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Eating glass and staring into the abyss

Ramon Saraiva ramonsaraiva

Eating glass and staring into the abyss
View GitHub Profile
from memory_profiler import profile
def chunks_with_list(l):
return [
l[i:i + 100] for i in range(0, len(l), 100)
def chunks_with_gen(l):
import random
N_MIN = 3
N_MAX = pow(10, 7) # 10e7
M_MIN = 1
M_MAX = 2 * pow(10, 5) # 2 * 10e5
K_MIN = 0
K_MAX = pow(10, 9) # 10e9
AB_MIN = 1
ramonsaraiva / .vimrc
Created December 9, 2017 00:45
flat vimrc
filetype plugin indent on
language en_US
set noswapfile
" line numbers
set relativenumber
" tab as spaces
set tabstop=4
#ifndef VMS
* Wait "msec" msec until a character is available from file descriptor "fd".
* "msec" == 0 will check for characters once.
* "msec" == -1 will block until a character is available.
* When a GUI is being used, this will not be used for input -- webb
* Returns also, when a request from Sniff is waiting -- toni.
* Or when a Linux GPM mouse event is waiting.
#if defined(__BEOS__)