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Last active April 3, 2017 02:24
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My first working implementation of Life on a Turing Machine
// A prelude of handy items
const I = _ => _;
const aKindOf = clazz => x => x instanceof clazz;
// preallocation and copy would be way faster
const flatMap = (arr, lambda) => {
const inLen = arr.length;
const mapped = new Array(inLen);
let outLen = 0;
arr.forEach((e, i) => {
const these = lambda(e);
mapped[i] = these;
outLen = outLen + these.length;
const out = new Array(outLen);
let outIndex = 0;
for (const these of mapped) {
for (const e of these) {
out[outIndex++] = e;
return out;
const gensym = (()=> {
let n = 1;
return (prefix = 'G') => `${prefix}-${n++}`;
const times = n =>
Array.from({ length: n }, (_, i) => i);
const get = property => object => object[property];
const range = n => Array.from({ length: n}, (_, i) => i);
const chunksOf = (chunkSize, array) =>
Array(Math.ceil(array.length/chunkSize)).fill().map((_,i) => array.slice(i*chunkSize,i*chunkSize+chunkSize));
class Konst {
constructor(name) { = name;
toString() { return; }
const deepishEqual = (a, b) => {
if (typeof a !== typeof b) {
return false;
} else if (typeof a === 'string') {
return a === b;
} else if (typeof a === 'number') {
return a === b;
} else if (typeof a === 'object') {
const aEntries = Object.entries(a);
const bKeys = Object.keys(b);
if (aEntries.length !== bKeys.length) {
return false;
} else {
for (const [key, aValue] of aEntries) {
const bValue = b[key];
if (!deepishEqual(aValue, bValue)) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
return a === b;
class PseudoMap {
constructor () {
this.mappings = [];
this.size = 0;
set (key, value) {
const pair = this.mappings.find( ({ key: _key }) => deepishEqual(key, _key));
if (pair == null) {
this.mappings.push({ key, value });
this.size += 1;
} else {
pair.value = value;
get (key) {
const pair = this.mappings.find( ({ key: _key }) => deepishEqual(key, _key));
if (pair != null) {
return pair.value;
has (key) {
const pair = this.mappings.find( ({ key: _key }) => deepishEqual(key, _key));
return (pair != null);
keys () {
values () {
class PseudoSet {
constructor (contents = []) {
this.contents = contents;
add (element) {
const _element = this.contents.find(_element => deepishEqual(element, _element));
if (_element == null) {
return element;
has (element) {
const _element = this.contents.find(_element => deepishEqual(element, _element));
return _element != null;
map (fn) {
filter (fn) {
return this.contents.filter(fn);
// really should write an iterator and support Array.from()
toArray () {
return this.contents.slice(0);
// a pretty printer for descriptons
function pd (title, description) {
const HALT = 0, LEFT = 2, RIGHT = 3;
if (description != null) {
} else {
description = title;
d => {
const butLast = d.slice(0, d.length-1);
const last = d[d.length-1];
if (butLast[2] === HALT) butLast[2] = 'HALT';
const butLastStrings =>x.toString());
const lastString = last === RIGHT ? 'RIGHT' : (last === LEFT ? 'LEFT' : last);
const strings = butLastStrings.concat([lastString]);
console.log(strings.join(', '));
// inject the pretty printer into the tool chain
const pdc = (title) => ({ description }) => {
pd(title, description);
return { description };
// inject some stats into the tool chain
const stats = (title) => ({ description }) => {
const instructions = description.length;
const stateSet = new Set();
for (const [state1, _, state2] of description) {
const states = stateSet.size;
console.log({ title, states, instructions });
return { description };
// a pretty printer for tapes
const ppt = (trim = true) =>
? () => ({
after: tape => {
let last = tape.length - 1;
while (last >= 0 && tape[last] === 0) --last;
return tape.slice(0, last + 1).join(' | ');
: () => ({
after: tape => tape.join(' | ')
// flip out and give up
const error = (...args) => {
throw 1;
// The Turing Machine. This particular machine stretches infintely in one direction,
// can handle arbitrary marks on the tape, and allows for multiple 'instructions'
// to be associated with one line in the description, e.g.
