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Created August 12, 2024 17:02
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Benchmark manual sorting algorithms for my "Sorting Stuff Efficiently" ELGL article
#! /usr/bin/env python3
# To benchmark sorting 150 things, averaging over 100 trials:
# ./ 150 100
import copy
import random
from sys import argv
TASK_SIZE = int(argv[1])
NUM_TRIALS = int(argv[2])
def insertion_sort(x):
comp_counter = 0
x_work = copy.deepcopy(x)
for i in range(1, len(x)):
j = i
while j > 0:
comp_counter += 1
comp = (x_work[j - 1] > x_work[j])
if comp:
temp = x_work[j]
x_work[j] = x_work[j - 1]
x_work[j - 1] = temp
j = j - 1
return x_work, comp_counter
def merge_sort(x, y):
comp_counter = 0
i = 0
j = 0
result = []
while i < len(x) and j < len(y):
comp_counter += 1
comp = (x[i] > y[j])
if comp:
j += 1
i += 1
if i == len(x):
# Remainder in y
# Remainder in x
return result, comp_counter
insertion_work_log = []
for trial in range(NUM_TRIALS):
data = [random.random() for _ in range(TASK_SIZE)]
result, comp_counter = insertion_sort(data)
assert result == sorted(data)
print(f'Average comparisons over {NUM_TRIALS} trials to sort {TASK_SIZE} objects with insertion sort:')
print(sum(insertion_work_log) / NUM_TRIALS)
merge_work_log = []
for trial in range(NUM_TRIALS):
data = [random.random() for _ in range(TASK_SIZE)]
check = sorted(data)
comp_counter = 0
sublists = []
remainder = copy.deepcopy(data)
while len(remainder) >= 4:
# Insertion sort a chunk of 4
chunk, c = insertion_sort(remainder[0:4])
remainder = remainder[4:]
comp_counter += c
# Merge down as needed
while len(sublists) > 1 and (len(sublists[-2]) == len(sublists[-1])):
new_sublist, c = merge_sort(sublists[-2], sublists[-1])
comp_counter += c
if len(sublists) == 2:
sublists = [new_sublist]
sublists = sublists[:-2] + [new_sublist]
# Deal with remainder
if len(remainder) > 0:
final_sublist, c = insertion_sort(remainder)
comp_counter += c
while len(sublists) > 1:
new_sublist, c = merge_sort(sublists[-2], sublists[-1])
comp_counter += c
sublists = sublists[:-2] + [new_sublist]
assert sublists[0] == sorted(data)
print(f'Average comparisons over {NUM_TRIALS} trials to sort {TASK_SIZE} objects with the merge sort in the ELGL article:')
print(sum(merge_work_log) / NUM_TRIALS)
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