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Last active November 14, 2020 17:24
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A proposal for Effects, handlers, and removal of unnecesary abstractions
* The following file shows what we are proposing for the Arrow 1.0 Encoding
* This encoding affects type classes, removing kinds and making polymorphism
* structural based on `fun interface`
"FUN_INTERFACE_WITH_SUSPEND_FUNCTION", // fix upcoming in 1.4.x
package arrow.prelude
import arrow.continuations.generic.DelimContScope
import arrow.continuations.generic.DelimitedScope
import arrow.continuations.generic.MultiShotDelimContScope
import arrow.core.Either
import arrow.core.Either.Right
import arrow.core.Left
* Algebras or type-classes are always defined as `fun interface`.
* They do not extend each other and are composed as functions.
fun interface Plus<A> {
infix operator fun A): A
* `fun interface` always require to leave one abstract method and
* have the advantage that the compiler can provide a class to instantiate them
* automatically where instances are declared.
* Additionally `fun interface` matches structurally with members callable references
* and lambdas of the same shape as the fun interface making it easy to construct instances
* that are based on existing data type members or extension functions:
* ```kotlin
* val x: Eq<List<A>> = Eq(List<A>::equals)
* ```
* In the example below we see a new feature of meta where we will be able to extend
* the semantics of operators and override builtin ones in the local compilation unit.
* Eq is able to replace user code depending on `==`
* with meta additional exposed operators so it picks up the user declared instance and replaces
* the builtin function EQEQ.
* Same for Order and others not in this example which Kotlin denotes as special operators.
fun interface Eq<A> {
infix /* operator */ fun A.eqv(other: A): Boolean
* Empty identity for [A]
fun interface Empty<A> {
fun empty(): A
* An arrow from A to B.
* Serves the purpose of Just:
* `Invoke<A, List<A>>`
* or monad bind:
* `Invoke<List<A>, A>`
* or any other arrow transformation
* This is because in a type system without higher kinded types
* invoke can not be expressed in contravariant position such as that implementors
* could provide: <B> List<B> -> B since there is no way to express F<A> -> A where F
* is seen as a type constructor in which B could be applied.
* This issue is not a big deal though because in suspension all type classes like
* Functor, Applicative, Monad and in general all that deal with higher kinded types are not useful
* in an effect system based on suspended continuations.
* With suspended functions [invoke] replaces flatMap and all other operators being able to bring:
* F<A> -> A
* A -> F<A>
* Most people don't write polymorphic programs with Arrow based on kinded types but instead use
* suspension and we are here in this proposal bringing capabilities for polymorphism in general through abstract Effects and their
* Handlers. I propose we remove most Haskell style type classes and repurpose their useful combinators as
* algebras and their handlers as demonstrated below which in their initial phase are data type focused.
* Other libraries like Haskell's `eff` bring effects such as NonDet and Choice that are more general than
* the data types themselves but all of the data types like Either and others are still very much useful
* so this hybrid approach and style seems to work for both type class style instances and arbitrary user built
* effects that are ultimately exposed in public facing apis as computational blocks.
fun interface Invoke<A, B> {
suspend operator fun A.invoke(): B
* An Effect has access to its delimited scope and can shift
* out of any operation in the continuation with a value of [F]
* It has the power of the continuation monad which can subsume and go to all others.
* Since in Kotlin [Iterable], [List] and most datastructures expose
* their api as inline functions, they are co-pure and let effects pass through.
* These data structures like [List] which are stack safe in their impl and have inline apis
* that let suspension pass through are in fact free monads with the power of suspended delimited continuations.
fun interface Effect<F> {
fun scope(): DelimitedScope<F>
* A handler implements a set of capabilities for a use case.
* In this case [EitherEffect] serves the purpose of describing what's available
* in [either] computational blocks. This declaration is equivalent to a
* type class instances if we accept the block is how type-classes expose all capabilities.
