#!/usr/bin/perl ###################################################################### # # File : split_updata.pl # Author(s) : McSpoon # Description : Unpack a Huawei U8220 'UPDATA.APP' file. # http://pulse.modaco.com # # Last Modified : Thu 24 December 2009 # By : McSpoon # # Last Modified : Wed 18 June 2010 # By : ZeBadger (z e b a d g e r @ h o t m a i l . c o m) # Comment : Added filename selection # # Last Modified : Wed 19 June 2010 # By : ZeBadger (z e b a d g e r @ h o t m a i l . c o m) # Comment : Added CRC checking # ###################################################################### use strict; use warnings; my $CRC_CHECK= -e "crc" && -x _; my %fileHash=( "\x00\x00\x00\x00", "system.img", "\x00\x00\x00\x10","appsboot.mbn", "\x00\x00\x00\x20","file25.mbn", "\x00\x00\x00\x30","testing.img", "\x00\x00\x00\x40","recovery.img", "\x00\x00\x00\x50","userdata.img", "\x00\x00\x00\x70","unicom.img", "\x00\x00\x00\xB0","FactoryImage.img", "\x00\x00\x00\xC0","file11.mbn", "\x00\x00\x00\xD0","amss.mbn", "\x00\x00\x00\xE0","oemsbl.mbn", "\x00\x00\x00\xE4","splash.raw565", "\x00\x00\x00\xF0","file04.mbn", #oemsblhd.mbn? "\x00\x00\x00\xF1","file07.mbn", "\x00\x00\x00\xF3","file01.mbn", "\x00\x00\x00\xF4","file02.mbn", "\x00\x00\x00\xF5","file14.mbn", "\x00\x00\x00\xF6","boot_versions.txt", "\x00\x00\x00\xF7","upgradable_versions.txt", "\x00\x00\x00\xF8","file09.mbn", "\x00\x00\x00\xF9","version.txt", "\x00\x00\x00\xFA","file20.mbn", "\x00\x00\x00\xFB","appsboothd.mbn", "\x00\x00\x00\xFC","boot.img", "\x00\x00\x00\xFD","file16.mbn", "\x00\x00\x00\xFE","file18.mbn", "\x00\x00\x00\xFF","file21.mbn", "\x00\x00\x10\xF6","file22.txt", ); my $unknown_count=0; # Turn on print flushing. $|++; # Unsigned integers are 4 bytes. use constant UINT_SIZE => 4; # If a filename wasn't specified on the commmand line then # assume the file to be unpacked is under current directory. my $FILENAME = undef; if (@ARGV) { $FILENAME = $ARGV[0]; } else { my @files = `ls`; $FILENAME = $ARGV[0]; foreach (@files){ if(/updata.app/i){ $FILENAME=$_; } } } open(INFILE, $FILENAME) or die "Cannot open $FILENAME: $!\n"; binmode INFILE; # Skip the first 92 bytes, they're blank. #seek(INFILE, 92, 0); # We'll dump the files into a folder called "output". my $fileLoc=0; my $BASEPATH = "output/"; mkdir $BASEPATH; while (!eof(INFILE)) { $fileLoc=&find_next_file($fileLoc); #printf "fileLoc=%x\n",$fileLoc; seek(INFILE, $fileLoc, 0); $fileLoc=&dump_file(); } close INFILE; # Find the next file block in the main file sub find_next_file { my ($_fileLoc) = @_; my $_buffer = undef; my $_skipped=0; read(INFILE, $_buffer, UINT_SIZE); while ($_buffer ne "\x55\xAA\x5A\xA5" && !eof(INFILE)) { read(INFILE, $_buffer, UINT_SIZE); $_skipped+=UINT_SIZE; } return($_fileLoc + $_skipped); } # Unpack a file block and output the payload to a file. sub dump_file { my $buffer = undef; my $outfilename = undef; my $fileSeq; my $calculatedcrc = undef; my $sourcecrc = undef; my $fileChecksum; # Verify the identifier matches. read(INFILE, $buffer, UINT_SIZE); # Packet Identifier unless ($buffer eq "\x55\xAA\x5A\xA5") { die "Unrecognised file format. Wrong identifier.\n"; } read(INFILE, $buffer, UINT_SIZE); # Packet Length. my ($headerLength) = unpack("V", $buffer); read(INFILE, $buffer, 4); # Always 1 read(INFILE, $buffer, 8); # Hardware ID read(INFILE, $fileSeq, 4); # File Sequence #my ($temp)=unpack("V",$fileSeq); #print "fileSeq=$temp\n"; if (exists($fileHash{$fileSeq})) { $outfilename=$fileHash{$fileSeq}; } else { $outfilename="unknown_file.$unknown_count"; printf "Unknown file %s found", slimhexdump($fileSeq); $unknown_count++; } read(INFILE, $buffer, UINT_SIZE); # Data file length my ($dataLength) = unpack("V", $buffer); read(INFILE, $buffer, 16); # File date read(INFILE, $buffer, 16); # File time read(INFILE, $buffer, 16); # The word INPUT ? read(INFILE, $buffer, 16); # Blank read(INFILE, $buffer, 2); # Checksum of the header maybe? read(INFILE, $buffer, 2); # Always 1? read(INFILE, $buffer, 2); # Blank # Grab the checksum of the file read(INFILE, $fileChecksum, $headerLength-98); $sourcecrc=slimhexdump($fileChecksum); # Dump the payload. read(INFILE, $buffer, $dataLength); open(OUTFILE, ">$BASEPATH$outfilename") or die "Unable to create $outfilename: $!\n"; binmode OUTFILE; print OUTFILE $buffer; close OUTFILE; $calculatedcrc=`./crc $BASEPATH$outfilename` if $CRC_CHECK; chomp($calculatedcrc) if $CRC_CHECK; print STDOUT "Extracted $outfilename"; print "\n" if !$CRC_CHECK; if($CRC_CHECK){ if ($calculatedcrc eq $sourcecrc) { print " - CRC Okay\n"; } else { print " - ERROR: CRC did not match\n"; } } # Ensure we finish on a 4 byte boundary alignment. my $remainder = UINT_SIZE - (tell(INFILE) % UINT_SIZE); if ($remainder < UINT_SIZE) { # We can ignore the remaining padding. read(INFILE, $buffer, $remainder); } return (tell(INFILE)); } sub hexdump () { my $num=0; my $i; my $rhs; my $lhs; my ($buf) = @_; my $ret_str=""; foreach $i ($buf =~ m/./gs) { # This loop is to process each character at a time. # $lhs .= sprintf(" %02X",ord($i)); if ($i =~ m/[ -~]/) { $rhs .= $i; } else { $rhs .= "."; } $num++; if (($num % 16) == 0) { $ret_str.=sprintf("%-50s %s\n",$lhs,$rhs); $lhs=""; $rhs=""; } } if (($num % 16) != 0) { $ret_str.=sprintf("%-50s %s\n",$lhs,$rhs); } return ($ret_str); } sub slimhexdump () { my $i; my ($buf) = @_; my $ret_str=""; foreach $i ($buf =~ m/./gs) { # This loop is to process each character at a time. # $ret_str .= sprintf("%02X",ord($i)); } return ($ret_str); }