// jQuery no-double-tap-zoom plugin // Triple-licensed: Public Domain, MIT and WTFPL license - share and enjoy! (function($) { var IS_IOS = /iphone|ipad/i.test(navigator.userAgent); $.fn.nodoubletapzoom = function() { if (IS_IOS) $(this).bind('touchstart', function preventZoom(e) { var t2 = e.timeStamp , t1 = $(this).data('lastTouch') || t2 , dt = t2 - t1 , fingers = e.originalEvent.touches.length; $(this).data('lastTouch', t2); if (!dt || dt > 500 || fingers > 1) return; // not double-tap e.preventDefault(); // double tap - prevent the zoom // also synthesize click events we just swallowed up $(this).trigger('click').trigger('click'); }); }; })(jQuery);