#!/usr/bin/env python """IMAP Incremental Backup Script v.1.4c (Dec 12 2009) found on http://the.taoofmac.com/space/Projects/imapbackup""" __version__ = "1.4c" __author__ = "Rui Carmo (http://the.taoofmac.com)" __copyright__ = "(C) 2006 Rui Carmo. Code under BSD License.\n(C)" __contributors__ = "Bob Ippolito, Michael Leonhard, Giuseppe Scrivano , Ronan Sheth, Brandon Long" # = Contributors = # Brandon Long (Gmail team): Reminder to use BODY.PEEK instead of BODY # Ronan Sheth: hashlib patch (this now requires Python 2.5, although reverting it back is trivial) # Giuseppe Scrivano: Added support for folders. # Michael Leonhard: LIST result parsing, SSL support, revamped argument processing, # moved spinner into class, extended recv fix to Windows # Bob Ippolito: fix for MemoryError on socket recv, http://python.org/sf/1092502 # Rui Carmo: original author, up to v1.2e # = TODO = # - Add proper exception handlers to scanFile() and downloadMessages() # - Migrate mailbox usage from rfc822 module to email module # - Investigate using the noseek mailbox/email option to improve speed # - Use the email module to normalize downloaded messages # and add missing Message-Id # - Test parseList() and its descendents on other imapds # - Test bzip2 support # - Add option to download only subscribed folders # - Add regex option to filter folders # - Use a single IMAP command to get Message-IDs # - Use a single IMAP command to fetch the messages # - Add option to turn off spinner. Since sys.stdin.isatty() doesn't work on # Windows, redirecting output to a file results in junk output. # - Patch Python's ssl module to do proper checking of certificate chain # - Patch Python's ssl module to raise good exceptions # - Submit patch of socket._fileobject.read # - Improve imaplib module with LIST parsing code, submit patch # DONE: # v1.3c # - Add SSL support # - Support host:port # - Cleaned up code using PyLint to identify problems # pylint -f html --indent-string=" " --max-line-length=90 imapbackup.py > report.html import getpass, os, gc, sys, time, platform, getopt import mailbox, imaplib, socket import re, hashlib, gzip, bz2 class SkipFolderException(Exception): """Indicates aborting processing of current folder, continue with next folder.""" pass class Spinner: """Prints out message with cute spinner, indicating progress""" def __init__(self, message): """Spinner constructor""" self.glyphs = "|/-\\" self.pos = 0 self.message = message sys.stdout.write(message) sys.stdout.flush() self.spin() def spin(self): """Rotate the spinner""" if sys.stdin.isatty(): sys.stdout.write("\r" + self.message + " " + self.glyphs[self.pos]) sys.stdout.flush() self.pos = (self.pos+1) % len(self.glyphs) def stop(self): """Erase the spinner from the screen""" if sys.stdin.isatty(): sys.stdout.write("\r" + self.message + " ") sys.stdout.write("\r" + self.message) sys.stdout.flush() def pretty_byte_count(num): """Converts integer into a human friendly count of bytes, eg: 12.243 MB""" if num == 1: return "1 byte" elif num < 1024: return "%s bytes" % (num) elif num < 1048576: return "%.2f KB" % (num/1024.0) elif num < 1073741824: return "%.3f MB" % (num/1048576.0) elif num < 1099511627776: return "%.3f GB" % (num/1073741824.0) else: return "%.3f TB" % (num/1099511627776.0) # Regular expressions for parsing MSGID_RE = re.compile("^Message\-Id\: (.