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Rangel Spasov raspasov

If you want things, make them.
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raspasov / immutable-v-list.cljs
Last active March 14, 2017 10:22
VirtualizedList +
(ns immutable-v-list
"Example of React Native VirtualizedList from"
(:require [ :as om :refer-macros [defui]]))
(set! js/window.React (js/require "react"))
(set! js/window.ReactNative (js/require "react-native"))
(def ^js/window.ReactNative ReactNative js/window.ReactNative)
(defn create-element-no-auto-js
raspasov / hush-product-schema-2.json
Created May 28, 2016 04:27
Hush Product Schema - Sample 2
"name": "Soleil v2 Comfort Fun",
"categories": [
"brand": "Puma",
"description": "Dance-inspired sneaker, Synthetic leather uppers, Lightly padded tongue and collar",
"external-product-id": "Either Globally Unique Identifier or Unique Identifier of the Product in Your System",
raspasov / hush-product-schema.json
Last active May 28, 2016 04:36
Hush Product Schema - Sample 1
"name": "RB3183 Sunglasses 63 mm",
"categories": [
"brand": "Ray Ban",
"description": "Made in US,Ray-Ban sizes refer to the width of one lens in millimeters,Lenses are prescription-ready (Rx-able)",
"external-product-id": "Either Globally Unique Identifier or Unique Identifier of the Product in Your System",
"original-price": 12750,
raspasov / no-bugs.cljs
Created March 31, 2016 11:12
ClojureScript + core.async + Om + animation-cljs = WIN!
(defn no-bugs [{:keys [] :as data} owner {:keys []}]
(init-state [_]
{:comm-ch (chan)
:obstacle {:x 50 :width 50 :height 50}
:animated {:x 10}})
(did-mount [_]
(let [{:keys [comm-ch]} (om/get-state owner)
raspasov / cljs-animate.cljs
Created March 18, 2016 08:54
ClojureScript Animation Library
(ns my-project.cljs-animate
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]])
(:require [cljs.core.async :refer [offer! put! promise-chan chan <! >! timeout alts! chan timeout dropping-buffer sliding-buffer]]))
;TODO make tween-clj a ClojureScript lib (easy)
;;; Transition types
raspasov / gist:7c34b7744782e01a6170
Created March 13, 2016 05:59
The lesser-known Clojure de-structuring
(let [{elkn :extremely-long-key-name} {:extremely-long-key-name 42}]
(println elkn))
;=> 42
(ns cloud-monkey.env
(:require [environ.core :as environ]))
(defonce env environ/env)
(defn merge-with-env! [a-map]
(alter-var-root #'env (fn [x] (merge x a-map))))
raspasov / gist:7c9d8f2872d6065b2145
Created May 17, 2015 22:07
example of blocking core.async pipeline
;add (:require [clojure.core.async :refer [chan close! go >! <! <!! >!! go-loop put! thread alts! alts!! timeout pipeline pipeline-blocking pipeline-async]])
(def to-ch (chan))
(def from-ch (chan))
;data looks like {url some-data, etc}
(def my-map (atom {}))
(defn fetch-from-url [{:keys [url]}]
raspasov / gist:d006968103b6854a4565
Created March 12, 2015 18:21
core.async sample
(ns my-project.test-core-async
(:require [clojure.core.async :refer [chan thread sliding-buffer timeout go <! <!! >!! >! go-loop put! thread alts!! alts! dropping-buffer pipeline-blocking]]))
(def events-ch (chan 1000))
;alternatively, try a sliding buffer if events can't be processed fast enough
;in GUI one **usually** cares about latest instead of *all* events
;Defaults to buffer size to 1000, that can be tuned based on use case
;(def events-ch (chan (sliding-buffer 1000)))
(defn start-go-loop
;looking to transform:
(def x ([14227624954630003 3] [14227624954630004 4] [14227624954630005 5] [14227624954630006 6]))
;... into:
[[14227624954630003 14227624954630004 14227624954630005 14227624954630006] [3 4 5 6]]
;anything more idiomatic than:
(reduce (fn [result new]
[(conj (nth result 0) (nth new 0))
(conj (nth result 1) (nth new 1))]) [[] []] x)