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Last active December 6, 2018 13:15
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CarrierWave Cheatsheet

CarrierWave Cheatsheet

The CarrierWave gem provides us with an easy way to allow file uploads through forms.


In your Gemfile, include

gem 'carrierwave'

and then bundle install.

Getting Started

Add a column to store the file's URL

You need to have a column of type "string" in whichever table that you want to attach a file upload to. This column will, ultimately, store the URL of the uploaded file after CarrierWave hosts it.

If you already included the column when you generated your resource, great. Skip to the next step.

If not, you have to add it. For example, here we add a column called "avatar" to users, which we plan to store an image in:

rails generate migration add_avatar_to_users avatar:string
rake db:migrate

In your case, it may be song, transcript, image, etc.

Generate an uploader

From the command line:

rails generate uploader Avatar

In your case, change "Avatar" to match whatever you are trying to upload / the column you added to the table: Song, Transcript, Image, etc.

Restart your rails server.

Mount the uploader in the model

In the relevant model,

# app/models/user.rb
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  mount_uploader :avatar, AvatarUploader

Again, customize to match your use case. :avatar should be the column you created, and AvatarUploader should be whatever you generated.

Enhance the form

We need an <input type="file"> in our form to handle the upload. If you already have a type="text" input, change it; or if you don't, add a new one:

<input type="file" id="avatar" name="avatar" class="form-control">

If you are customizing a Devise form, it would instead look like <%= f.file_field :avatar, :class => "form-control" %>.

We also need to change the <form> tag itself to allow files to be uploaded by adding the enctype="multipart/form-data" attribute:

 <form action="/create_user" method="post" class="form-horizontal" enctype="multipart/form-data">

If you are customizing a Devise form, it would instead look like <%= form_for(resource, as: resource_name, url: registration_path(resource_name), :html => { :multipart => true }) do |f| %>.

Assign the file just like any other params

In your create/update actions, assign the new file upload just like any other form parameter:

@user.avatar = params[:avatar]

If you are customizing a Devise form, you'll have to instead allow this additional parameter through security.

That should be it!

Retrieving the upload

CarrierWave will, by default, process the upload and then store it in your public folder, so that you can use it just like any other URL on the internet.

For example, we could now do

   <img src="<%= user.avatar %>" class="img-responsive">

Further Reading

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