public class CallManagementController { public string state { get; set; } public string response { get; set; } public CallManagementController() { state='start'; } /* return TwiML */ public void kookooResponse() { String resp; if(state.equals('start')) { String dialNumber; String name; String fromPhone = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('cid'); if (fromPhone!=null) { // remove the country prefix for Phone field search if (fromPhone.startsWith('+1')) fromPhone = fromPhone.substring(2); fromPhone= fromPhone.length() <= 10 ? fromPhone : fromPhone.substring(fromPhone.length() - 10); // search Lead and Contact phone number fields List> results = [FIND :fromPhone IN Phone FIELDS RETURNING Contact(FirstName, LastName,Owner.Phone), Lead(FirstName, LastName,Owner.Phone) LIMIT 1]; // extract the owner phone if there’s a match if (!results[0].isEmpty()) { Contact r = (Contact)results[0][0]; name = r.firstName + ' ' + r.lastName; if (r.owner!=null &&!=null) dialNumber =; } else if (!results[1].isEmpty()) { Lead r = (Lead)results[1][0]; name = r.firstName + ' ' + r.lastName; if (r.owner!=null &&!=null) dialNumber =; } else { Lead l = new Lead(FirstName='Lead', LastName=fromPhone, Email='', Company='test',Phone=fromPhone); try{ insert l; }catch(Exception e){ System.debug('System exception ' + e); } response = 'Hello new lead'; return; } } state='dial'; if(dialNumber != null) { dialNumber = dialNumber.replaceAll('\\D',''); response='Hello '+name+'.Please wait while we connect.'+dialNumber+''; } else { response='Welcome back. Sorry, you have not yet been assigned an agent. Please try again'; } } } }