// ['start', 0, HALT, Move(RIGHT), Move(DOWN)]
const tsMachine = (() => {
const HALT = 'HALT';
const LEFT = 'LEFT';
const RIGHT = 'RIGHT';
function Write (mark) {
if (this == null) {
return new Write(mark);
if (mark == null || mark === '') {
console.log('missing mark');
throw 1;
this.mark = mark;
Write.prototype.toString = function () { return `Write(${this.mark})`; };
function Move (direction) {
if (this == null) {
return new Move(direction);
this.direction = direction;
Move.prototype.toString = function () { return `Move(${this.direction})`; };
function turingScript({ description: _description, tape: _tape }) {
const tape = Array.from(_tape);
const description = _description.reduce(
(acc, [currentState, match, nextState, ...actions]) => {
const rules = acc[currentState] || (acc[currentState] = {});
rules[match] = [nextState, ...actions];
return acc;
let tapeIndex = 0;
let currentState = _description[0][0];
while (true) {
if (tapeIndex < 0) {
console.log('moved off the left edge of the world');
console.log({ tapeIndex, currentState, currentMark, tape: tape.join(' ') });
return tape;
const currentMark = tape[tapeIndex];
const rules = description[currentState];
const rule = rules && rules[currentMark];
if (rule == null) {
if (currentState !== HALT) {
console.log({ tapeIndex, currentState, currentMark, tape: tape.join(' ') });
return tape;
const [nextState, ...actions] = rule;
for (const action of actions) {
if (action instanceof Move) {
const direction = action.direction;
if (direction === LEFT) {
if (tapeIndex < 0) {
console.log('moved off the left edge of the world');
console.log({ tapeIndex, currentState, currentMark, tape: tape.join(' ') });
return tape;
} else if (direction === RIGHT) {
if (tape[tapeIndex] == null) tape[tapeIndex] = 0;
} else {
error(`Don't know how to move ${direction}'`);
} else if (action instanceof Write) {
tape[tapeIndex] = action.mark;
} else {
error(`Don't know how to execute action ${action}'`)
currentState = nextState;
return Object.assign(
({ description, tape = [] }) => turingScript({ description, tape }),
{ constants: { LEFT, RIGHT, HALT, Move, Write } }
// framework for compiling more expressive instruction sets to the basic TM
const compile = (...compilers) =>
compilers.slice(0, compilers.length - 1).reverse().reduce(
(machine, compiler) => {
let { constants } = machine;
const compiledMachine = ({ description: _description, tape: _tape }) => {
const parameters = Object.assign({ description: _description, tape: _tape }, constants);
const { description = _description, tape = _tape, after = I, } = compiler(parameters);
return after(machine({ description, tape }));
if (compiler.constants != null) {
constants = Object.assign({}, constants, compiler.constants);
return Object.assign(compiledMachine, { constants });
compilers[compilers.length - 1]
// annotate tape cells, useful for emulating multiple tape heads
const annotations = (() => {
const Nothing = new Konst('∅');
const Something = new Konst('+');
const Anything = new Konst('*');
function Annotated (annotation, mark = Anything) {
if (this == null) {
return new Annotated (annotation, mark);
Object.assign(this, { annotation, mark });
Annotated.prototype.toString = function () {
if ('' + this.annotation === '[object Object]') {
error('annotation is not printable', this);
return `${this.annotation}::${this.mark}`;
function Unannotated (mark ) {
if (this == null) {
return new Unannotated(mark);
Object.assign(this, { mark });
Unannotated.prototype.toString = function () {
return `∅::${this.mark}`;
function Annotate (annotation) {
if (this == null) {
return new Annotate(annotation);
this.annotation = annotation;
Annotate.prototype.toString = function () {
return `${this.annotation}::*`;
function Deannotate () {
if (this == null) {
return new Deannotate();
Deannotate.prototype.toString = function () {
return `::*`;
function Not(...marks) {
if (this == null) {
return new Not(...marks);
this.marks = marks;
Not.prototype.toString = function () {
return `![${this.marks.join(', ')}]`;
function Any(...marks) {
if (this == null) {
return new Any(...marks);
this.marks = marks;
Any.prototype.toString = function () {
return `[${this.marks.join(', ')}]`;
const isSomething = input => input === Something;
const isAnything = input => input === Anything;
const isNothing = input => input === Nothing;
const isNot = input => input instanceof Not
const isAny = input => input instanceof Any
const isConcrete = input => input != null && input !== Something && input !== Anything && !isNot(input) && !isAny(input);
const isnt = input => input == null;
const splitMatch = input => {
if (input instanceof Unannotated) {
const { mark } = input;
return { annotation: Nothing, mark };
} else if (input instanceof Annotated || input.annotation != null || input.mark != null) {
const { annotation, mark } = input;
return { annotation, mark };
} else if (input === Nothing) {
return { annotation: Anything, mark: 0 };
} else if (input === Something) {
return { annotation: Anything, mark: Something };
} else if (input === Anything) {
return { annotation: Anything, mark: Anything };
} else {
return { annotation: Anything, mark: input };
const split = input => {
if (input instanceof Unannotated) {
const { mark } = input;
return { annotation: Nothing, mark };
} else if (input instanceof Annotated || input.annotation != null || input.mark != null) {
const { annotation, mark } = input;
return { annotation, mark };
} else if (input === Nothing) {
return { mark: 0 };
} else if (input === Something) {
return { annotation: Anything, mark: Something };
} else if (input === Anything) {
return { annotation: Anything, mark: Anything };
} else {
return { mark: input };
const compiler = ({ description: _description, tape, Write }) => {
function isVarableWrite (instruction) {
if (instruction instanceof Write) {
const { annotation, mark } = split(instruction.mark);
return typeof annotation === 'object'
&& (annotation instanceof Something || annotation instanceof Anything) ||
typeof mark === 'object'
&& (mark instanceof Something || mark instanceof Anything)
return false;
// extract annotate and deannotate states so that they are always
// the first instruction in a sequence
function extractAnnotateDeannotateWrite ([currentState, match, nextState, first,]) {
const unsplit = [first];
let instruction;
while (instruction = rest.shift()) {
if (instruction instanceof Annotate || instruction instanceof Deannotate || isVarableWrite(instruction)) {
// TODO: not writes that are constant!