+)", re.IGNORECASE + re.MULTILINE) BLANKS_RE = re.compile(r'\s+', re.MULTILINE) # Constants UUID = '19AF1258-1AAF-44EF-9D9A-731079D6FAD7' # Used to generate Message-Ids def download_messages(server, filename, messages, config): """Download messages from folder and append to mailbox""" if config['overwrite']: if os.path.exists(filename): print "Deleting", filename os.remove(filename) return [] else: assert('bzip2' != config['compress']) # Open disk file if config['compress'] == 'gzip': mbox = gzip.GzipFile(filename, 'ab', 9) elif config['compress'] == 'bzip2': mbox = bz2.BZ2File(filename, 'wb', 512*1024, 9) else: mbox = file(filename, 'ab') # the folder has already been selected by scanFolder() # nothing to do if not len(messages): print "New messages: 0" mbox.close() return spinner = Spinner("Downloading %s new messages to %s" % (len(messages), filename)) total = biggest = 0 # each new message for msg_id in messages.keys(): # This "From" and the terminating newline below delimit messages # in mbox files buf = "From nobody %s\n" % time.strftime('%a %m %d %H:%M:%S %Y') # If this is one of our synthesised Message-IDs, insert it before # the other headers if UUID in msg_id: buf = buf + "Message-Id: %s\n" % msg_id mbox.write(buf) # fetch message typ, data = server.fetch(messages[msg_id], "RFC822") assert('OK' == typ) text = data[0][1].strip().replace('\r','') mbox.write(text) mbox.write('\n\n') size = len(text) biggest = max(size, biggest) total += size del data gc.collect() spinner.spin() mbox.close() spinner.stop() print ": %s total, %s for largest message" % (pretty_byte_count(total), pretty_byte_count(biggest)) def scan_file(filename, compress, overwrite): """Gets IDs of messages in the specified mbox file""" # file will be overwritten if overwrite: return [] else: assert('bzip2' != compress) # file doesn't exist if not os.path.exists(filename): print "File %s: not found" % (filename) return [] spinner = Spinner("File %s" % (filename)) # open the file if compress == 'gzip': mbox = gzip.GzipFile(filename,'rb') elif compress == 'bzip2': mbox = bz2.BZ2File(filename,'rb') else: mbox = file(filename,'rb') messages = {} # each message i = 0 for message in mailbox.PortableUnixMailbox(mbox): header = '' # We assume all messages on disk have message-ids try: header = ''.join(message.getfirstmatchingheader('message-id')) except KeyError: # No message ID was found. Warn the user and move on print print "WARNING: Message #%d in %s" % (i, filename), print "has no Message-Id header." header = BLANKS_RE.sub(' ', header.strip()) try: msg_id = MSGID_RE.match(header).group(1) if msg_id not in messages.keys(): # avoid adding dupes messages[msg_id] = msg_id except AttributeError: # Message-Id was found but could somehow not be parsed by regexp # (highly bloody unlikely) print print "WARNING: Message #%d in %s" % (i, filename), print "has a malformed Message-Id header." spinner.spin() i = i + 1 # done mbox.close() spinner.stop() print ": %d messages" % (len(messages.keys())) return messages def scan_folder(server, foldername): """Gets IDs of messages in the specified folder, returns id:num dict""" messages = {} spinner = Spinner("Folder %s" % (foldername)) try: typ, data = server.select(foldername, readonly=True) if 'OK' != typ: raise SkipFolderException("SELECT failed: %s" % (data)) num_msgs = int(data[0]) # each message for num in range(1, num_msgs+1): # Retrieve Message-Id, making sure we don't mark all messages as read typ, data = server.fetch(num, '(BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (MESSAGE-ID)])') if 'OK' != typ: raise SkipFolderException("FETCH %s failed: %s" % (num, data)) header = data[0][1].strip() # remove newlines inside Message-Id (a dumb Exchange trait) header = BLANKS_RE.sub(' ', header) try: msg_id = MSGID_RE.match(header).group(1) if msg_id not in messages.keys(): # avoid adding dupes messages[msg_id] = num except (IndexError, AttributeError): # Some messages may have no Message-Id, so we'll synthesise one # (this usually happens with Sent, Drafts and .Mac news) typ, data = server.fetch(num, '(BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (FROM TO CC DATE SUBJECT)])') if 'OK' != typ: raise SkipFolderException("FETCH %s failed: %s" % (num, data)) header = data[0][1].strip() header = header.replace('\r\n','\t') messages['<' + UUID + '.' + hashlib.sha1(header).hexdigest() + '>'] = num spinner.spin() finally: spinner.stop() print ":", # done print "%d messages" % (len(messages.keys())) return