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Last active May 24, 2021 12:34
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The Lazy Length monoid allows you to compare two lists by length without calculating the full length of both lists (unless they are of equal length). Though `lazyLength :: [a] -> LazyLength` is O(n), two `LazyLength` values for lists of length n and m may be compared in time O(min(log n, log m)).
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module LazyLength (
-- QuickCheck properties
) where
import Data.Function (fix)
import Data.List
import Data.Monoid
import Test.QuickCheck
-- Lazy representation of a length. Stores the largest non-zero bit
-- position as a unary number, then the rest of the bits at the tail
-- of the unary number.
-- This allows lengths N and M to be compared in O(min(log(N),log(M)))
-- steps, and, in particular, only one must be fully evaluated.
-- We'll use smart constructors rather than expose the
-- default constructors to maintain an invariant: a LazyLength
-- made of `b` `Bit`s and `Rem n` has `0 <= n < 2^b`.
data LazyLength = Rem !Integer | Bit LazyLength deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- NOTE: derived `Ord` instance has a `compare` which takes O(min(log n, log m))
instance Bounded LazyLength where
minBound = Rem 0
maxBound = fix Bit
-- Convert the given non-negative value to LazyLength, O(n).
toLazyLength :: Integral a => a -> LazyLength
toLazyLength n | n < 0 = error "can't have a negative length"
| otherwise = toLazyLength' n 0 1
where toLazyLength' n lo !hi = if n < hi
then Rem . fromIntegral $ n - lo
else Bit $ toLazyLength' n hi (2*hi)
-- Convert the given LazyLength to a number n, O(log n).
fromLazyLength :: Integral a => LazyLength -> a
fromLazyLength (Rem _) = 0
fromLazyLength (Bit x) = fromLazyLength' 0 x
where fromLazyLength' !b (Rem n) = fromInteger $ 2^b + n
fromLazyLength' !b (Bit x) = fromLazyLength' (b+1) x
instance Monoid LazyLength where
mempty = minBound
-- mappend just does addition on the represented naturals
mappend (Bit x) (Bit y) = Bit $ mappend' 0 x y
where -- (2^{b + i} + n) + (2^{b + j} + m) > 2^b
mappend' !b (Bit x) (Bit y) = Bit $ mappend' (b+1) x y
-- (2^b + n) + (2^b + m) = 2^{b+1} + (n+m)
-- 0 <= n < 2^b
-- 0 <= m < 2^b
-- =>
-- 0 <= n+m < 2^{b+1}
mappend' !b (Rem n) (Rem m) = Bit . Rem $ n + m
mappend' !b (Rem n) (Bit y) = Bit $ cleanup (2^b + n) (b+1) y
mappend' !b (Bit x) (Rem m) = Bit $ cleanup (2^b + m) (b+1) x
cleanup n !b (Bit y) = Bit $ cleanup n (b+1) y
-- 0 <= n < 2^b
-- 0 <= m < 2^b
-- => either
-- 0 <= n + m < 2^b
-- 2^b <= n + m < 2^{b+1} => 0 <= n + m - 2^b < 2^b
-- => either
-- n + (2^b + m) = 2^b + (n+m)
-- n + (2^b + m) = 2^{b+1} + (n+m-2^n)
cleanup n !b (Rem m) = let p = 2^b
q = n + m
in if q >= p
then Bit . Rem $ q - p
else Rem q
mappend _ _ = mempty
-- compute the length of a list, O(n).
lazyLength :: [a] -> LazyLength
lazyLength [] = minBound
lazyLength (_:as) = Bit $ lazyLength' 1 as
where lazyLength' !n as = case genericSplitAt (n-1) as of
(rs,[]) -> Rem $ genericLength rs
(_,_:qs) -> Bit $ lazyLength' (2*n) qs
-- make sure we can test the invariant w/ QuickCheck
instance Arbitrary LazyLength where
arbitrary = fmap (toLazyLength . abs) (arbitrary :: Gen Integer)
instance CoArbitrary LazyLength where
coarbitrary = variant . fromLazyLength
-- it's in canonical form
prop_invariant :: LazyLength -> Bool
prop_invariant = invariant' 0
where invariant' !b (Rem n) = 0 <= n && n < 2^b
invariant' !b (Bit x) = invariant' (b+1) x
-- there's a bijection between LazyLength and the naturals
prop_invertible :: LazyLength -> Bool
prop_invertible x = toLazyLength (fromLazyLength x) == x
-- mempty is the identity for mappend
prop_zero :: LazyLength -> Bool
prop_zero x = x `mappend` mempty == x
-- mappend works like addition over the naturals
prop_addition :: LazyLength -> LazyLength -> Bool
prop_addition x y = x `mappend` y == toLazyLength (fromLazyLength x + fromLazyLength y)
-- order is preserved
prop_ordered :: LazyLength -> LazyLength -> Bool
prop_ordered x y = compare x y == compare (fromLazyLength x) (fromLazyLength y)
-- stays inside the given bounds
prop_bounded :: LazyLength -> Bool
prop_bounded x = minBound <= x && x < maxBound
-- lazyLength accurately calculates list length
prop_accurate :: [()] -> Bool
prop_accurate as = toLazyLength (length as) == lazyLength as
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treeowl commented May 24, 2021

Shouldn't fromLazyLength produce an arbitrary Num type? I don't see the need for Integral there.

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rampion commented May 24, 2021

@treeowl yeah, you’re right

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