// some data used in the examples Ext.namespace('Ext.exampledata'); Ext.exampledata.states = [ ['AL', 'Alabama', 'The Heart of Dixie'], ['AK', 'Alaska', 'The Land of the Midnight Sun'], ['AZ', 'Arizona', 'The Grand Canyon State'], ['AR', 'Arkansas', 'The Natural State'], ['CA', 'California', 'The Golden State'], ['CO', 'Colorado', 'The Mountain State'], ['CT', 'Connecticut', 'The Constitution State'], ['DE', 'Delaware', 'The First State'], ['DC', 'District of Columbia', "The Nation's Capital"], ['FL', 'Florida', 'The Sunshine State'], ['GA', 'Georgia', 'The Peach State'], ['HI', 'Hawaii', 'The Aloha State'] ]; Ext.namespace('Ext.example'); Ext.example.Store = new Ext.data.SimpleStore({ fields: ['id', 'name', 'title'], data : Ext.exampledata.states, /* needed to render in the grid... */ getNamesByIds: function(keyString) { if(keyString==undefined) return null; var keys = keyString.split(','); var text = ''; for(var i=0; i