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Last active August 22, 2021 15:07
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* This module contains two data structures:
* - `KeyContainerMap` lets us use “key containers” as Map keys.
* - `KeyContainerSet` lets us use “key containers” as Set elements.
* A “key container” is an object that has a method `.getMapKey()`. Two key
* containers are considered equal if `.getMapKey()` returns the same value
* (often a string).
* **Use case:** In a Node.js script, we’d like to change how we represent file
* system paths and migrate from strings to instances of the class `NativePath`.
* - Problem we are facing now: We can’t use paths as keys in Maps anymore.
* - Solution: Use `KeyContainerMap<NativePath, string>` instead of
* `Map<NativePath, string>`.
* In TypeScript, `KeyContainerMap` is even interface-compatible with `Map`.
* Thus, if a parameter (etc.) expects `Map<K,V>`, we can pass it a
* `KeyContainerMap<K,V>`. The same works for `KeyContainerSet` and `Set`.
* @module
export interface KeyContainer<TKey> {
getMapKey(): TKey;
type GetMapKeyType<KC> = KC extends KeyContainer<infer TKey> ? TKey : never;
export class KeyContainerMap<TKeyContainer extends KeyContainer<TKey>, TValue, TKey=GetMapKeyType<TKeyContainer>> {
#map = new Map<TKey, [TKeyContainer, TValue]>();
constructor(pairs: Iterable<[TKeyContainer, TValue]> = []) {
for (const [keyContainer, value] of pairs) {
this.set(keyContainer, value);
get(keyContainer: TKeyContainer): undefined | TValue {
const pair = this.#map.get(keyContainer.getMapKey());
if (pair === undefined) {
return undefined;
return pair[1];
set(keyContainer: TKeyContainer, value: TValue): this {
this.#map.set(keyContainer.getMapKey(), [keyContainer, value]);
return this;
delete(keyContainer: TKeyContainer): boolean {
return this.#map.delete(keyContainer.getMapKey());
has(keyContainer: TKeyContainer): boolean {
return this.#map.has(keyContainer.getMapKey());
* keys(): IterableIterator<TKeyContainer> {
for (const [key, _value] of this.#map.values()) {
yield key;
* values(): IterableIterator<TValue> {
for (const [_key, value] of this.#map.values()) {
yield value;
* entries(): IterableIterator<[TKeyContainer, TValue]> {
for (const pair of this.#map.values()) {
yield pair;
get size(): number {
return this.#map.size;
clear() {
forEach(callbackfn: (value: TValue, key: TKeyContainer, map: Map<TKeyContainer, TValue>) => void, thisArg?: any): void {
for (const [key, value] of this.#map.values()) {, value, key, this);
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[TKeyContainer, TValue]> {
return this.entries();
* Needed to be interface-compatible with `Map`.
get [Symbol.toStringTag](): string {
return 'KeyContainerMap';
export class KeyContainerSet<TKeyContainer extends KeyContainer<TKey>, TKey = GetMapKeyType<TKeyContainer>> {
#map = new Map<TKey, TKeyContainer>();
constructor(elements: Iterable<TKeyContainer> = []) {
for (const element of elements) {
has(keyContainer: TKeyContainer): boolean {
return this.#map.has(keyContainer.getMapKey());
delete(keyContainer: TKeyContainer): boolean {
return this.#map.delete(keyContainer.getMapKey());
add(keyContainer: TKeyContainer): this {
this.#map.set(keyContainer.getMapKey(), keyContainer);
return this;
values(): IterableIterator<TKeyContainer> {
return this.#map.values();
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<TKeyContainer> {
return this.values();
get size(): number {
return this.#map.size;
clear(): void {
forEach(callbackfn: (value: TKeyContainer, value2: TKeyContainer, set: Set<TKeyContainer>) => void, thisArg?: any): void {
for (const value of this.#map.values()) {, value, value, this);
* Needed to be interface-compatible with `Map`.
get [Symbol.toStringTag](): string {
return 'KeyContainerSet';
* Needed to be interface-compatible with `Map`.
* entries(): IterableIterator<[TKeyContainer, TKeyContainer]> {
for (const value of this.values()) {
yield [value, value];
* Needed to be interface-compatible with `Map`.
keys(): IterableIterator<TKeyContainer> {
return this.#map.values();
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