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ravivit9 / array-of-objects-filter-by-property
Created July 11, 2018 14:46
The array of objects will be filtered based on a value.
people = [
{name: 'Mary', gender: 'girl'},
{name: 'Paul', gender: 'boy'},
{name: 'John', gender: 'boy'},
{name: 'Lisa', gender: 'girl'},
{name: 'Bill', gender: 'boy'},
{name: 'Maklatura', gender: 'girl'}
var numBoys = people.reduce(function (n, person) {
selector: 'app-actions',
templateUrl: './actions.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./actions.component.scss'],
animations: [
trigger('slideInOut', [
state('in', style({
'max-height': '500px', 'opacity': '1', 'visibility': 'visible'
state('out', style({
ravivit9 / uniq.js
Created July 3, 2018 15:29 — forked from telekosmos/uniq.js
Remove duplicates from js array (ES5/ES6)
var uniqueArray = function(arrArg) {
return arrArg.filter(function(elem, pos,arr) {
return arr.indexOf(elem) == pos;
var uniqEs6 = (arrArg) => {
return arrArg.filter((elem, pos, arr) => {
return arr.indexOf(elem) == pos;
if [ "$GIT_SSH_KEY" != "" ]; then
echo "Cleaning up SSH config" >&1
echo "" >&1
# Now that npm has finished running,
# we shouldn't need the ssh key/config anymore.
# Remove the files that we created.
rm -f ~/.ssh/config
rm -f ~/.ssh/deploy_key
import {Injectable, provide} from 'angular2/core';
import {Observable} from 'rxjs';
'errors.location.unsupportedBrowser': 'Browser does not support location services',
'errors.location.permissionDenied': 'You have rejected access to your location',
'errors.location.positionUnavailable': 'Unable to determine your location',
'errors.location.timeout': 'Service timeout has been reached'
ravivit9 / sortObj.js
Created January 14, 2016 21:02 — forked from christierney402/sortObj.js
JS: Sort a JavaScript object by key in alphabetical order case insensitive. Thanks to Arne Martin Aurlien and Ivan Krechetov for inspiration. #snippet
* Sort JavaScript Object
* CF Webtools : Chris Tierney
* obj = object to sort
* order = 'asc' or 'desc'
function sortObj( obj, order ) {
"use strict";
var key,
var http = require("http"),
url = require("url"),
path = require("path"),
fs = require("fs")
port = process.argv[2] || 8888;
http.createServer(function(request, response) {
var uri = url.parse(request.url).pathname
, filename = path.join(process.cwd(), uri);
angular.module('testApp', []).
directive('lazyLoad', ['$window', '$q', function ($window, $q) {
function load_script() {
var s = document.createElement('script'); // use global document since Angular's $document is weak
s.src = '';
function lazyLoadApi(key) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
$window.initialize = function () {

Off canvas menu with touch handles.

View an example here.

This example is based on elements of this post.

Incliudes a OffCanvasMenuController to handle touch events bound to the off canvas menu. For example when swiping from the outer left side to the right, the left off canvas menu is dragged along.

Example usage

angular.module('restangularDemoApp', [
.constant('apiKey', 'YOUR_Mongolab_API_KEY')
.config(function(RestangularProvider, apiKey) {
apiKey: apiKey