const bridgeState = gensym('bridge');
return [[currentState, match, bridgeState, ...unsplit]].concat(
extractAnnotateDeannotateWrite([bridgeState, Anything, nextState, instruction,])
} else {
return [[currentState, match, nextState, ...unsplit]];
// gather a vocabulary of annotations and marks
let annotations = new PseudoSet();
let anythings = new PseudoSet([0]);
const scan = input => {
if (input instanceof Annotated || input.annotation != null || input.mark != null) {
const { annotation, mark } = input;
if (isConcrete(annotation)) {
if (isConcrete(mark)) {
} else if (isConcrete(input)) {
for (const [currentState, match, nextState, ...instructions] of _description) {
for (const instruction of instructions) {
if (instruction instanceof Write) {
} else if (instruction instanceof Annotate) {
for (const cell of tape) {
const somethings = anythings.filter(_ => _ != 0);
// console.log({ annotations, somethings, anythings })
// first, split annotate, deannotate, and variable writes
const splitDescription = flatMap(_description, extractAnnotateDeannotateWrite);
const annotationsToSymbols = new PseudoMap();
const markFor = (something) => {
if (something instanceof Annotated) {
let mark = annotationsToSymbols.get(something);
if (mark == null) {
mark = gensym(something.toString());
annotationsToSymbols.set(something, mark);
return mark;
} else {
return something;
const instructionFor = (something) => {
if (something instanceof Write) {
return Write(markFor(something.mark))
} else {
return something;
const description = flatMap(splitDescription, ([currentState, match, nextState, ...instructions]) => {
let flavours;
const { annotation, mark } = splitMatch(match);
let validAnnotations;
let validMarks;
if (isNothing(annotation)) {
validAnnotations = [Nothing];
} else if (isConcrete(annotation)) {
validAnnotations = [annotation];
} else if (isSomething(annotation)) {
validAnnotations = annnotations.toArray();
} else if (isnt(annotation) || isAnything(annotation)) {
validAnnotations = [Nothing].concat(annotations.toArray());
if (isnt(mark)) {
error('Must have a mark or use Something or Anything', match);
} else if (isConcrete(mark)) {
validMarks = [mark];
} else if (isSomething(mark)) {
validMarks = somethings.toArray();
} else if (isAnything(mark)) {
validMarks = anythings.toArray();
} else if (isNot(mark)) {
validMarks = anythings.filter(markToInclude => !mark.marks.includes(markToInclude));
} else if (isAny(mark)) {
validMarks = mark.marks;
} else {
error('?????', mark);
flavours = flatMap(validAnnotations, annotation => =>
[currentState, isNothing(annotation) ? mark : Annotated(annotation, mark), nextState, ...instructions]
([currentState, match, nextState, ..._instructions]) => {
const { annotation: currentAnnotation, mark: currentMark } = split(match);
if (isSomething(currentMark) || isAnything(currentMark)) {
error(`No 'wildcard' marks allowed here ${match}`);
} else if (isnt(currentMark)) {
error(`Must have a concrete mark ${match}`, match);
const instructions = => {
if (instruction instanceof Write) {
const { annotation, mark } = split(instruction.mark);
if (isnt(annotation) && isConcrete(mark)) {
// just write an unannotated mark
return Write(mark);
} else if (isConcrete(annotation) && isConcrete(mark)) {
// just write an annotated mark
return Write(markFor(instruction.mark));
} else if (isSomething(annotation) && isConcrete(mark)) {
if (isConcrete(currentAnnotation)) {
// write the current annotation and the new mark
return Write(markFor(Annotated(currentAnnotation, mark)));
} else if (isnt(currentAnnotation)) {
// write the new mark, unadorned
return Write(mark);
} else {
error(`Don't know how to write ${Write.mark} when recognizing ${match}`);
} else if (isConcrete(annotation) && isSomething(mark)) {
return Write(markFor(Annotated(annotation, currentMark)));
} else {
error(`Don't know how to write ${Write.mark}`);
} else if (instruction instanceof Annotate) {
const { annotation } = instruction;
return Write(markFor(Annotated(annotation, currentMark)));
} else if (instruction instanceof Deannotate) {
return Write(currentMark);
} else {
return instruction;
return [currentState, markFor(match), nextState, ...instructions];
// console.log(tape.join(' '));
// pd('annotated', description);
return { description, tape, after: _=>_ };
return Object.assign(compiler, { constants: { Annotated, Unannotated, Annotate, Deannotate, Nothing, Something, Anything, Not, Any }});
// compile a two-dimensional tape down to a one-dimensional tape
const twoDimensional = (() => {
const UP = 'UP';
const DOWN = 'DOWN';
const compile = ({ description: _description = [], tape: _tape, LEFT, RIGHT, Move, Annotated, Unannotated, Annotate, Deannotate, Nothing, Something, Anything, Not, Any, Write }) => {
// annotations
// consider naming them with genysms or giving them ids
const V = gensym('V');
const H = gensym('H');
const VEND = gensym('$V');
const HEND = gensym('$H');
const Slow = gensym('slow');
const Fast = gensym('fast');
const L = gensym('L');
const R = gensym('R');
const max = Math.max(Math.sqrt(_tape.length), 2);
const tape2d = chunksOf(max, _tape);
const tape = [V];
for (let sum = 0; sum < max * 2 - 1; ++sum) {
const topDown = sum % 2 === 1;
for (let innerCount = 0; innerCount <= sum; ++innerCount) {
let h;
let v;
if (topDown) {
v = innerCount;
h = sum - innerCount;
} else {
h = innerCount;
v = sum - innerCount;
if (v >= tape2d.length || h >= tape2d[v].length) {
} else {
if (topDown) {
} else {
const lastCell = tape[tape.length - 1];
tape[tape.length - 1] = lastCell === V ? VEND : HEND;
// console.log(tape.join(' '));
const firstState = _description[0][0];
const moveToTheRightOfTheFirstV = gensym('moveToTheRightOfTheFirstV');
const description = [
[moveToTheRightOfTheFirstV, V, firstState, Move(RIGHT)]
flatMap(_description, ([currentState, currentMatch, nextState, ..._instructions]) => {
const subDescription = [];
let fromState = currentState;
let toMatch = currentMatch;
let toState = nextState;
let subInstructions = [];
let thisInstruction;
while (thisInstruction = _instructions.shift()) {
if (thisInstruction instanceof Move) {
// what is the begininng state?
