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Created July 15, 2018 20:32
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void init_lcd();
void set_xy(char row, char col, char chip);
void draw_sprite(const char const *sprite, char chip);
void asm_helpers();
const char CS2 = 0x10;
const char CS1 = 0x08;
const char arrow[8] = {
void main() {
set_xy(2, 32, CS1);
draw_sprite(arrow, CS1);
void draw_sprite(const char const *sprite, char chip) {
sprite; chip;
push ix
push bc
push af
push hl
ld b, #8 ; Number of columns to draw
ld hl,#12 ; Offset from SP for "chip"
add hl,sp
ld c,(hl) ; "chip" in c
ld ix, #10
add ix, sp
ld h, 1(ix)
ld l, (ix) ; hl is now the address of the first byte of "sprite"
; Move a byte of the sprite to IO 0:
ld a, (hl)
out (#0),a
; Write it
ld a,c
call #sendDataToChip
inc hl ; Next byte, loop
djnz spriteDrawLoop
pop hl
pop af
pop bc
pop ix
void asm_helpers() {
// I want a few handy routines in ASM I can call, but,
// I can't just embed ASM wherever I want, it can only
// be in a function. So this function does nothing but
// give me a place to stick ASM that other functions'
// embedded ASM can call.
// LD1 | LD2 | RST | CS2 | CS1 | R/W | D/I | E
jp endASMHelpers
; Uses register A, expects CS1 or CS2 to be in a, sends command to that chip
and #0x38 ; and it with 38 to turn off that CS
; Output with E low:
out (#1),a
inc a
out (#1),a ; Output again with E high
ld a,#0x38 ; Back to neutral
out (#1),a
; Uses register A, expects CS1 or CS2 to be in a, sends data to that chip
and #0x38 ; and it with 38 to turn off that CS
or #0x02 ; Turn on the D/I pin
; Output with E low:
out (#1),a
inc a
out (#1),a ; Output again with E high
ld a,#0x38 ; Back to neutral
out (#1),a
; Uses register A, sends command to both LCD chips
; DI low, CS1 low, pulse E:
ld a,#0x30
out (#1),a
ld a,#0x31
out (#1),a
ld a,#0x38 ; Both CSs back up
out (#1),a
; DI low, CS2 low, pulse E:
ld a,#0x28
out (#1),a
ld a,#0x29
out (#1),a
ld a,#0x38 ; Both CSs back up
out (#1),a
void set_xy(char row, char col, char chip) {
row; col; chip;
push ix
push af
push bc
ld ix,#8
add ix,sp ; row is 0(ix), col is 1(ix), chip is 2(ix)
; Set column
ld a,#0x40 ; 64+y is the command to set the column
add a,1(ix)
out (#0),a
ld a,2(ix) ; ld the chip select pin into A and send a cmd
call #sendToChip
; Set row
ld a,#0xb8 ; b8+x sets the row
add a,(ix)
out (#0),a
ld a,2(ix)
call #sendToChip
pop bc
pop af
pop ix
void init_lcd() {
push af
; Reset LCD by pulsing RST low
ld a,#0
out (#1),a
ld a,#0x38
out (#1),a
; Turn screen on by sending 0x3f command
ld a,#0x3f
out (#0),a
call #sendToBothChips
; Set Y column to 0 on both chips
ld a,#0x40 ; 64+y is the command to set the column
out (#0),a
call #sendToBothChips
; Set X row to 0 on both chips
ld a,#0xb8 ; b8+x sets the row
out (#0),a
call #sendToBothChips
pop af
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