Open". (3) Drag the contents of the workbook into the Chameleon app. Just click on the selected text in the new browser window, and drag it anywhere within the Chameleon window. An SVG image should appear in its own window. (4) Click the "Refresh" button in the Chameleon window. Explore the model to confirm that it has the same structure that's specified on this page. Click the "Start" button to start the simulation. Use the "Pause" and "Step" buttons to pause, unpause, and single-step the simulation. (5) Expand the View node, and click the xYChart node to display a line chart. The simulation reaches equilibrium after about 3000 time steps. Although the model is not quantitatively accurate, it is correct in a qualitative sense. It demonstrates conservation of mass and energy. Initially there are 1000 charged particles in the Sun. In the end there are 1000 shortwave and longwave photons in Space. Charged particles in the Sun move through Space to the Earth as shortwave (sw) photons. Some photons are reflected by the Atmosphere, and some are reflected by the Surface. These shortwave photons end up back in Space. Some photons heat up the Atmosphere, increasing its Temperature. Other photons heat up the Surface and increase its Temperature. Heat gradually becomes longwave (lw) radiation that ends up in Space. The simulation stabilizes once all the shortwave and longwave radiation photons are in Space. How to use the three Analysis nodes:: Right-click the AnalysisPetriNet node and select one of the "Special" menu items. Nodes are interpreted in a Petri net way, as Places and Trnsitions. Right-click the AnalysisCRN node and select one of the "Special" menu items. Nodes are interpreted in a Chemical Reaction Network way, as Species and Reactions. Right-click the AnalysisCat node and select one of the "Special" menu items. Nodes are interpreted in a mathematical Category way, as Objects and Morphisms. ]]> <_-.XholonClass> Petri net Climate model ]]>${MODELNAME_DEFAULT},${SVGURI_DEFAULT}