let stateBeforeMove;
// what do we need to match before marking things up?
let matchBeforeMove;
if (subInstructions.length > 0) {
// flush existing instructions
stateBeforeMove = gensym(`before-move-${nextState}`);
matchBeforeMove = Anything;
subDescription.push([fromState, toMatch, stateBeforeMove, ...subInstructions]);
subInstructions = [];
} else if (fromState === currentState) {
stateBeforeMove = fromState;
matchBeforeMove = currentMatch;
} else {
stateBeforeMove = fromState;
matchBeforeMove = Anything;
// are we the last instruction?
let stateAfterMove;
if (_instructions.length === 0) {
stateAfterMove = nextState;
} else {
stateAfterMove = gensym('after-move');
fromState = stateAfterMove;
const seekVH = gensym(`seek-v-or-h-${nextState}`);
const moveBackToSlow = gensym(`move-back-to-slow-${nextState}`);
const testVorH = gensym(`test-V-or-H-${nextState}`);
const solveForV = gensym(`solve-for-v-${nextState}`);
const solveForH = gensym(`solve-for-h-${nextState}`);
const resetFast = gensym(`reset-fast-${nextState}`);
const fastBackToSlow = gensym(`fast-back-to-slow-${nextState}`);
const fastToSlow = gensym(`fast-to-slow-${nextState}`);
const applyVR = gensym(`apply-v-right-${nextState}`);
const moveBackToVLeft = gensym(`move-back-to-v-left-${nextState}`);
const testLVHV = gensym('test-l-v-h-v');
const moveUpToRH = gensym('move-up-to-r-h');
const moveUpToRMoveV = gensym('move-up-to-r-move-v');
const moveBackToFastV = gensym('move-back-to-fast-v');
const applyHR = gensym(`apply-h-right-${nextState}`);
const moveBackToHLeft = gensym(`move-back-to-h-left-${nextState}`);
const testLVHH = gensym('test-l-v-h-h');
const moveUpToRV = gensym('move-up-to-r-v');
const moveUpToRMoveH = gensym('move-up-to-r-move-h');
const moveBackToFastH = gensym('move-back-to-fast-h');
if (thisInstruction.direction === UP) {
[stateBeforeMove, matchBeforeMove, fastBackToSlow, Annotate(Slow), Move(LEFT), Move(LEFT)],
[fastBackToSlow, Anything, moveBackToSlow, Annotate(Fast), Move(RIGHT)],
[moveBackToSlow, Unannotated(Anything), moveBackToSlow, Move(RIGHT)],
[moveBackToSlow, Annotated(Slow), testVorH, Deannotate(), Move(LEFT)],
[testVorH, V, solveForV, Move(LEFT)],
[testVorH, H, solveForH, Move(LEFT)],
[testVorH, Not(V, H), resetFast, Annotate(Slow), Move(LEFT)],
[resetFast, Unannotated(Anything), resetFast, Move(LEFT)],
[resetFast, Annotated(Fast), moveBackToSlow, Deannotate(), Move(LEFT), Move(LEFT), Annotate(Fast), Move(RIGHT)],
[solveForV, Unannotated(Anything), solveForV, Move(LEFT)],
[solveForV, Annotated(Fast), stateAfterMove, Deannotate(), Move(RIGHT)],
[solveForH, Unannotated(Anything), solveForH, Move(LEFT)],
[solveForH, Annotated(Fast), stateAfterMove, Deannotate()]
} else if (thisInstruction.direction === DOWN) {
[stateBeforeMove, matchBeforeMove, fastBackToSlow, Annotate(Slow), Move(RIGHT), Move(RIGHT)],
[fastBackToSlow, Anything, moveBackToSlow, Annotate(Fast), Move(LEFT)],
[moveBackToSlow, Unannotated(Anything), moveBackToSlow, Move(LEFT)],
[moveBackToSlow, Annotated(Slow), testVorH, Deannotate(), Move(RIGHT)],
[testVorH, V, solveForV, Move(RIGHT)],
[testVorH, H, solveForH, Move(RIGHT)],
[testVorH, Not(V, H, VEND, HEND), resetFast, Annotate(Slow), Move(RIGHT)],
[resetFast, Unannotated(Anything), resetFast, Move(RIGHT)],
[resetFast, Annotated(Fast), moveBackToSlow, Deannotate(), Move(RIGHT), Move(RIGHT), Annotate(Fast), Move(LEFT)],
[solveForV, Unannotated(Anything), solveForV, Move(RIGHT)],
[solveForV, Annotated(Fast), stateAfterMove, Deannotate(), Move(RIGHT)],
[solveForH, Unannotated(Anything), solveForH, Move(RIGHT)],
[solveForH, Annotated(Fast), stateAfterMove, Deannotate()],
// expansion 1: Found V at the end
// write a V, move left and annotate L, move right twice
[testVorH, VEND, applyVR, Write(V), Move(LEFT), Annotate(L), Move(RIGHT), Move(RIGHT)],
// is it marked? skip the mark and write R
[applyVR, Annotated(Fast, 0), moveBackToVLeft, Move(RIGHT), Write(R)],
// otherwise just write R
[applyVR, Unannotated(0), moveBackToVLeft, Write(R)],
//move back to annotated L
[moveBackToVLeft, Unannotated(Anything), moveBackToVLeft, Move(LEFT)],
[moveBackToVLeft, Annotated(Fast, 0), moveBackToVLeft, Move(LEFT)],
// deannotate and move left
[moveBackToVLeft, Annotated(L), testLVHV, Deannotate(), Move(LEFT)],
// is it an H? we're almost done move up to the R
[testLVHV, H, moveUpToRH, Move(RIGHT)],
[moveUpToRH, Not(H), moveUpToRH, Move(RIGHT)],
[moveUpToRH, Annotated(Fast, 0), moveUpToRH, Move(RIGHT)],
// found the R! Write an H.
