X, Y], (X, Y), Size])
if Y % c_MaxCubeSize == 0:
DrawOperations.sort(key=lambda V: (V[0][0] << 16) | (V[0][1] << 8) | (V[0][2] << 0))
Operations = []
LastColor = None
#DebugImage ="RGB", (c_TargetResolution, c_TargetResolution))
#DebugCanvas = ImageDraw.Draw(DebugImage)
r = ""
i = 0
def OP(String, Count=0):
nonlocal r, i
r += String + '\n'
i += Count
def CopyPart(Part):
print(Part, end=''); pyperclip.copy(Part)
input("Copied Part, Press Key To Proceed")
for Operation in DrawOperations:
[Color, [X, Y], Size] = Operation
COLOR = f"draw color {Color[0]} {Color[1]} {Color[2]} 255 0 0"
DRAW = f"draw rect {X} {Y} {Size} {Size} 0 0 {c_Output}"
DRAWFLUSH = f"drawflush {c_Output}"
if Color != LastColor:
LastColor = Color
if c_SliceOperations > 0 and i >= c_SliceOperations:
OP(f"{DRAWFLUSH}\nend", 2)
CopyPart(r); r = ""
i = 1
if i % c_DrawsPerFlush == 0:
#DebugCanvas.rectangle((X, Y, X+Size, Y+Size), fill=(Color[0] << 0) | (Color[1] << 8) | (Color[2] << 16))
OP(f"{DRAWFLUSH}\nend", 2)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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