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rajeshpv /
Last active December 3, 2021 21:27
Scuba Gear and Vacation Checklist
During his visit to the US last week, Foreign Minister S Jaishankar participated with General McMaster in a virtual discussion conducted by the Hoover institution. He was questioned on India's handling of the pandemic. He stated, "We are giving free food to as many as 800 million people. We've put money into bank accounts of 400 million." To underline his statement, he explained that India was providing food stocks to two and a half times the US population and funding more than its population. How many nations were able to sustain such expenditure through these trying times and receding economies?
On the global projection of a failing Indian government, Jaishankar added, "I would certainly see this very much as part of a political effort to depict our current government in a certain way and obviously I have a very profound difference with that." In recent times, the global image of India has been of funeral pyres, depicting a nation failing in its battle against the pandemic. The world has witnessed multiple
rajeshpv / psicalc.js
Last active May 15, 2021 13:54
PSI Conversions SA-5015 jira has details
function calcPsi(read, loc) {
const readVal = read.v * read.mul;
const h = loc.elevation + loc.elevationOffset;
return calcPsiDirect(read.m, h, readVal);
function calcPsiDirect(uom, h, readVal){
let newVal = -1;
switch (uom) {
private void pauseAndPoll(){ tmpFile = new"/tmp/pause.touch");
long lastModified = 0; long newModified = 0;
if (tmpFile.exists()) lastModified = tmpFile.lastModified();
do {
System.out.println("waiting .... touch /tmp/pause.touch");
try {Thread.sleep(3 * 1000);/*3secs*/ } catch(Exception e){}
if (tmpFile.exists()) newModified = tmpFile.lastModified();
} while (newModified == lastModified);

तृष।त: काक:

एक: काक: आसि । स: तृष: अतीव पीइित: । स: कुतोपि किन्चितपि ज

पठामि संस्कृतं नित्यं | वदामि संस्कृतं सदा |

ध्यायामि संस्कृतं सम्यक् | वन्दे संस्कृतमातरं ||

संस्कृतस्य प्रसाराय | नैजं सर्वं ददाम्यहं |

संस्कृतस्य सदा भक्तो | वन्दे संस्कृतमातरं ||

संस्कृतस्य कृते जीवन् | संस्कृतस्य कृते यजन् |

आत्मानं आहुतं मन्ये | वन्दे संस्कृतमातरं ||

हिन्दुधर्मं समाजञ्च | पवित्रां संस्कृतिं तथा |

rajeshpv /
Last active January 18, 2021 23:09
Index Page for all Sanskrit class Links use
  • It is better to type Sanskrit and create digital documents to redistribute, compare and grade and submit assignments online etc., (ex: google docs). Hence I suggest better to learn "Devanagiri-QWWERTY" keyboard.
  • Below details are compiled from this link which works for both windows/mac system
    • credit: compiled by José C. Rodriguez, Emory College Language Center, Emory University 2009
  • More about Swaras and Vyanjanah -
<li>For Keyboard use</li>
<li>Alphabets list</li>
I typed sanskrit using above keyboard link
<div class="sanskrit">
<br/> अ आ इ ई