[moveUpToRH, R, moveBackToFastV, Write(0), Move(RIGHT), Write(HEND), Move(LEFT)],
// move back to the fast, deannotate it, move right, and we're done
[moveBackToFastV, Unannotated(Anything), moveBackToFastV, Move(LEFT)],
[moveBackToFastV, Annotated(Fast), stateAfterMove, Deannotate(), Move(RIGHT)],
// the L is not an H, sigh. Annotate it and move right
[testLVHV, Not(H), moveUpToRMoveV, Annotate(L), Move(RIGHT)],
[moveUpToRMoveV, Not(H), moveUpToRMoveV, Move(RIGHT)],
[moveUpToRMoveV, Annotated(Fast, 0), moveUpToRMoveV, Move(RIGHT)],
// // found it, deannotate, move right and test it
[moveUpToRMoveV, R, applyVR, Write(0), Move(RIGHT)],
// expansion 2: Found H at the end
// write an H, move left and annotate L, move right twice
[testVorH, HEND, applyHR, Write(H), Move(LEFT), Annotate(L), Move(RIGHT), Move(RIGHT)],
// is it marked? skip the mark and write R
[applyHR, Annotated(Fast, 0), moveBackToHLeft, Move(RIGHT), Write(R)],
// otherwise just write R
[applyHR, Unannotated(0), moveBackToHLeft, Write(R)],
//move back to annotated L
[moveBackToHLeft, Unannotated(Anything), moveBackToHLeft, Move(LEFT)],
[moveBackToHLeft, Annotated(Fast, 0), moveBackToHLeft, Move(LEFT)],
// deannotate and move left
[moveBackToHLeft, Annotated(L), testLVHH, Deannotate(), Move(LEFT)],
// is it a V? we're almost done move up to the R
[testLVHH, V, moveUpToRV, Move(RIGHT)],
[moveUpToRV, Not(V), moveUpToRV, Move(RIGHT)],
[moveUpToRV, Annotated(Fast, 0), moveUpToRV, Move(RIGHT)],
// found the R! Write a V.
[moveUpToRV, R, moveBackToFastH, Write(0), Move(RIGHT), Write(VEND), Move(LEFT)],
// move back to the fast, deannotate it, and we're done
[moveBackToFastH, Unannotated(Anything), moveBackToFastH, Move(LEFT)],
[moveBackToFastH, Annotated(Fast), stateAfterMove, Deannotate()],
// the L is not a V, sigh. Annotate it and move right
[testLVHH, Not(H), moveUpToRMoveH, Annotate(L), Move(RIGHT)],
[moveUpToRMoveH, Anything, moveUpToRMoveH, Move(RIGHT)],
[moveUpToRMoveH, Annotated(Fast, 0), moveUpToRMoveH, Move(RIGHT)],
// // found it, deannotate, move right and test it
[moveUpToRMoveH, R, applyHR, Write(0), Move(RIGHT)]
} else if (thisInstruction.direction === LEFT) {
[stateBeforeMove, matchBeforeMove, fastBackToSlow, Annotate(Slow), Move(LEFT), Move(LEFT)],
[fastBackToSlow, Anything, moveBackToSlow, Annotate(Fast), Move(RIGHT)],
[moveBackToSlow, Unannotated(Anything), moveBackToSlow, Move(RIGHT)],
[moveBackToSlow, Annotated(Slow), testVorH, Deannotate(), Move(LEFT)],
[testVorH, V, solveForV, Move(LEFT)],
[testVorH, H, solveForH, Move(LEFT)],
[testVorH, Not(V, H), resetFast, Annotate(Slow), Move(LEFT)],
[resetFast, Unannotated(Anything), resetFast, Move(LEFT)],
[resetFast, Annotated(Fast), moveBackToSlow, Deannotate(), Move(LEFT), Move(LEFT), Annotate(Fast), Move(RIGHT)],
[solveForV, Unannotated(Anything), solveForV, Move(LEFT)],
[solveForV, Annotated(Fast), stateAfterMove, Deannotate()],
[solveForH, Unannotated(Anything), solveForH, Move(LEFT)],
[solveForH, Annotated(Fast), stateAfterMove, Deannotate(), Move(RIGHT)]
} else if (thisInstruction.direction === RIGHT) {
[stateBeforeMove, matchBeforeMove, fastBackToSlow, Annotate(Slow), Move(RIGHT), Move(RIGHT)],