messages def parse_paren_list(row): """Parses the nested list of attributes at the start of a LIST response""" # eat starting paren assert(row[0] == '(') row = row[1:] result = [] # NOTE: RFC3501 doesn't fully define the format of name attributes name_attrib_re = re.compile("^\s*(\\\\[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*") # eat name attributes until ending paren while row[0] != ')': # recurse if row[0] == '(': paren_list, row = parse_paren_list(row) result.append(paren_list) # consume name attribute else: match = name_attrib_re.search(row) assert(match != None) name_attrib = row[match.start():match.end()] row = row[match.end():] #print "MATCHED '%s' '%s'" % (name_attrib, row) name_attrib = name_attrib.strip() result.append(name_attrib) # eat ending paren assert(')' == row[0]) row = row[1:] # done! return result, row def parse_string_list(row): """Parses the quoted and unquoted strings at the end of a LIST response""" slist = re.compile('\s*(?:"([^"]+)")\s*|\s*(\S+)\s*').split(row) return [s for s in slist if s] def parse_list(row): """Prases response of LIST command into a list""" row = row.strip() paren_list, row = parse_paren_list(row) string_list = parse_string_list(row) assert(len(string_list) == 2) return [paren_list] + string_list def get_hierarchy_delimiter(server): """Queries the imapd for the hierarchy delimiter, eg. '.' in INBOX.Sent""" # see RFC 3501 page 39 paragraph 4 typ, data = server.list('', '') assert(typ == 'OK') assert(len(data) == 1) lst = parse_list(data[0]) # [attribs, hierarchy delimiter, root name] hierarchy_delim = lst[1] # NIL if there is no hierarchy if 'NIL' == hierarchy_delim: hierarchy_delim = '.' return hierarchy_delim def get_names(server, compress): """Get list of folders, returns [(FolderName,FileName)]""" spinner = Spinner("Finding Folders") # Get hierarchy delimiter delim = get_hierarchy_delimiter(server) spinner.spin() # Get LIST of all folders typ, data = server.list() assert(typ == 'OK') spinner.spin() names = [] # parse each LIST, find folder name for row in data: lst = parse_list(row) foldername = lst[2] suffix = {'none':'', 'gzip':'.gz', 'bzip2':'.bz2'}[compress] filename = '.'.join(foldername.split(delim)) + '.mbox' + suffix names.append((foldername, filename)) # done spinner.stop() print ": %s folders" % (len(names)) return names def print_usage(): """Prints usage, exits""" # " " print "Usage: imapbackup [OPTIONS] -s HOST -u USERNAME [-p PASSWORD]" print " -a --append-to-mboxes Append new messages to mbox files. (default)" print " -y --yes-overwrite-mboxes Overwite existing mbox files instead of appending." print " -n --compress=none Use one plain mbox file for each folder. (default)" print " -z --compress=gzip Use mbox.gz files. Appending may be very slow." print " -b --compress=bzip2 Use mbox.bz2 files. Appending not supported: use -y." print " -f --=folder Specifify which folders use. Comma separated list." print " -e --ssl Use SSL. Port defaults to 993." print " -k KEY --key=KEY PEM private key file for SSL. Specify cert, too." print " -c CERT --cert=CERT PEM certificate chain for SSL. Specify key, too." print " Python's SSL module doesn't check the cert chain." print " -s HOST --server=HOST Address of server, port optional, eg. mail.com:143" print " -u USER --user=USER Username to log into server" print " -p PASS --pass=PASS Prompts for password if not specified." print "\nNOTE: mbox files are created in the current working directory." sys.exit(2) def process_cline(): """Uses getopt to process command line, returns (config, warnings, errors)""" # read command line try: short_args = "aynzbek:c:s:u:p:f:" long_args = ["append-to-mboxes", "yes-overwrite-mboxes", "compress=", "ssl", "keyfile=", "certfile=", "server=", "user=", "pass=", "folders="] opts, extraargs = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], short_args, long_args) except getopt.GetoptError: print_usage() warnings = [] config = {'compress':'none', 'overwrite':False, 'usessl':False} errors = [] # empty command line if not len(opts) and not len(extraargs): print_usage() # process each command line option, save in config for option, value in opts: if option in ("-a", "--append-to-mboxes"): config['overwrite'] = False elif option in ("-y", "--yes-overwrite-mboxes"): warnings.append("Existing mbox files will be overwritten!") config["overwrite"] = True elif option == "-n": config['compress'] = 'none' elif option == "-z": config['compress'] = 'gzip' elif option == "-b": config['compress'] = 'bzip2' elif option == "--compress": if value in ('none', 'gzip', 'bzip2'): config['compress'] = value else: errors.append("Invalid compression type specified.") elif option in ("-e", "--ssl"): config['usessl'] = True elif option in ("-k", "--keyfile"): config['keyfilename'] = value elif option in ("-f", "--folders"): config['folders'] = value elif option in ("-c", "--certfile"): config['certfilename'] = value elif option in ("-s", "--server"): config['server'] = value elif option in ("-u", "--user"): config['user'] = value elif option in ("-p", "--pass"): config['pass'] = value else: errors.append("Unknown option: " + option) # don't ignore extra arguments for arg in extraargs: errors.append("Unknown argument: " + arg) # done processing command line return (config, warnings, errors) def check_config(config, warnings, errors): """Checks the config for consistency, returns (config, warnings, errors)""" if config['compress'] == 'bzip2' and config['overwrite'] == False: errors.append("Cannot append new messages to mbox.bz2 files. Please specify -y.") if config['compress'] == 'gzip' and config['overwrite'] == False: warnings.append( "Appending new messages to mbox.gz files is very slow. Please Consider\n" " using -y and compressing the files yourself with gzip -9 *.mbox") if 'server' not in config : errors.append("No server specified.") if 'user' not in config: errors.append("No username specified.") if ('keyfilename' in config) ^ ('certfilename' in config): errors.append("Please specify both key and cert or neither.") if 'keyfilename' in config and not config['usessl']: errors.append("Key specified without SSL. Please use -e or --ssl.") if 'certfilename' in config and not config['usessl']: errors.append("Certificate specified without SSL. Please use -e or --ssl.") if 'server' in config and ':' in config['server']: # get host and port strings bits = config['server'].split(':', 1) config['server'] = bits[0] # port specified, convert it to int if len(bits) > 1 and len(bits[1]) > 0: try: port = int(bits[1]) if port > 65535 or port < 0: raise ValueError config['port'] = port except ValueError: errors.append("Invalid port. Port must be an integer between 0 and 65535.") return (config, warnings, errors) def get_config(): """Gets config from command line and console, returns config""" # config = { # 'compress': 'none' or 'gzip' or 'bzip2' # 'overwrite': True or False # 'server': String # 'port': Integer # 'user': String # 'pass': String # 'usessl': True or False # 'keyfilename': String or None # 'certfilename': String or None # } config, warnings, errors = process_cline() config, warnings, errors = check_config(config, warnings, errors) # show warnings for warning in warnings: print "WARNING:", warning # show errors, exit for error in errors: print "ERROR", error if len(errors): sys.exit(2) # prompt for password, if necessary if 'pass' not in config: config['pass'] = getpass.getpass() # defaults if not 'port' in config: if config['usessl']: config['port'] = 993 else: config['port'] = 143 # done! return config def connect_and_login(config): """Connects to the server and logs in. Returns IMAP4 object.""" try: assert(not (('keyfilename' in config) ^ ('certfilename' in config))) if config['usessl'] and 'keyfilename' in config: print "Connecting to '%s' TCP port %d," % (config['server'], config['port']), print "SSL, key from %s," % (config['keyfilename']), print "cert from %s " % (config['certfilename']) server = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(config['server'], config['port'], config['keyfilename'], config['certfilename']) elif config['usessl']: print "Connecting to '%s' TCP port %d, SSL" % (config['server'], config['port']) server = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(config['server'], config['port']) else: print "Connecting to '%s' TCP port %d" % (config['server'], config['port']) server = imaplib.IMAP4(config['server'], config['port']) print "Logging in as '%s'" % (config['user']) server.login(config['user'], config['pass']) except socket.gaierror, e: (err, desc) = e print "ERROR: problem looking up server '%s' (%s %s)" % (config['server'], err, desc) sys.exit(3) except socket.error, e: if str(e) == "SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file error": print "ERROR: error reading private key file '%s'" % (config['keyfilename']) elif str(e) == "SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file error": print "ERROR: error reading certificate chain file '%s'" % (config['keyfilename']) else: print "ERROR: could not connect to '%s' (%s)" % (config['server'], e) sys.exit(4) return server def main(): """Main entry point""" try: config = get_config() server = connect_and_login(config) names = get_names(server, config['compress']) if config.get('folders'): dirs = map (lambda x: x.strip(), config.get('folders').split(',')) names = filter (lambda x: x[0] in dirs, names) #for n in range(len(names)): # print n, names[n] for name_pair in names: try: foldername, filename = name_pair fol_messages = scan_folder(server, foldername) fil_messages = scan_file(filename, config['compress'], config['overwrite']) new_messages = {} for msg_id in fol_messages: if msg_id not in fil_messages: new_messages[msg_id] = fol_messages[msg_id] #for f in new_messages: # print "%s : %s" % (f, new_messages[f]) download_messages(server, filename, new_messages, config) except SkipFolderException, e: print e print "Disconnecting" server.logout() except socket.error, e: (err, desc) = e print "ERROR: %s %s" % (err, desc) sys.exit(4) except imaplib.IMAP4.error, e: print "ERROR:", e sys.exit(5) # From http://www.pixelbeat.org/talks/python/spinner.py def cli_exception(typ, value, traceback): """Handle CTRL-C by printing newline instead of ugly stack trace""" if not issubclass(typ, KeyboardInterrupt): sys.__excepthook__(typ, value, traceback) else: sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.stdout.flush() if sys.stdin.isatty(): sys.excepthook = cli_exception # Hideous fix to counteract http://python.org/sf/1092502 # (which should have been fixed ages ago.) # Also see http://python.org/sf/1441530 def _fixed_socket_read(self, size=-1): data = self._rbuf if size < 0: # Read until EOF buffers = [] if data: buffers.append(data) self._rbuf = "" if self._rbufsize <= 1: recv_size = self.default_bufsize else: recv_size = self._rbufsize while True: data = self._sock.recv(recv_size) if not data: break buffers.append(data) return "".join(buffers) else: # Read until size bytes or EOF seen, whichever comes first buf_len = len(data) if buf_len >= size: self._rbuf = data[size:] return data[:size] buffers = [] if data: buffers.append(data) self._rbuf = "" while True: left = size - buf_len recv_size = min(self._rbufsize, left) # the actual fix data = self._sock.recv(recv_size) if not data: break buffers.append(data) n = len(data) if n >= left: self._rbuf = data[left:] buffers[-1] = data[:left] break buf_len += n return "".join(buffers) # Platform detection to enable socket patch if 'Darwin' in platform.platform() and '2.3.5' == platform.python_version(): socket._fileobject.read = _fixed_socket_read if 'Windows' in platform.platform(): socket._fileobject.read = _fixed_socket_read if __name__ == '__main__': gc.enable() main()