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Last active July 19, 2017 17:06
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Typed Interpreter in Haskell
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NPlusKPatterns #-}
module Main where
import Prelude hiding (lookup, id)
data Ty = TyBool | TyNat | Ty :~> Ty
type family InterpTy (t :: Ty) :: * where
InterpTy TyBool = Bool
InterpTy TyNat = Int
InterpTy (s :~> t) = InterpTy s -> InterpTy t
data Env (ts :: [Ty]) :: * where
Nil :: Env '[]
Cons :: InterpTy t -> Env ts -> Env (t ': ts)
data DeBruijn (ts :: [Ty]) (t :: Ty) :: * where
Stop :: DeBruijn (t ': ts) t
Pop :: DeBruijn ts t -> DeBruijn (s ': ts) t
lookup :: DeBruijn ts t -> Env ts -> InterpTy t
lookup Stop (Cons t _) = t
lookup (Pop i) (Cons _ ts) = lookup i ts
data Expr (ts :: [Ty]) (t :: Ty) :: * where
Var :: DeBruijn ts t -> Expr ts t
T :: Expr ts TyBool
F :: Expr ts TyBool
If :: Expr ts TyBool -> Expr ts a -> Expr ts a -> Expr ts a
Lam :: Expr (s ': ts) t -> Expr ts (s :~> t)
App :: Expr ts (s :~> t) -> Expr ts s -> Expr ts t
Z :: Expr ts TyNat
S :: Expr ts TyNat -> Expr ts TyNat
Rec :: Expr ts TyNat
-> Expr ts a
-> Expr ts (TyNat :~> (a :~> a))
-> Expr ts a
eval :: Env ts -> Expr ts t -> InterpTy t
eval env (Var i) = lookup i env
eval env (S n) = 1 + eval env n
eval _ Z = 0
eval _ T = True
eval _ F = False
eval env (Lam sc) = \e -> eval (Cons e env) sc
eval env (App f x) = eval env f $ eval env x
eval env (If c t f) =
case eval env c of
True -> eval env t
False -> eval env f
eval env (Rec n x f) =
case eval env n of
0 -> eval env x
n' + 1 -> eval env f n' (eval env x)
id :: Expr ts (a :~> a)
id = Lam (Var Stop)
inc :: Expr ts (TyNat :~> TyNat)
inc = Lam (S (Var Stop))
plus :: Expr ts (TyNat :~> (TyNat :~> TyNat))
plus =
Lam (
Lam (
Rec (Var (Pop Stop)) (Var Stop) (
Lam (
Lam (
App inc (App (App plus (Var (Pop Stop))) (Var Stop))
main :: IO ()
main = print $ eval Nil (App (App plus (S (S (S Z)))) (S (S Z)))
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