[fastBackToSlow, Anything, moveBackToSlow, Annotate(Fast), Move(LEFT)],
[moveBackToSlow, Unannotated(Anything), moveBackToSlow, Move(LEFT)],
[moveBackToSlow, Annotated(Slow), testVorH, Deannotate(), Move(RIGHT)],
[testVorH, V, solveForV, Move(RIGHT)],
[testVorH, H, solveForH, Move(RIGHT)],
[testVorH, Not(V, H, VEND, HEND), resetFast, Annotate(Slow), Move(RIGHT)],
[resetFast, Unannotated(Anything), resetFast, Move(RIGHT)],
[resetFast, Annotated(Fast), moveBackToSlow, Deannotate(), Move(RIGHT), Move(RIGHT), Annotate(Fast), Move(LEFT)],
[solveForV, Unannotated(Anything), solveForV, Move(RIGHT)],
[solveForV, Annotated(Fast), stateAfterMove, Deannotate()],
[solveForH, Unannotated(Anything), solveForH, Move(RIGHT)],
[solveForH, Annotated(Fast), stateAfterMove, Deannotate(), Move(RIGHT)],
// expansion 1: Found V at the end
// write a V, move left and annotate L, move right twice
[testVorH, VEND, applyVR, Write(V), Move(LEFT), Annotate(L), Move(RIGHT), Move(RIGHT)],
// is it marked? skip the mark and write R
[applyVR, Annotated(Fast, 0), moveBackToVLeft, Move(RIGHT), Write(R)],
// otherwise just write R
[applyVR, Unannotated(0), moveBackToVLeft, Write(R)],
//move back to annotated L
[moveBackToVLeft, Unannotated(Anything), moveBackToVLeft, Move(LEFT)],
[moveBackToVLeft, Annotated(Fast, 0), moveBackToVLeft, Move(LEFT)],
// deannotate and move left
[moveBackToVLeft, Annotated(L), testLVHV, Deannotate(), Move(LEFT)],
// is it an H? we're almost done move up to the R
[testLVHV, H, moveUpToRH, Move(RIGHT)],
[moveUpToRH, Not(H), moveUpToRH, Move(RIGHT)],
[moveUpToRH, Annotated(Fast, 0), moveUpToRH, Move(RIGHT)],
// found the R! Write an H.
[moveUpToRH, R, moveBackToFastV, Write(0), Move(RIGHT), Write(HEND), Move(LEFT)],
// move back to the fast, deannotate it, and we're done
[moveBackToFastV, Unannotated(Anything), moveBackToFastV, Move(LEFT)],
[moveBackToFastV, Annotated(Fast), stateAfterMove, Deannotate()],
// the L is not an H, sigh. Annotate it and move right
[testLVHV, Not(H), moveUpToRMoveV, Annotate(L), Move(RIGHT)],
[moveUpToRMoveV, Not(H), moveUpToRMoveV, Move(RIGHT)],
[moveUpToRMoveV, Annotated(Fast, 0), moveUpToRMoveV, Move(RIGHT)],
// // found it, deannotate, move right and test it
[moveUpToRMoveV, R, applyVR, Write(0), Move(RIGHT)],
// expansion 2: Found H at the end
// write an H, move left and annotate L, move right twice
[testVorH, HEND, applyHR, Write(H), Move(LEFT), Annotate(L), Move(RIGHT), Move(RIGHT)],
// is it marked? skip the mark and write R
[applyHR, Annotated(Fast, 0), moveBackToHLeft, Move(RIGHT), Write(R)],
// otherwise just write R
[applyHR, Unannotated(0), moveBackToHLeft, Write(R)],
//move back to annotated L
[moveBackToHLeft, Unannotated(Anything), moveBackToHLeft, Move(LEFT)],
[moveBackToHLeft, Annotated(Fast, 0), moveBackToHLeft, Move(LEFT)],
// deannotate and move left
[moveBackToHLeft, Annotated(L), testLVHH, Deannotate(), Move(LEFT)],
// is it a V? we're almost done move up to the R
[testLVHH, V, moveUpToRV, Move(RIGHT)],
[moveUpToRV, Not(V), moveUpToRV, Move(RIGHT)],
[moveUpToRV, Annotated(Fast, 0), moveUpToRV, Move(RIGHT)],
// found the R! Write a V.
