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Last active March 2, 2018 05:46
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Traversing trees
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-name-shadowing #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- | All about traversing 'Tree's
module Tree where
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose(..))
import Data.Functor.Const (Const(..))
import Data.Traversable (foldMapDefault)
-- $setup
-- >>> import Text.Show.Pretty (pPrint)
-- >>> :set -interactive-print pPrint
-- | A binary tree
data Tree a = Leaf | Branch a (Tree a) (Tree a)
deriving (Show, Functor, Eq)
-- |
-- an infinite tree of all paths from the root ('False' for left, 'True' for right)
allDepths :: Tree [Bool]
allDepths = Branch [] (fmap (False:) allDepths) (fmap (True:) allDepths)
-- |
-- generate a finite version of 'allDepths' up to a certain depth
-- >>> toDepth 3
-- Branch
-- []
-- (Branch
-- [ False ]
-- (Branch [ False , False ] Leaf Leaf)
-- (Branch [ False , True ] Leaf Leaf))
-- (Branch
-- [ True ]
-- (Branch [ True , False ] Leaf Leaf)
-- (Branch [ True , True ] Leaf Leaf))
toDepth :: Int -> Tree [Bool]
toDepth 0 = Leaf
toDepth n = Branch [] (fmap (False:) t) (fmap (True:) t)
where t = toDepth (n - 1)
-- |
-- various traversals of a tree
-- >>> _ <- inorder print $ toDepth 3
-- [False,False]
-- [False]
-- [False,True]
-- []
-- [True,False]
-- [True]
-- [True,True]
-- >>> _ <- preorder print $ toDepth 3
-- []
-- [False]
-- [False,False]
-- [False,True]
-- [True]
-- [True,False]
-- [True,True]
-- >>> _ <- postorder print $ toDepth 3
-- []
-- [True]
-- [True,True]
-- [True,False]
-- [False]
-- [False,True]
-- [False,False]
-- >>> _ <- levelorder print $ toDepth 3
-- []
-- [False]
-- [True]
-- [False,False]
-- [False,True]
-- [True,False]
-- [True,True]
inorder, preorder, postorder, levelorder
:: forall f a b. Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Tree a -> f (Tree b)
inorder _ Leaf = pure Leaf
inorder f (Branch a la ra) = (\lb b rb -> Branch b lb rb) <$> inorder f la <*> f a <*> inorder f ra
preorder _ Leaf = pure Leaf
preorder f (Branch a la ra) = (\b bl rb -> Branch b bl rb) <$> f a <*> preorder f la <*> preorder f ra
postorder _ Leaf = pure Leaf
postorder f (Branch a la ra) = (\b rb bl -> Branch b bl rb) <$> f a <*> postorder f ra <*> postorder f la
levelorder f = \ta -> schedule ta `evalPlan` byLevel where
schedule :: Tree a -> Plan (Tree a) (Tree b) f (Tree b)
schedule Leaf = pure Leaf
schedule (Branch a la ra) = Branch <$> prepare (f a) <*> require la <*> require ra
byLevel :: forall t. Traversable t => t (Tree a) -> f (t (Tree b))
byLevel tta = if null tta -- need to check to prevent infinite recursion
then -- tta is empty, so all this traversal does is alter the type and wrap it in f
-- `pure (undefined <$> tta) works just as well
fmap (fmap getLevelOrder . getCompose) . traverse f . Compose $ fmap LevelOrder tta
else traverse schedule tta `evalPlan` byLevel
-- |
-- flipped version of (<$>)
(<&>) :: Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b
(<&>) = flip fmap
infixl 1 <&>
-- |
-- A 'Task' splits the computation of @f a@ in two, one that is 'prepared' to be computed
-- in advance and another that is dependent upon the response to some requirements.
