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Last active October 13, 2015 18:58
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Save randomecho/4241448 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
bagged dipping dots of git commands and config settings


quick search of commit messages (and showing hash) with certain word

search = !sh -c 'git log --grep=$1 --pretty=format:\"%h%C(bold yellow) %s%C(reset)\"' -
$ git search wax // e.g. list out all commits that contain "wax" in message

export last X commits showing just commit message and files touched

whatup = !sh -c 'git whatchanged --pretty=format:%n%s --name-only -$1 > /w/logs/git.log' -
$ git whatup 3 // e.g. export out list of last three commit messages and files touched

dump out commits with SHA-1, date made and simple graph of branching → From Git Immersion

hist = log --pretty=format:\"%h %ad | %s%d\" --graph --date=short
$ git hist // e.g.

undo last commit, unshove those files back onto the stage

undo = reset --soft HEAD~

[color "status"].gitconfig

changed = bold yellow
untracked = bold cyan
added = bold green

Keep in step with original repo regularly, get own fork up to date before working

Because working with old files is a world of mess. → Pinched from ThinkUp docs

$ git remote add zero git://...      // adds new upstream of the original
$ git checkout master                // or whatever branch we want to rebase from
$ git fetch zero                     // yank it down from the master upstream
$ git rebase zero/master             // spackle it like a champ
$ git checkout copyedits             // topic branch we want to fidaddle in
$ git rebase master                  // rush the forward line to current commits before whistle

Only grab a single branch from remote repo, not the whole suitcase

No need to slurp all 20 topic branches when you just want to keep up to date with the master. → Out of the loins of How to clone a single branch in git? - Stack Overflow

$ mkdir <repo>
$ cd <repo>
$ git init
$ git remote add -t <branch> -f origin <remote-repo>
$ git checkout <branch>

Commit messages on GitHub

69 characters - max length of commit log on github before clipping
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