[moveUpToRV, R, moveBackToFastH, Write(0), Move(RIGHT), Write(VEND), Move(LEFT)],
// move back to the fast, deannotate it, move right, and we're done
[moveBackToFastH, Unannotated(Anything), moveBackToFastH, Move(LEFT)],
[moveBackToFastH, Annotated(Fast), stateAfterMove, Deannotate(), Move(RIGHT)],
// the L is not a V, sigh. Annotate it and move right
[testLVHH, Not(H), moveUpToRMoveH, Annotate(L), Move(RIGHT)],
[moveUpToRMoveH, Anything, moveUpToRMoveH, Move(RIGHT)],
[moveUpToRMoveH, Annotated(Fast, 0), moveUpToRMoveH, Move(RIGHT)],
// // found it, deannotate, move right and test it
[moveUpToRMoveH, R, applyHR, Write(0), Move(RIGHT)]
} else {
error('unknown move direction');
// now that we've moved, any following instructions must be prepared for anything
toMatch = Not(V, H);
// set up following instructions
} else {
if (subInstructions.length > 0) {
subDescription.push([fromState, toMatch, nextState, ...subInstructions])
return subDescription;
const after = _tape => {
const tape2d = Array.from({ length: max },
() => Array.from({ length: max }, () => 0)
const tape = Array.from(_tape);
// console.log(tape.join(' '));
tape.shift(); // initial V
for (let sum = 0; tape.length > 0; ++sum) {
const topDown = sum % 2 === 1;
for (let innerCount = 0; innerCount <= sum; ++innerCount) {
let h;
let v;
if (topDown) {
v = innerCount;
h = sum - innerCount;
} else {
h = innerCount;
v = sum - innerCount;
if (v === tape2d.length || h === tape2d.length) {
tape2d.forEach( row => row.push(0));
tape2d.push(Array.from({ length: tape2d.length + 1 }, () => 0))
if (v < tape2d.length && h < tape2d[v].length) {
tape2d[v][h] = tape.shift();
} else {
error('reg, you made a mistake', { v, h, tape2d });
// console.log(tape2d)
return flatMap(tape2d, I);
// pd('2d', description);
return { description, tape, after };
return Object.assign(compile, { constants: { UP, DOWN } });
// pretty-print two-dimensional tapes
const p2d = tape => {
const size = Math.sqrt(tape.length);
const rows = chunksOf(size, tape);
for (const row of rows) {
console.log(row.join(' '));
// define macros to be expanded
const macros = (() => {
function Expand (macroFunction) {
if (this == null) {
return new Expand(macroFunction);
} = || 'anonymous';
this.macroFunction = (stateBeforeExpand, matchBeforeExpand, stateAfterExpand) => {
const macroBody = macroFunction(stateBeforeExpand, matchBeforeExpand, stateAfterExpand);
const states = macroBody.reduce(
(states, [state1, _, state2, ...__]) => {
if (!states.get(state1)) {
if ([stateBeforeExpand, stateAfterExpand].includes(state1)) {
states.set(state1, state1);
} else {
states.set(state1, gensym(state1));
if (!states.get(state2)) {
if ([stateBeforeExpand, stateAfterExpand].includes(state2)) {
states.set(state2, state2);
} else {
states.set(state2, gensym(state2));
return states;
new Map()
const gensymedBody =
([state1, match, state2, ...instructions]) =>
[states.get(state1), match, states.get(state2), ...instructions]
return gensymedBody;
Expand.prototype.toString = function () { return `Expand(${})`; }
const compiler = ({ description: _description, Anything }) => ({
description: flatMap(_description,
([currentState, currentMatch, nextState, ..._instructions]) => {
const subDescription = [];
let fromState = currentState;
let toMatch = currentMatch;
let toState = nextState;
let subInstructions = [];
let thisInstruction;
while (thisInstruction = _instructions.shift()) {
if (thisInstruction instanceof Expand) {
// what is the beginnng state?
let stateBeforeExpand;
// what do we need to match before marking things up?
let matchBeforeExpand;
if (subInstructions.length > 0) {
// flush existing instructions
stateBeforeExpand = gensym(`before-expand-${nextState}`);
matchBeforeExpand = Anything;
subDescription.push([fromState, toMatch, stateBeforeExpand, ...subInstructions]);
subInstructions = [];
} else if (fromState === currentState) {
stateBeforeExpand = fromState;
matchBeforeExpand = currentMatch;
} else {
stateBeforeExpand = fromState;
matchBeforeExpand = Anything;
// are we the last instruction?
let stateAfterExpand;
if (_instructions.length === 0) {
stateAfterExpand = nextState;
} else {
stateAfterExpand = gensym('after-expand');
fromState = stateAfterExpand;
const macro = thisInstruction.macroFunction;
if (typeof macro !== 'function') {
error(`I don't know how to expand this macro`);
...macro(stateBeforeExpand, matchBeforeExpand, stateAfterExpand)
// now that we've expanded, any following instructions must be prepared for anything
toMatch = Anything;
// set up following instructions
} else {
if (subInstructions.length > 0) {
subDescription.push([fromState, toMatch, nextState, ...subInstructions])
return subDescription;
return Object.assign(compiler, { constants: { Expand } })
// An implementation of Conway's Game of Life
(() => {
// The "tableau machine" that understands macros, annotations, and a two-dimensional 'tableau'
const tableauMachine = compile(macros, annotations, twoDimensional, annotations, stats('tsMachine program'), tsMachine);
// extract the constants we'll need to write our program
const { constants: { LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, HALT, Move, Write, Annotated, Unannotated, Annotate, Deannotate, Nothing, Something, Anything, Expand } } = tableauMachine;
// this macro preumes the TM is on a cell. it movves left and up, then circumnavigates the cell,
// counting neighbours. it then annotates the cell with 'alive' or 'dead' to indicate the
// future.
