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Created October 20, 2015 14:35
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This is a working example of using the Nano micro web framework hosted as a Windows Service using the System.ServiceProcess .NET dependency to create a low dependency, low memory footprint website or web API.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using Nano.Web.Core;
using Nano.Web.Core.Host.HttpListener;
namespace NanoWindowsServiceExample
public class Program
public class WindowsService : System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase
private readonly Action _onStart;
private readonly Action _onStop;
public WindowsService(string serviceName, Action onStart, Action onStop )
_onStart = onStart;
_onStop = onStop;
ServiceName = serviceName;
EventLog.Log = "Application";
CanStop = true;
protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
protected override void OnStop()
public static void Start(string serviceName, Action onStart, Action onStop)
if (!Environment.UserInteractive)
// Running as a Windows Service
using (var service = new WindowsService(serviceName, onStart, onStop))
var exitEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
// Running as Console application
Console.CancelKeyPress += (sender, eventArgs) =>
eventArgs.Cancel = true;
Console.WriteLine("Press Ctrl+C to exit.");
Windows Service Install, Start, Stop, Query, Delete Commands:
sc create "NanoWindowsServiceExample" binPath= "C:\AAA\NanoWindowsServiceExample.exe ApplicationName NanoWindowsServiceExample Uri http://localhost:8686" start= auto
sc start "NanoWindowsServiceExample"
sc stop "NanoWindowsServiceExample"
sc query "NanoWindowsServiceExample"
sc delete "NanoWindowsServiceExample"
private static void Main( string[] args )
var applicationName = GetArgumentValue( args, "ServiceName" ) ?? GetArgumentValue(args, "ApplicationName") ?? AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName;
var url = GetArgumentValue(args, "Url") ?? GetArgumentValue(args, "Uri") ?? "http://localhost:7474";
WindowsService.Start(applicationName, () => Startup.Start(url, applicationName), Startup.Stop );
private static string GetArgumentValue( string[] arguments, string argumentName )
for ( int i = 0; i < arguments.Length; i++ )
var argument = arguments[ i ].ToLower();
if ( argument.ToLower().Contains( argumentName.ToLower() ) )
if ( argument.Length >= i + 1 )
return arguments[ i + 1 ];
return null;
public static class Startup
private static HttpListenerNanoServer _server;
public static void Start( string url, string applicationName )
var nanoConfiguration = new NanoConfiguration();
nanoConfiguration.AddDirectory( "/", "www", returnHttp404WhenFileWasNotFound: true );
nanoConfiguration.ApplicationName = applicationName;
_server = HttpListenerNanoServer.Start(nanoConfiguration, url);
if (Debugger.IsAttached)
Process.Start(_server.HttpListenerConfiguration.GetFirstUrlBeingListenedOn().TrimEnd('/') + "/ApiExplorer/");
Console.WriteLine("Nano Server is running on: " + _server.HttpListenerConfiguration.GetFirstUrlBeingListenedOn());
public static void Stop()
if (_server.HttpListenerConfiguration.HttpListener.IsListening)
/// <summary>Provides clock-related functionality.</summary>
public class Clock
/// <summary>Gets the current date and time.</summary>
/// <returns>Current date and time.</returns>
public static DateTime GetCurrentDateTime()
return DateTime.Now;
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