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Last active December 11, 2015 18:39
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Common Linux commands that I use when developing web applications.
# stylus compile & watch
stylus public/style/main.styl -w &
npm outdated # nicest way to list installed modules
npm ls # list installed modules & dependencies
npm ls -g # list globally installed node modules
npm update # check for updated versions of modules in the current package
npm view {pkg} # view a package's published metadata
npm install {pkg} --save # install the latest version of a package and add it to your package.json's dependencies
npm install {pkg} --save-dev # install and save as a devDependency
sudo npm install {pkg} -g
npm version [major|minor|patch|build] # bump the version number
npm publish
# start app
node app.js
# start app with supervisor (ignoring files in /public)
supervisor -i public app.js
# mongo
mongod & # start server
mongo booksimple # interactive shell on the booksimple database
db.users.remove() # if you need to remove the users
db.dropDatabase() # remove the current database
smog # handy web console
# curl
curl > rjs.js
# heroku
heroku login # login to heroku
heroku create # create a new app (requirements: git repo, package.json, Procfile)
heroku create -r production # create a new app with a remote named 'production'
git push heroku master # push to the remote named heroku
heroku open # open the app in a web browser
foreman start # test app locally
heroku addons:add zerigo_dns:basic
heroku domains:add
heroku domains:remove
heroku ps:scale web=1 # scale the web process
heroku ps # list running processes
heroku config
heroku config:pull --overwrite --interactive
heroku logs
heroku run node # run one-off commands
coffee -cw ./
coffee -o scripts/out/ -cw scripts/src/ &
bower install
bower install jquery --save
bower list
foreman start # launch Procfile-based apps locally
yo webapp # scaffold an entire web app using yeoman
grunt # run the default tasks
grunt build # run a specific task
grunt clean:js # pass arguments to a task
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