const annotateWithFuture = (stateBeforeExpand, matchBeforeExpand, stateAfterExpand) => [
[stateBeforeExpand, matchBeforeExpand, 'start-cell', Move(LEFT), Move(UP)],
['start-cell', 0, 'ul-zero', Move(RIGHT)],
['start-cell', 1, 'ul-one', Move(RIGHT)],
['ul-zero', 1, 'uc-one', Move(RIGHT)],
['ul-zero', 0, 'uc-zero', Move(RIGHT)],
['uc-zero', 0, 'ur-zero', Move(DOWN)],
['uc-zero', 1, 'ur-one', Move(DOWN)],
['ur-zero', 0, 'mr-zero', Move(DOWN)],
['ur-zero', 1, 'mr-one', Move(DOWN)],
['mr-zero', 0, 'lr-zero', Move(LEFT)],
['mr-zero', 1, 'lr-one', Move(LEFT)],
['lr-zero', 0, 'lc-zero', Move(LEFT)],
['lr-zero', 1, 'lc-one', Move(LEFT)],
['lc-zero', 0, 'll-zero', Move(UP)],
['lc-zero', 1, 'll-one', Move(UP)],
['ll-zero', 0, 'zero', Move(RIGHT)],
['ll-zero', 1, 'one', Move(RIGHT)],
['ul-one', 0, 'uc-one', Move(RIGHT)],
['ul-one', 1, 'uc-two', Move(RIGHT)],
['uc-one', 0, 'ur-one', Move(DOWN)],
['uc-one', 1, 'ur-two', Move(DOWN)],
['ur-one', 0, 'mr-one', Move(DOWN)],
['ur-one', 1, 'mr-two', Move(DOWN)],
['mr-one', 0, 'lr-one', Move(LEFT)],
['mr-one', 1, 'lr-two', Move(LEFT)],
['lr-one', 0, 'lc-one', Move(LEFT)],
['lr-one', 1, 'lc-two', Move(LEFT)],
['lc-one', 0, 'll-one', Move(UP)],
['lc-one', 1, 'll-two', Move(UP)],
['ll-one', 0, 'one', Move(RIGHT)],
['ll-one', 1, 'two', Move(RIGHT)],
['uc-two', 0, 'ur-two', Move(DOWN)],
['uc-two', 1, 'ur-three', Move(DOWN)],
['ur-two', 0, 'mr-two', Move(DOWN)],
['ur-two', 1, 'mr-three', Move(DOWN)],
['mr-two', 0, 'lr-two', Move(LEFT)],
['mr-two', 1, 'lr-three', Move(LEFT)],
['lr-two', 0, 'lc-two', Move(LEFT)],
['lr-two', 1, 'lc-three', Move(LEFT)],
['lc-two', 0, 'll-two', Move(UP)],
['lc-two', 1, 'll-three', Move(UP)],
['ll-two', 0, 'two', Move(RIGHT)],
['ll-two', 1, 'three', Move(RIGHT)],
['ur-three', 0, 'mr-three', Move(DOWN)],
['ur-three', 1, 'too-many', Move(LEFT)], // short circuit
['mr-three', 0, 'lr-three', Move(LEFT)],
['mr-three', 1, 'too-many', Move(LEFT), Move(UP)], // short circuit
['lr-three', 0, 'lc-three', Move(LEFT)],
['lr-three', 1, 'too-many', Move(UP)], // short circuit
['lc-three', 0, 'll-three', Move(UP)],
['lc-three', 1, 'too-many', Move(UP), Move(RIGHT)], // short circuit
['ll-three', 0, 'three', Move(RIGHT)],
['ll-three', 1, 'too-many', Move(RIGHT)],
['zero', 0, stateAfterExpand, Annotate('dead')],
['zero', 1, stateAfterExpand, Annotate('dead')],
['one', 0, stateAfterExpand, Annotate('dead')],
['one', 1, stateAfterExpand, Annotate('dead')],
['two', 0, stateAfterExpand, Annotate('dead')],
['two', 1, stateAfterExpand, Annotate('alive')],
['three', 0, stateAfterExpand, Annotate('alive')],
['three', 1, stateAfterExpand, Annotate('alive')],
['too-many', 0, stateAfterExpand, Annotate('dead')],
['too-many', 1, stateAfterExpand, Annotate('dead')]
// this macro reads the annotation and updates the cell's state
const updateFromAnnotation = (stateBeforeExpand, matchBeforeExpand, stateAfterExpand) => [
[stateBeforeExpand, Annotated('dead'), stateAfterExpand, Deannotate(), Write(0)],
[stateBeforeExpand, Annotated('alive'), stateAfterExpand, Deannotate(), Write(1)]
// Here's a program for a simple 3x3 life universe. It assumes that the universe is padded with zeroes,
// so it begins by moving right and down to get to the first cell we care about.
// the program is written as one 'state', but our compilers translate the sequence of instructions into
// states for us.
// The exact number of states in the fully compiled program varies as adjustments are made, but when this comment was written
// this program compiled into a program with 755,296 instructions and 23,699 states.
const description = [
'start', 0, HALT, Move(RIGHT), Move(DOWN),
// annotate the nine cells in the 3x3 grid
Expand(annotateWithFuture), Move(RIGHT), Expand(annotateWithFuture), Move(RIGHT), Expand(annotateWithFuture), Move(DOWN),
Expand(annotateWithFuture), Move(LEFT), Expand(annotateWithFuture), Move(LEFT), Expand(annotateWithFuture), Move(DOWN),
Expand(annotateWithFuture), Move(RIGHT), Expand(annotateWithFuture), Move(RIGHT), Expand(annotateWithFuture),
// update their contents from the annotations
Expand(updateFromAnnotation), Move(LEFT), Expand(updateFromAnnotation), Move(LEFT), Expand(updateFromAnnotation), Move(UP),
Expand(updateFromAnnotation), Move(RIGHT), Expand(updateFromAnnotation), Move(RIGHT), Expand(updateFromAnnotation), Move(UP),
Expand(updateFromAnnotation), Move(LEFT), Expand(updateFromAnnotation), Move(LEFT), Expand(updateFromAnnotation), Move(RIGHT)
// here's a simple life organism, a 'blinker'
const tape = [
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0
// run the program!
p2d(tableauMachine({ description, tape }));
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