* While these blocks are monadic in this implementation all kinds of other specialized
* handlers are possible.
fun interface EitherEffect<E, A> :
Effect<Either<E, A>>,
Eq<Either<E, A>>,
Invoke<A, Either<E, A>> {
override fun Either<E, A>.eqv(other: Either<E, A>): Boolean =
this == other
override suspend fun A.invoke(): Either<E, A> =
* When we implement monad bind concretely at the edge we have
* full control on strict single shot data types to get to our value
* folding the data structure and only shifting in the unhappy path
suspend operator fun <B> Either<E, B>.invoke(): B =
fold({ e -> scope().shift { Left(e) } }, { it })
* Computational blocks can be easily be built for any given handler.
* In this case the [either] block uses [DelimContScope] instead of [MultiShotDelimContScope]
* because the [Either] data type can hold a single value. For cases like [List]
* or [Sequence] we would use [MultiShotDelimContScope] so monad bind and other
* suspended functions can yield control to the block multiple times.
inline fun <E, A> either(crossinline f: suspend EitherEffect<E, *>.() -> A): Either<E, A> =
DelimContScope.reset { Right(f(EitherEffect { this })) }
* Handlers remain interfaces all the way so they are always composable
* in Arrow and by third parties wanting to extend their capabilities.
* For a third party to extend an arrow handler all required is to extend the handler
* and provide a new block function like [list], [either] or [listEither]
* Users can still consume handlers through their exposed functions like [either], [list]
* and not worry about what's in the internals.
fun interface ListEffect<A> :
Invoke<A, List<A>>,
Empty<List<A>> {
override fun List<A>.plus(other: List<A>): List<A> =
asIterable() + other
override fun List<A>.eqv(other: List<A>): Boolean =
this == other
override fun empty(): List<A> =
override suspend fun A.invoke(): List<A> =
* This is more or less what all impls of monad bind look
* for data types that have a flatMap. Since we can now reset / shift with arrow-continuations
* there is no nasty reflection tricks
suspend operator fun <B> List<B>.invoke(): B =
scope().shift { cb -> flatMap { cb(it) } }
inline fun <A> list(crossinline f: suspend ListEffect<*>.() -> A): List<A> =
MultiShotDelimContScope.reset { listOf(f(ListEffect { this })) }
* Since handlers are made of function composing them with their
* factories is simple. In the example below we are creating a transformer
* computational block for `List<Either<E, A>>` and using [either] and [list]
* to implement 3 layers of monad bind for types:
* - List<A>
* - Either<E, A>
* - List<Either<E, A>>
fun interface ListEitherEffect<E, A> : Effect<List<Either<E, A>>> {
suspend operator fun <B> List<Either<E, B>>.invoke(): B =
list<Either<E, B>> { either { this@invoke()() } }()
suspend operator fun <B> List<B>.invoke(unit: Unit = Unit): B =
list { this@invoke() }()
suspend operator fun <B> Either<E, B>.invoke(): B =
either<E, B> { this@invoke() }()
inline fun <E, A> listEither(crossinline block: suspend ListEitherEffect<E, *>.() -> A): List<Either<E, A>> =
MultiShotDelimContScope.reset { listOf(Right(block(ListEitherEffect { this }))) }
* User land is extremely simple. Open a computational block of your favorite data type
* and enjoy the handlers syntax. In this examples we implemented monad bind but
* everything in here also applies to a la carte handlers where users are free to compose or implement other idioms.
* Since all blocks are suspended and we have reset / shift power in the internals
* any kind of DSL can be expressed over any data type inside blocks cooperating with
* effects, I/O and in general anything that works in suspend functions.
suspend fun listComputationTest(): List<String> =
list {
val a = listOf(1, 2, 3)()
val b = listOf("a", "b", "c")()
suspend fun transformerTest(): List<Either<Throwable, Int>> =
listEither {
val a = Right(1)()
val b = Right(1)()
val c = listOf(Right(1))()
val d = listOf(1)()
a + b + c + d
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