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Created September 9, 2020 12:00
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Overview of OpenEBS


Enable Stateful applications to access Dynamic Local PVs or Replicated PVs.


Run any StatefulSet Kubernetes application, with any Storage System, using OpenEBS as provisioner and replication system.

  • Lower costs
  • Easier management
  • More control for their teams
  • Kubernetes native; runs in user-space
  • Open Source; no vendor lock-in
  • The only multi-cloud storage solution
  • Most active K8s storage project with a large community
  • Run on any Kubernetes platform (AKS, EKS, GCP…, Minikube, Vagrant…)

Doesn't rely on CSI plugins or kernel dependent software. Runs entirely in user-space as micro-service PODs.

CAS Architecture

  • Container Attached Storage (CAS) - Storage is coupled to application using a micro-service

  • DAS - Direct-Attached Storage - Storage directly linked to one computer or server, usually via a cable. Including external/internal hard drives or SSD flash drives.

  • NAS - Network Attached Storage - Network storage devices, allow multiple devices in a network to share the same storage space at once.

PVs on monolithic systems

In non-CAS models, Kubernetes Persistent Volumes are still tightly coupled to the Kernel modules, making the storage software on Kubernetes nodes monolithic in nature.


PVs on CAS systems

In contrast, CAS enables you to leverage flexibility and scalability of cloud-native applications. The storage software that defines a Kubernetes PV (Persistent Volume) is based on the micro services architecture. The control plane (storage controller) and the data plane of the storage software (storage replica) are run as Kubernetes Pods.


PV is a micro service in CAS

In CAS architecture, the software of storage controller and replicas are completely micro services based and hence no kernel components are involved.


Storage Architecture

Currently, the OpenEBS provisioner supports only one type of binding: iSCSI.

Choose a storage backend to use:

  • cStor: Recently released, very robust.
  • Jiva: Built in Go and uses Longhorn and gotgt stacks inside.
  • OpenEBS Local PV: Creates PVs out of local disks or host paths. No replication.

OpenEBS does Synchronous Replication for high-availability cross AZ setups. There is no blast radius effect, metadata of the volume is not centralized and is kept local to the volume. In the event of a node failure, the data continues to be available at the same performance levels.

OpenEBS cStor volume is working based on cStor/ZFS snapshot using Velero. For OpenEBS Local PV and Jiva volume, it is based on Restic using Velero.

cStor vs. Jiva vs. LocalPV

  • cStor is recommended most of the times.
  • Jiva is recommended for a low capacity workloads.
  • Read Write Many (RWM) is only supported with NFS underlining storage.

Few differences among the CAS engines:

Feature Jiva cStor LocalPV
Light weight and completely in user space Yes Yes Yes
Synchronous replication Yes Yes No
Suitable for low capacity workloads Yes Yes Yes
Snapshots and cloning support Basic Advanced No
Data consistency Yes Yes NA
Backup and Restore using Velero Yes Yes Yes
Suitable for high capacity workloads Yes Yes
Thin Provisioning Yes No
Disk pool or aggregate support Yes No
On demand capacity expansion Yes Yes*
Data resiliency (RAID support ) Yes No
Near disk performance No No Yes

See more:

Node Device Manager (NDM)

NDM treats block devices as resources that need to be monitored and managed just like other resources such as CPU, Memory and Network, running as a DaemonSet. Currently, runs in the privileged mode.

  • Easy access inventory of Block-Devices available in Kubernetes
  • Predict failures on the Disks to help with taking preventive actions.
  • Allow dynamically attaching/detaching disks to a storage pod, without restarting the corresponding NDM pod running on the Node where the disk is attached/detached.


OpenEBS configuration flow

  • Kubernetes 1.13+ installed. Latest tested Kubernetes version is 1.17.2.
  • For using features like Local PV and Backup & Restore, you must require Kubernetes version 1.13 or above.
  • For provisioning cStor volume via CSI driver support and performing basic operations on this volume such as expanding volume and snapshot & clone, you must require Kubernetes version 1.14 or above
  • Understand the pre-requisites for your Kubernetes platform

Minimum resource requirements:

  • The OpenEBS control plane comprises of minimum two pods i.e. API server and Dynamic Provisioner. You can run these using 2GB RAM and 2 CPUs.
  • Each volume will spin up IO controller and replica pods. Each of these will require 1GB RAM and 0.5 CPU by default.
  • For enabling high availability, OpenEBS recommends having a minimum of 3 nodes in the Kubernetes cluster.


  1. Verify if iSCSI client is running, see instructions.
  2. Select installation method:

See more:

OpenEBS CRDs and Workload

OpenEBS introduces new K8s Custom Resources Definitions (CRD):

$ kubectl get pods -n openebs

NAME                                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
maya-apiserver-d77867956-mv9ls                 1/1     Running   3          99s
openebs-admission-server-7f565bcbb5-lp5sk      1/1     Running   0          95s
openebs-localpv-provisioner-7bb98f549d-ljcc5   1/1     Running   0          94s
openebs-ndm-dn422                              1/1     Running   0          96s
openebs-ndm-operator-84849677b7-rhfbk          1/1     Running   1          95s
openebs-ndm-ptxss                              1/1     Running   0          96s
openebs-ndm-zpr2l                              1/1     Running   0          96s
openebs-provisioner-657486f6ff-pxdbc           1/1     Running   0          98s
openebs-snapshot-operator-5bdcdc9b77-v7n4w     2/2     Running   0          97s
$ kubectl get sc

NAME                        PROVISIONER                                                AGE
openebs-device                                               64s
openebs-hostpath                                             64s
openebs-jiva-default                               64s
openebs-snapshot-promoter   64s
standard (default)                                       6m41s
$ kubectl get blockdevice -n openebs

NAME                   NODENAME                     SIZE          CLAIMSTATE   STATUS   AGE
blockdevice-1c10eb1…   gke-ran…-default-pool-da9…   42949672960   Unclaimed    Active   14s
blockdevice-77f834e…   gke-ran…-default-pool-da9…   42949672960   Unclaimed    Active   22s
blockdevice-936911c…   gke-ran…-default-pool-da9…   42949672960   Unclaimed    Active   30s

To know which block device CR belongs to which node, check the node label set:

$ kubectl describe blockdevice blockdevice-db1254ebd777a99e6b9b5626358c7038 -n openebs

Name:         blockdevice-db1254ebd777a99e6b9b5626358c7038
Namespace:    openebs
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:
Kind:         BlockDevice
    Logical Sector Size:   512
    Physical Sector Size:  0
    Storage:               34359738368
    Device Type:
    Firmware Revision:
    Model:              QEMU_HARDDISK
    Serial:             drive-scsi8
    Vendor:             QEMU
    Kind:  by-id
    Kind:  by-path
  Partitioned:  No
  Path:         /dev/sdi
  Claim State:  Unclaimed
  State:        Active

See More

And many more…

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