#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'base64' require 'rubygems' require 'mime/types' require 'optparse' ##初期化 with=false ####引数処理 opt = OptionParser.new opt.on( "--tag=[TAG]", "タグに埋め込んだ状態で出力する.デフォルト(MIME判別) "){|arg| case arg when nil with = "img" when false with = false else with = arg end } opt.on("--css", "CSS埋め込み用に展開する .url(\"\") "){ |arg| with = "css"|| arg } opt.parse!(ARGV) ###メイン処理 data_type = MIME::Types.type_for(ARGF.path).first.to_s if with != false then with = "script" if data_type =~/script/i with = "img" if data_type =~/image/i and not with=="css" #with = "embed" if data_type =~/flash/i # no browser support swf in data uri scheme with = "svg" if data_type =~/svg/i end data_str = Base64.encode64(ARGF.read).gsub /\n/,"" src_str = "data:#{data_type};base64,#{data_str}" ##出力処理 case with when "img" puts "" when "script" puts "" when "css" puts "url(\"#{src_str}\"" when "object" puts " " when "embed" puts "" when false puts src_str else puts "<#{with} src=\"#{src_str}\" />" end