data Task s req res f a = forall t. Traversable t => Task
{ prepared :: f (t res -> (a, s res))
, required :: t req
instance Functor f => Functor (Task s req res f) where
fmap f (Task prepared required) = Task (fmap (first f .) prepared) required
-- |
-- Each 'Plan' determines a single 'Task' from context, with the benefit that
-- 'Plan's can be combined via their 'Applicative' instance
newtype Plan req res f a = Plan { getTask :: forall s. Traversable s => s req -> Task s req res f a }
instance Functor f => Functor (Plan req res f) where
fmap f (Plan getTask) = Plan (fmap f . getTask)
instance Applicative f => Applicative (Plan req res f) where
pure a =
Plan $ \required -> Task
{ prepared = pure $ \result -> (a, result)
, required = required
pf <*> pa =
Plan $ \(getTask pf -> Task pref (getTask pa -> Task prea reqa)) -> Task
{ prepared = liftA2 apply pref prea
, required = reqa
-- | <*> for a shape-polymorphic indexed state monad
apply :: (s x -> (a -> b, r x)) -> (t x -> (a, s x)) -> (t x -> (b, r x))
apply hf ha (ha -> (a, hf -> (f, rx))) = (f a, rx)
-- |
-- Like 'evalPlan', but allows you to specify an extra set of
-- requirements
-- >>> helper s = putStrLn s >> return (length s)
-- >>> runPlan (pure 0) (traverse helper) (Const () :> "hi" :> "there")
-- hi
-- there
-- ( 0 , (Const () :> 2) :> 5 )
runPlan :: (Applicative f, Traversable s)
=> Plan req res f a
-> (forall t. Traversable t => t req -> f (t res)) -- ^ how to resolve the task requirements
-> s req -- ^ a set of requirements unrelated to the task
-> f (a, s res)
runPlan (Plan getTask) query (getTask -> Task prepared required) = prepared <*> query required
-- |
-- Schedule this portion of the computation for the
-- first part of the 'Task'
-- >>> prepare (putStrLn "hi") `evalPlan` \t -> putStrLn "***" >> mapM print t
-- hi
-- ***
prepare :: Functor f => f a -> Plan req res f a
prepare fa = Plan $ \required -> Task
{ prepared = fa <&> \a result -> (a, result)
, required = required
-- |
-- State a requirement that must be fulfilled during
-- the second part of the 'Task'
-- >>> require "hi" `evalPlan` \t -> putStrLn "***" >> mapM print t
-- ***
-- "hi"
require :: Applicative f => req -> Plan req res f res
require req = Plan $ \required -> Task
{ prepared = pure $ \(result :> res) -> (res, result)
, required = required :> req
-- |
-- Container that appends an element to a traversable
data Snoc t a = !(t a) :> !a deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
infixl 4 :>
-- |
-- Compute the desired value in two stages,
-- (1) first performing any prepared prepared actions,
-- (2) using the given callback to generate all the values required to complete
-- the computation
-- >>> import Data.Char (toUpper)
-- >>> :{
-- before a = prepare $ do
-- putStrLn $ "before: " ++ show a
-- return [a,a]
-- after a = do
-- putStrLn $ "after: " ++ show a
-- return $ toUpper a
-- :}
-- >>> evalPlan ((,,) <$> before 'a' <*> before 'b' <*> before 'c') (traverse after)
-- before: 'a'
-- before: 'b'
-- before: 'c'
-- ( "aa" , "bb" , "cc" )
-- >>> evalPlan ((,,) <$> before 'a' <*> require 'b' <*> before 'c') (traverse after)
-- before: 'a'
-- before: 'c'
-- after: 'b'
-- ( "aa" , 'B' , "cc" )
-- >>> evalPlan ((,,) <$> require 'a' <*> before 'b' <*> require 'c') (traverse after)
-- before: 'b'
-- after: 'a'
-- after: 'c'
-- ( 'A' , "bb" , 'C' )
evalPlan :: Applicative f
=> Plan req res f a
-> (forall t. Traversable t => t req -> f (t res))
-> f a
evalPlan task query = fst <$> runPlan task query (Const ())
-- | 'Tree' wrapper to use 'inorder' traversal
-- >>> mapM_ print . InOrder $ toDepth 3
-- [False,False]
-- [False]
-- [False,True]
-- []
-- [True,False]
-- [True]
-- [True,True]
newtype InOrder a = InOrder { getInOrder :: Tree a }
deriving Functor
instance Foldable InOrder where
foldMap = foldMapDefault
instance Traversable InOrder where
traverse f = fmap InOrder . inorder f . getInOrder
-- | 'Tree' wrapper to use 'preorder' traversal
-- >>> mapM_ print . PreOrder $ toDepth 3
-- []
-- [False]
-- [False,False]
-- [False,True]
-- [True]
-- [True,False]
-- [True,True]
-- >>> import Data.Foldable (toList)
-- >>> take 4 . toList $ PreOrder allDepths
-- [ [] , [ False ] , [ False , False ] , [ False , False , False ] ]
newtype PreOrder a = PreOrder { getPreOrder :: Tree a }
deriving Functor
instance Foldable PreOrder where
foldMap = foldMapDefault
instance Traversable PreOrder where
traverse f = fmap PreOrder . preorder f . getPreOrder
-- | 'Tree' wrapper to use 'postorder' traversal
-- >>> mapM_ print . PostOrder $ toDepth 3
-- []
-- [True]
-- [True,True]
-- [True,False]
-- [False]
-- [False,True]
-- [False,False]
-- >>> import Data.Foldable (toList)
-- >>> take 4 . toList $ PostOrder allDepths
-- [ [] , [ True ] , [ True , True ] , [ True , True , True ] ]
newtype PostOrder a = PostOrder { getPostOrder :: Tree a }
deriving Functor
instance Foldable PostOrder where
foldMap = foldMapDefault
instance Traversable PostOrder where
traverse f = fmap PostOrder . postorder f . getPostOrder
-- | 'Tree' wrapper to use 'levelorder' traversal
-- >>> mapM_ print . LevelOrder $ toDepth 3
-- []
-- [False]
-- [True]
-- [False,False]
-- [False,True]
-- [True,False]
-- [True,True]
-- >>> import Data.Foldable (toList)
-- >>> take 4 . toList $ LevelOrder allDepths
-- [ [] , [ False ] , [ True ] , [ False , False ] ]
newtype LevelOrder a = LevelOrder { getLevelOrder :: Tree a }
deriving Functor
instance Foldable LevelOrder where
foldMap = foldMapDefault
instance Traversable LevelOrder where
traverse f = fmap LevelOrder . levelorder f . getLevelOrder
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