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Created September 11, 2021 12:19
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Quick and dirty scale learning script
module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import System.Random
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Bool
import Text.Read
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Char as Char
chordTones :: [Int]
chordTones = [1,3,5,7]
arps :: IO ()
arps = do
let perms = sort $ permutations chordTones
forM_ (zip [1..] perms) $ \(n, tones) -> do
putStrLn $ show n ++ ".)\t" ++ intercalate " " (map show tones)
notes :: [Char]
notes = "CDEFGABC"
accidentials :: [Char]
accidentials = "‚ôØ‚ô≠"
data Note = Sharp Char | Flat Char | Natural Char
instance Show Note where
-- show (Sharp note) = note : "‚ôØ"
-- show (Flat note) = note : "‚ô≠"
show (Sharp note) = note : "#"
show (Flat note) = note : "b"
show (Natural note) = note : ""
c_scale :: [Note]
c_scale =
[Natural 'C', Natural 'D', Natural 'E', Natural 'F', Natural 'G', Natural 'A', Natural 'B']
g_scale :: [Note]
g_scale =
[Natural 'G', Natural 'A', Natural 'B', Natural 'C', Natural 'D', Natural 'E', Sharp 'F']
gb_scale :: [Note]
gb_scale =
[Flat 'G', Flat 'A', Flat 'B', Flat 'C', Flat 'D', Flat 'E', Natural 'F']
d_scale :: [Note]
d_scale =
[Natural 'D', Natural 'E', Sharp 'F', Natural 'G', Natural 'A', Natural 'B', Sharp 'C']
db_scale :: [Note]
db_scale =
[Flat 'D', Flat 'E', Natural 'F', Flat 'G', Flat 'A', Flat 'B', Natural 'C']
a_scale :: [Note]
a_scale =
[Natural 'A', Natural 'B', Sharp 'C', Natural 'D', Natural 'E', Sharp 'F', Sharp 'G']
ab_scale :: [Note]
ab_scale =
[Flat 'A', Flat 'B', Natural 'C', Flat 'D', Flat 'E', Natural 'F', Natural 'G']
e_scale :: [Note]
e_scale =
[Natural 'E', Sharp 'F', Sharp 'G', Natural 'A', Natural 'B', Sharp 'C', Sharp 'D']
eb_scale :: [Note]
eb_scale =
[Flat 'E', Natural 'F', Natural 'G', Flat 'A', Flat 'B', Natural 'C', Natural 'D']
b_scale :: [Note]
b_scale =
[Natural 'B', Sharp 'C', Sharp 'D', Natural 'E', Sharp 'F', Sharp 'G', Sharp 'A']
bb_scale :: [Note]
bb_scale =
[Flat 'B', Natural 'C', Natural 'D', Flat 'E', Natural 'F', Natural 'G', Natural 'A']
f_scale :: [Note]
f_scale =
[Natural 'F', Natural 'G', Natural 'A', Flat 'B', Natural 'C', Natural 'D', Natural 'E']
fis_scale :: [Note]
fis_scale =
[Sharp 'F', Sharp 'G', Sharp 'A', Natural 'B', Sharp 'C', Sharp 'D', Sharp 'E']
scales :: [(String, [Note])]
scales =
[ ("B", b_scale)
, ("Bb", bb_scale)
, ("F", f_scale)
, ("F#", fis_scale)
, ("D", d_scale)
, ("Db", db_scale)
, ("A", a_scale)
, ("Ab", ab_scale)
, ("G", g_scale)
, ("Gb", gb_scale)
, ("E", e_scale)
, ("Eb", eb_scale)
, ("C", c_scale)
askNote :: String -> [Note] -> IO Bool
askNote name scale = do
deg <- randomRIO (1, 7 :: Int)
let note = scale !! (deg - 1)
putStrLn $ show deg ++ " in " ++ name
guess <- getLine
return $ capitalize guess == show note
capitalize (x:xs) = Char.toUpper x : xs
capitalize xs = xs
askDegree :: String -> [Note] -> IO Bool
askDegree name scale = do
idx <- randomRIO (0, 6 :: Int)
let note = scale !! idx
putStrLn $ show note ++ " in " ++ name
guess <- getChar
return $ fromMaybe 0 (readMaybe (guess : [])) == idx + 1
askQuestions :: (String -> [Note] -> IO Bool) -> IO ()
askQuestions gen = do
forM_ scales $ \scale@(name, _) -> do
putStrLn $ "------- " ++ name ++ " -------"
forM_ [1..50] $ \i -> do
result <- uncurry gen scale
let result' = bool "WRONG" "CORRECT" result
putStrLn $ '\n' : result' ++ " (" ++ show i ++ ")"
main :: IO ()
main = do
askQuestions askNote
askQuestions askDegree
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