# VERSIONING # all production gems should use STRICT version dependencies ex: "1.0.0" # development and test gems can you LOOSE version dependencies ex: "~> 1.0.0" source 'http://rubygems.org' # list gems for *all* environments/groups here # ex: rails, mysql2, rails-console-tweaks # list gems for frontend app servers here # use for rack components and other "web" specific dependencies # see config.ru to autoload these dependencies # ex: rack-ssl-enforcer, detect_browser_os group :app do end # list gems for resque background workers here # see script to start resque jobs to autoload these dependencies # ex: resque-ensure-connected group :worker do end # list gems used to build asset packages here # see rails capistrano tasks to autoload these dependencies # ex: closure-compiler, sass-rails, jquery-rails group :assets do end # list dependencies for rails/irb console here # NOTE: the rails-console-tweaks gem must be in the default production group # for these gems to be loaded # ex: hirb, awesome_print group :console do end # list gems that are used in both development *and* test environments here # gems with rake tasks used for testing must be here as well # ex: rspec-rails group :development, :test do end # list gems used for development environment here # ex: mailcatcher, email_preview group :development do end # list gems used for debugging application here # ex: pry group :debug do end # list gems used for continuous testing workflow here # ex: guard group :ct do end # list gems used for deploying application here # ex: capistrano group :deploy do end # list native gems only usable for mac developers here # ex: growl group :darwin do end # list gems used for unit testing here # ex: rspec, webmock, webrat, shoulda group :test do end # list gems used for continuous integration testing here # ex: group :ci do end