$ gem RubyGems is a sophisticated package manager for Ruby. This is a basic help message containing pointers to more information. Usage: gem -h/--help gem -v/--version gem command [arguments...] [options...] Examples: gem install rake gem list --local gem build package.gemspec gem help install Further help: gem help commands list all 'gem' commands gem help examples show some examples of usage gem help platforms show information about platforms gem help show help on COMMAND (e.g. 'gem help install') gem server present a web page at http://localhost:8808/ with info about installed gems Further information: http://rubygems.rubyforge.org $ gem help install Usage: gem install GEMNAME [GEMNAME ...] [options] -- --build-flags [options] Options: --platform PLATFORM Specify the platform of gem to install -v, --version VERSION Specify version of gem to install --[no-]prerelease Allow prerelease versions of a gem to be installed. (Only for listed gems) Deprecated Options: -u, --[no-]update-sources Update local source cache Install/Update Options: -i, --install-dir DIR Gem repository directory to get installed gems -n, --bindir DIR Directory where binary files are located -d, --[no-]rdoc Generate RDoc documentation for the gem on install --[no-]ri Generate RI documentation for the gem on install -E, --[no-]env-shebang Rewrite the shebang line on installed scripts to use /usr/bin/env -f, --[no-]force Force gem to install, bypassing dependency checks -w, --[no-]wrappers Use bin wrappers for executables Not available on dosish platforms -P, --trust-policy POLICY Specify gem trust policy --ignore-dependencies Do not install any required dependent gems -y, --include-dependencies Unconditionally install the required dependent gems --[no-]format-executable Make installed executable names match ruby. If ruby is ruby18, foo_exec will be foo_exec18 --[no-]user-install Install in user's home directory instead of GEM_HOME. --development Install any additional development dependencies --conservative Don't attempt to upgrade gems already meeting version requirement Local/Remote Options: -l, --local Restrict operations to the LOCAL domain -r, --remote Restrict operations to the REMOTE domain -b, --both Allow LOCAL and REMOTE operations -B, --bulk-threshold COUNT Threshold for switching to bulk synchronization (default 1000) --clear-sources Clear the gem sources --source URL Add URL as a remote source for gems -p, --[no-]http-proxy [URL] Use HTTP proxy for remote operations Common Options: -h, --help Get help on this command -V, --[no-]verbose Set the verbose level of output -q, --quiet Silence commands --config-file FILE Use this config file instead of default --backtrace Show stack backtrace on errors --debug Turn on Ruby debugging Arguments: GEMNAME name of gem to install Summary: Install a gem into the local repository Description: The install command installs local or remote gem into a gem repository. For gems with executables ruby installs a wrapper file into the executable directory by default. This can be overridden with the --no-wrappers option. The wrapper allows you to choose among alternate gem versions using _version_. For example `rake _0.7.3_ --version` will run rake version 0.7.3 if a newer version is also installed. If an extension fails to compile during gem installation the gem specification is not written out, but the gem remains unpacked in the repository. You may need to specify the path to the library's headers and libraries to continue. You can do this by adding a -- between RubyGems' options and the extension's build options: $ gem install some_extension_gem [build fails] Gem files will remain installed in \ /path/to/gems/some_extension_gem-1.0 for inspection. Results logged to /path/to/gems/some_extension_gem-1.0/gem_make.out $ gem install some_extension_gem -- --with-extension-lib=/path/to/lib [build succeeds] $ gem list some_extension_gem *** LOCAL GEMS *** some_extension_gem (1.0) $ If you correct the compilation errors by editing the gem files you will need to write the specification by hand. For example: $ gem install some_extension_gem [build fails] Gem files will remain installed in \ /path/to/gems/some_extension_gem-1.0 for inspection. Results logged to /path/to/gems/some_extension_gem-1.0/gem_make.out $ [cd /path/to/gems/some_extension_gem-1.0] $ [edit files or what-have-you and run make] $ gem spec ../../cache/some_extension_gem-1.0.gem --ruby > \ ../../specifications/some_extension_gem-1.0.gemspec $ gem list some_extension_gem *** LOCAL GEMS *** some_extension_gem (1.0) $ Defaults: --both --version '>= 0' --rdoc --ri --no-force --install-dir /home/gv/.gem/ruby/1.9.1