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Created January 19, 2020 17:33
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{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
module NamedFunctors where
import Prelude ()
import qualified Prelude hiding ((.), id)
import Data.Kind (Type)
import GHC.TypeLits (Nat, KnownNat, natVal)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import qualified Control.Category as Prelude
type family Obj cat :: k
-- type family Arr cat (src :: Obj cat) (dst :: Obj cat) :: Type
type family Arr cat (src :: k) (dst :: k) :: Type
class Category cat where
id :: forall (a :: Obj cat).
Arr cat a a
(.) :: forall (a :: Obj cat) (b :: Obj cat) (c :: Obj cat).
Arr cat b c -> Arr cat a b -> Arr cat a c
data Hask
type instance Obj Hask = Type
type instance Arr Hask a b = a -> b
instance Category Hask where
id =
(.) = (Prelude..)
data Plus n
type instance Obj (Plus n) = ()
type instance Arr (Plus n) a b = n
instance Prelude.Num n => Category (Plus n) where
id = 0
(.) = (Prelude.+)
data Multiply n
type instance Obj (Multiply n) = ()
type instance Arr (Multiply n) a b = n
instance Prelude.Num n => Category (Multiply n) where
id = 1
(.) = (Prelude.*)
type family Dual cat where
Dual (DualCat cat) = cat
Dual cat = DualCat cat
data DualCat cat
newtype DualArr cat a b = DualArr (Arr cat b a)
type instance Obj (DualCat cat) = Obj cat
type instance Arr (DualCat cat) a b = DualArr cat a b
instance Category cat => Category (DualCat cat) where
id :: forall a. Arr (DualCat cat) a a
id = DualArr (id @cat @a)
(.) :: forall a b c. Arr (DualCat cat) b c -> Arr (DualCat cat) a b -> Arr (DualCat cat) a c
DualArr f . DualArr g = DualArr ((.) @cat @c @b @a g f)
data LiftCategory (arr :: k -> k -> *)
type instance Obj (LiftCategory (arr :: k -> k -> *)) = k
type instance Arr (LiftCategory (arr :: k -> k -> *)) a b = arr a b
instance Prelude.Category arr => Category (LiftCategory arr) where
id =
(.) = (Prelude..)
type family Src f
type family Dst f
class (Category (Src f), Category (Dst f)) => Functor f where
-- type Map f (a :: Obj (Src f)) :: Obj (Dst f)
type Map f a
map :: Arr (Src f) a b -> Arr (Dst f) (Map f a) (Map f b)
data Identity cat
type instance Src (Identity cat) = cat
type instance Dst (Identity cat) = cat
instance Category cat => Functor (Identity cat) where
type Map (Identity cat) obj = obj
map arr = arr
data Pow (base :: Nat) (exp :: Type)
type instance Src (Pow base exp) = Plus exp
type instance Dst (Pow base exp) = Multiply exp
instance (KnownNat base, Prelude.Num exp) => Functor (Pow base exp) where
type Map (Pow base exp) n = n
map n = n Prelude.^ natVal (Proxy @base)
data First (b :: Type)
type instance Src (First b) = Hask
type instance Dst (First b) = Hask
instance Functor (First b) where
type Map (First b) a = (a, b)
map f (a, b) = (f a, b)
data Second (a :: Type)
type instance Src (Second a) = Hask
type instance Dst (Second a) = Hask
instance Functor (Second a) where
type Map (Second a) b = (a, b)
map f (a, b) = (a, f b)
data LiftFunctor (f :: Type -> Type)
type instance Src (LiftFunctor f) = Hask
type instance Dst (LiftFunctor f) = Hask
instance Prelude.Functor f => Functor (LiftFunctor f) where
type Map (LiftFunctor f) a = f a
map = Prelude.fmap
data Input (b :: Type)
type instance Src (Input b) = Dual Hask
type instance Dst (Input b) = Hask
instance Functor (Input b) where
type Map (Input b) a = a -> b
map (DualArr f) g x = g (f x)
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