full; // -> Chrome 16.0.912/Mac OS X 10.6.8 print $result->browserFull; // -> "Chrome 16.0.912" print $result->browser; // -> "Chrome" print $result->version; // -> "16.0.912" print $result->major; // -> 16 (minor, build, & revision also available) print $result->osFull; // -> "Mac OS X 10.6.8" print $result->os; // -> "Mac OS X" print $result->osVersion; // -> "10.6.8" print $result->osMajor; // -> 10 (osMinor, osBuild, & osRevision also available) print $result->uiwebview; // -> (boolean, would return true if the user agent was from a uiwebview in ios) /* * in select cases the following will also work... */ print $result->deviceFull; // -> "Palm Pixi 1.0" print $result->device; // -> "Palm Pixi" print $result->deviceVersion // -> "1.0" print $result->deviceMajor; // -> 1 (deviceMinor also available) print $result->tablet; // (boolean, would return true the device was a tablet according to the user agent information) ?>